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Unban Appeal - kezmurph67 - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Kez Murph
Steam ID: 76561199153821177
Ban ID (just the numbers): 48001
Ban Reason: Meta gaming, breaking roleplay G1.1 G1.2 G3.1
Why do you think you were banned: believe i was banned for meta gaming/ being accused of meta gaming and also my lack of response to the report.
Why should we unban you: First appeal ''First of all I would like to say I'm deeply sorry for my lack of response and if I have broken any of the server rules, I did not check forums or receive notifications on discord so my bad on that one. I have been a member of this server for 4 years since 2020 and I love roleplay.co.uk, I would never want to break any rules or do anything to put myself in this position. I also make tik tok content on the server with a following of 48000 followers and I would love to continue roleplaying in this server and making content on it that's appropriate and not breaking the rules. There was 8 Scottish voices on the radio informing us all to go down to docs to help plonker which we all did, we had beef with the 'Tory's' previously that day but again I am deeply sorry for my lack of response and if I have broken any server rules. really hope you can reconsider my ban and If so I will make sure the rules are followed blindly. Sorry Kezmurph67.''

Staff response ''Good evening @kezmurph67

I hope all is well today?

I can tell you are sorry for not responding to the report that was made against yourself but what about the rule breaking? You haven't really touched on the rule breaking and put more effort in to talking about your tiktok following. To be very blunt with you, I do not care about your following on tiktok, I care about the rules that were broken and your explanation to breaking them rules.
Try again with more effort and talk about the rules that were actually broken'' Just copied this in here so its included on this new appeal sorry.

Thank you again for your feedback on my previous appeal. I would like to sincerely apologize for not addressing the rule-breaking directly earlier and for any confusion or frustration my previous appeal may have caused. I also now understand that mentioning my TikTok following was irrelevant to this process, and I will focus strictly on addressing the rule violations and clarifying the events.

Rule Violations:

Random Vehicle Death Match (RVDM - G1.1):
I understand that using a vehicle as a weapon without a valid roleplay reason is against the rules. I would like to clarify that, during this situation, I was responding to information I received over the in-game radio about a conflict that involved people with whom my character already had “beef.” We had interacted earlier in the day after they had taken my friend, and the tensions between us were in-character and ongoing. However, I now see how using a vehicle in the situation may have been perceived as violating the RVDM rule. I regret any disruption this caused and will ensure that I follow proper roleplay guidelines when using vehicles in the future.

Random Death Match (RDM - G1.2):
I acknowledge that more effort could have been made to create a meaningful roleplay interaction before engaging in violence. Given the pre-existing tension between our groups and the situation where my friend had been taken, I believed I had enough in-character motivation for my actions. However, I now realize that my approach may not have met the server’s standards for quality roleplay. I apologize for this and will work harder to ensure that future encounters are more immersive and provide adequate time for all parties to engage in roleplay before any violent action is taken.

Meta-Gaming (G3.1):
I would also like to address the accusation of meta-gaming. All the information I acted upon during the incident was received in-character through in-game radio communication. At no point did I use any out-of-character information to influence my actions. However, I understand how this might have been misconstrued as meta-gaming, and I sincerely apologize for any confusion. Moving forward, I will be more cautious to ensure that there is no misunderstanding about the source of my information, and I will strictly adhere to the boundaries between in-character and out-of-character knowledge.

Final Thoughts:

I deeply regret any negative impact my actions may have had on the roleplay experience and the community. I have taken the time to re-read the server rules and fully understand where I went wrong. I am committed to improving my roleplay and ensuring that I strictly follow all guidelines moving forward. I genuinely hope for a second chance to return to the server and demonstrate that I can be a positive and respectful member of the community.

Thank you again for considering my revised appeal, and I appreciate your time.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes