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Unban Appeal - Kezzet - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Kezzet 

In-game Name: Kena Leppäranta

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198017872832

Ban ID: !!rpuk12273!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9 & C2.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned for transferring items between my own characters.

Why should we unban you ?: I had no intention of exploiting and what happened was an honest mistake.

I decided to switch from my main character to one that I rarely use. Honestly I was just using the alt character to run around robbing pharmacies all over the place, play a petty criminal, and rp with police. This character doesn't have a house, and is basically broke, so I was stashing the pharma drugs in a box, using it as temp storage.

I know this is no excuse, and my own fault, although I hope you can take this into consideration. I haven't played in a long time, and just got back on. Since I have returned, well, I have honestly been awake for 4 days straight playing this, with no sleep. And when I switched back to my main account, I forgot that I was no longer on the alt account and went back to the stash. I slapped myself in the face when the ban message came up and realized what had happened.

I have been playing on this server for years. Never had a ban. My main character has many assets. That it wouldn't make sense that I would intentionally risk all of that for a few pharma drugs. I am in the Padrinos, and consider members of that group as friends, some I even know in personal life. I really wouldn't intentionally risk being unable to spend time with them on the server for that.

I know the rules, I knew that actions like this result in permanent bans with the system you have in place to auto ban for transferring between characters. I feel like an idiot, it was an honest mistake, down to me not having any sleep, and feeling like I was just on auto pilot whilst playing.

I really hope you can take this into consideration. I can promise you if this can be fixed, this won't ever happen again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

This implies all you did was approach the box, open it, and were banned.

Can you give us the full timeline, please

Hello! and thank you for responding so quickly.

What happened was I was on my alt character "Rosvo Ryöväri" which I hopped on sometime before the 8 AM restart. Prior to that I had been on my main account for a few days.

I'm running around trying to make enough money to buy myself a car,  odd jobs, pizza delivery and trying to find people to interact with, cops to have a chase with.
During the morning hours much of it was spent dealing drugs and robbing stores/pharmacies.
Due to not having a place to store them safely I left them in a hidden location to be retrieved later.

I did this for about 4 plus, hours.

right around noon. I went on my main character and then carried on as if I were on my alt, because at some point I thought I was still my alt, even though I was actually on the main character.

I did approach the box, open it and take the contents I had stashed away, hoping to find someone willing to buy the pharmaceuticals.
Whilst unaware I'm no longer playing on my alt.

In all honesty my memory is a bit foggy on what exactly happened.
I was on "autopilot"

I only realized what had happened the moment I was kicked and saw that I had been banned. I hope this answers your question, if by timeline, you mean the past 4 days, I can't remember. I was only playing with my main during that time, until today.

I am happy to answer anymore questions.
I'm happy to talk to you on a Discord voice channel, I think it may be easier to explain


Hello there @Kezzet

@Nikolai, @Stuartand myself talked with Kezzet on TeamSpeak in regards to this appeal, thankfully thanks to his better understanding of the rules and a long conversation we were more than happy to unban him. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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