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Unban Appeal - kebabunban - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Riccardo Genovese
Steam ID: 76561198797581483
Ban ID (just the numbers): 000000
Ban Reason: Banned from discord, unaware of the specific rule.
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned approximately 7 months ago due to making some inappropriate comments in groups. I involved myself into a heated debate in the groups channel of RPUK.
Why should we unban you: Hello, around 7 months ago I made some distasteful comments in groups regarding other peoples beliefs and so on, looking back at the situation I am able to recognise it was unacceptable behaviour from me and I should have removed myself from the situation at the time, if given the chance to return back to the community I wholeheartedly promise that I will not involve myself in such situations like I did before.

Due to the situation happening a while ago, I can't fully remember the others involved but would like to apologise to anyone who I may have offended with the comments, I was genuinely struggling at the time with other personal issues to which I should not have allowed them to alter the way I speak to others but inevitably I ended up here. Looking back at this now I can't imagine how the people I spoke badly about must have felt and I'm truly sorry for my vile behaviour.

I understand the rule I breached (C1.2 Discrimination) is a vital rule to this server. People may get on the server as a form of escape and shouldn't receive abuse for their background or beliefs. I'm aware I have broken the trust between myself and the staff team but I believe the only way to move forward from it is time. I can assure if given another chance to be let into this community I would not partake in such drama, nor would I even think about butting in. The rule I broke is severe and I understand that unbanning me will be a tough decision for the staff team, I'm available whenever needed to add to my unban appeal or even discuss it further.

I've spent majority of the 7 months away from my PC in general and have recently found some free time that I'd be able to get on the server. I consider myself a valuable member to this community, I have been here over 3 years and over my time on the server I have provided countless valuable RP encounters to people and strive to make the situations I'm involved in enjoyable and inclusive for all parties involved. Towards the time I got banned I understand that my roleplay was subpar and to which I regret allowing it to swoop so far down. During this time away from the server I've worked towards becoming a more positive individual and I believe if allowed back I can go back to providing quality roleplay for others.

I'm conscious of the fact I don't have the best history but I was not in the best frame of mind and can assure over the past 7 months my attitude and state of health has improved significantly like I mentioned. I'm not the same person like I used to be and I believe I have changed, for good. If something happens IRL that negatively impacts me, I can assure you I wont be letting it into this community.

I appreciate the staff member/s taking the time out of their day to read through my appeal and I'm more than happy to discuss anything you wish to.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Few questions for you. Can you provide your discord ID here?

Also how many forum accounts do you have? If it's more than one explain why.
@Stuart Hello Stuart and thank you for replying to me,

My discord ID is: 394655988591886336

As to how many forum accounts I have I believe its 3, however I made this account for this specific appeal as I don't remember what email I previously used for my other accounts. I'll look into this and try to recover my main account. Apologies if this has caused any inconvenience for you.
Hey @kebabunban

No worries. Thank you for the information, I was mainly double checking as the last forum account used for your appeal was different so this way we ensure this account is yours. I would say you could make a ticket for us to assist with the forum accounts ect however as it stands it's not possible due to you being banned.

IF you are unbanned throughout this process or in the future this is an option you can use and we will be able to assist get just one account. Anyway back to the appeal at hand.

Looking over the ban I remember it very well and I must say I was very disappointed seeing you break such rules and act in the way you did.

I understand the rule I breached (C1.2 Discrimination) is a vital rule to this server. People may get on the server as a form of escape and shouldn't receive abuse for their background or beliefs. I'm aware I have broken the trust between myself and the staff team but I believe the only way to move forward from it is time.
You are correct by this statement and indeed by doing such things and being back here you do break the trust we put into yourself in this case.

I can assure if given another chance to be let into this community I would not partake in such drama,
From reading the appeal I am getting the vibe you are simply just saying "I'm sorry, Won't happen again" and not really explaining much of anything.

I want to know why this happened in the first place. No need to repeat what you did say but I'd like to know why it was said, What was going on?

Looking at your record this is now your seventh ban, Two of the seven have been permanent bans. Whilst yes this has been over the span of three years it's still a lot of bans for one to receive.

Why should we entertain the idea of allowing you back given your history?
Good morning Stuart and thank you for the reply,

Apologies for the late reply I've not had the chance to get on the PC.

I want to know why this happened in the first place. No need to repeat what you did say but I'd like to know why it was said, What was going on?
Okay so as far as I can remember there was an argument in groups between a few people at the time about the state of the server and something along those lines to which I don't remember the specific details but I do remember the general argument. I believe it then escalated to more personal comments being said from others which have also been banned for a similar reason. In my case, I began instigating as I thought at the time It would be seen as funny and I didn't think much of it. Looking back at it now I was not in the place to bring up such vulgar comments about other peoples personal beliefs and ideologies, there was no specific motive behind me butting into the argument other than to have a laugh. This than escalated into a more serious argument between a select few of us and It should not have got that far, I'm not in the place to be dictating peoples lives and I shouldn't have at the time, I can only apologise for my actions and for the people I have caused any harm to then. I underestimated the seriousness of the matter then and quite frankly I should have stayed out of it when I think about it.

Looking at your record this is now your seventh ban, Two of the seven have been permanent bans. Whilst yes this has been over the span of three years it's still a lot of bans for one to receive.
As to my bans I believe my first permanent ban was a false alarm as another person got banned for the same thing and than later unbanned, there was a staff ticket made about it but I'm not sure if its still accessible. Still no excuse for my history.

Why should we entertain the idea of allowing you back given your history?
My history has not been the cleanest I 100% agree, I've spent many hours on the server doing all types of roleplay, ranging from when I first started being a police officer for a while to then creating criminal characters that later evolved and joined other organisations etc, it was a learning curve at the start and I picked up my first 2 bans in a short period of time. No matter how much I write and ramble on trying to convince you and the staff team, you'll still have the thought in the back of your head and to which that's totally understandable. The server used to be an escape for me back in the day and its only foolish how I have ended up here, I miss the late nights on this server and as my life have drastically changed from back when I used to play I want to experience the good moments I had on the server again and enjoy it like I used to. Quite frankly my actions have caused people to feel confronted and attacked when they shouldn't have as many people are in this community expecting a friendly and welcoming environment where they don't expect to be judged for their personal beliefs. The only way I believe I can prove to you that I'm serious about this is through my actions, IF I'm unbanned and allowed back into the community I will bring back the quality RP I used to bring and I most definitely wont bringing any negative things into the community.

I appreciate you through reading through this and I'm open to discuss things at any time.
Good morning Stuart and thank you for the reply,

Apologies for the late reply I've not had the chance to get on the PC.
Afternoon Riccardo,

It's all good, I'm working nights so my responses are also slower than normal!

Okay so as far as I can remember there was an argument in groups between a few people at the time about the state of the server and something along those lines to which I don't remember the specific details but I do remember the general argument. I believe it then escalated to more personal comments being said from others which have also been banned for a similar reason. In my case, I began instigating as I thought at the time It would be seen as funny and I didn't think much of it. Looking back at it now I was not in the place to bring up such vulgar comments about other peoples personal beliefs and ideologies, there was no specific motive behind me butting into the argument other than to have a laugh. This than escalated into a more serious argument between a select few of us and It should not have got that far, I'm not in the place to be dictating peoples lives and I shouldn't have at the time, I can only apologise for my actions and for the people I have caused any harm to then. I underestimated the seriousness of the matter then and quite frankly I should have stayed out of it when I think about it.
Indeed, When I do ask questions I'm not looking for exactly what was said for obvious reasons so having it generalised helps as I know what you are talking about (From looking back at the chat there).

Why would you think such things are funny? I'd like to understand this as I'm struggling to wrap my head around it.

I agree it went too far and it shouldn't of, So with that why didn't you become the bigger person and stop and walk away?

As to my bans I believe my first permanent ban was a false alarm as another person got banned for the same thing and than later unbanned, there was a staff ticket made about it but I'm not sure if its still accessible. Still no excuse for my history.
Yep you are correct, I did double check the first permanent ban and we revoked that, So would be 1 permanent ban and 6 in total. With your record in mind why do you keep breaking the rules? Someone in your position one would think you'd be more careful not to get another ban no?

it was a learning curve at the start and I picked up my first 2 bans in a short period of time.
Mind explaining this a bit more for me please?

The server used to be an escape for me back in the day and its only foolish how I have ended up here
So the community used to be an escape for you before, What about now? As if I'm reading this right it's in the past tense meaning it doesn't apply now?

Quite frankly my actions have caused people to feel confronted and attacked when they shouldn't have as many people are in this community expecting a friendly and welcoming environment where they don't expect to be judged for their personal beliefs.
I couldn't agree more. It's not the place for it. We are all here for numerous reasons, However the one thing we all want is a fun time roleplaying and enjoying ourselves. Indeed no one should have to be judged for their personal beliefs.
Afternoon Riccardo,

It's all good, I'm working nights so my responses are also slower than normal!
Good afternoon Stuart,

All good no rush thank you for finding the time out of your day to reply.

Why would you think such things are funny? I'd like to understand this as I'm struggling to wrap my head around it.
At the time I thought butting in and saying all of that would be classed as funny as my behaviour was immature and stemmed from a lack of empathy, not that I had any hatred towards the person, I was looking for a reaction out of them and to which I shouldn't have done at all. I can't imagine how they must be feeling as putting myself in their shoes, I most certainly wouldn't be very happy. To be more blunt I thought trolling would be seen as funny by others but I was completely wrong, I took it way too far and out of hand.
I agree it went too far and it shouldn't of, So with that why didn't you become the bigger person and stop and walk away?
To be completely transparent with you Stuart that thought did not cross my mind at the time, I was intent on trying to get a reaction out of that person and then I got banned from the discord. Like I said back then I was immature and lacked understanding of other peoples personal ideologies and how confronting them about it can be seen as disrespectful and aggressive. Being the bigger person was not something I was acknowledging to which I deeply regret now and I should have done so at the time.

Yep you are correct, I did double check the first permanent ban and we revoked that, So would be 1 permanent ban and 6 in total. With your record in mind why do you keep breaking the rules? Someone in your position one would think you'd be more careful not to get another ban no?
After getting the first two bans in the start of my time on this server I took that as a lesson and properly read up on the rules to make sure I wouldn't make the same mistakes again. For quite a while my record was clean as far as I can remember and towards the end the bans began adding up as I unintentionally made mistakes that cost me my right of playing on the server, I have no excuse for my history and I take responsibility for everything. I tried to be more careful but clearly not enough, I ended up here and its not somewhere I'm keen to be.
Mind explaining this a bit more for me please?
My first two bans were in the span of a week I'm pretty sure and they were because I didn't properly educate myself over the rules and I was purely a baldie at the time playing as police.
So the community used to be an escape for you before, What about now? As if I'm reading this right it's in the past tense meaning it doesn't apply now?
The community used to be an escape from me as I found joy playing with my fellow mates and exploring different avenues of roleplay, It was an escape as I could get on the server and socialise with people and purely have a good time, having good banter and making new connections. Unfortunately due to my actions I now cant log on to the server anymore or even be a part of the community to which I'm disappointed in myself for as I genuinely had fun playing on the server and over these months that I have been banned miss that feeling of hopping on and finding new things to do. I have only myself to blame for all of this and I regret causing this uproar as It has stripped me from the community I spent so much time on and that I enjoyed being a member of.
I couldn't agree more. It's not the place for it. We are all here for numerous reasons, However the one thing we all want is a fun time roleplaying and enjoying ourselves. Indeed no one should have to be judged for their personal beliefs
I wholeheartedly agree with you that no one should be judged for their personal beliefs. Each person's beliefs are shaped by their unique experiences and upbringing to which they are entitled to. This community is an escape for many and I deeply regret making people feel as if they are unwanted in this community. Its not my place to say at all and I should have kept my mouth shut.

Yet again thank you for taking the time out of your day to read through my appeal. Happy to answer any questions at any time.
At the time I thought butting in and saying all of that would be classed as funny as my behaviour was immature and stemmed from a lack of empathy, not that I had any hatred towards the person, I was looking for a reaction out of them and to which I shouldn't have done at all. I can't imagine how they must be feeling as putting myself in their shoes, I most certainly wouldn't be very happy. To be more blunt I thought trolling would be seen as funny by others but I was completely wrong, I took it way too far and out of hand.
I'm all for having a laugh and a joke however there is a limit to where we would all stop. With the issue you have found that you did see the line and jumped right over it. Why we're you looking for a reaction of the person? What fuelled this?

To be completely transparent with you Stuart that thought did not cross my mind at the time, I was intent on trying to get a reaction out of that person and then I got banned from the discord. Like I said back then I was immature and lacked understanding of other peoples personal ideologies and how confronting them about it can be seen as disrespectful and aggressive. Being the bigger person was not something I was acknowledging to which I deeply regret now and I should have done so at the time.
So lets say we did give you another chance, How can we be sure that this wouldn't happen again? As you've mentioned here it didn't cross your mind to stop. What's saying there wouldn't be a next time?

My first two bans were in the span of a week I'm pretty sure and they were because I didn't properly educate myself over the rules and I was purely a baldie at the time playing as police.
Indeed the first few bans we're when you we're playing Jason not long after you did join us in 2021.

The community used to be an escape from me as I found joy playing with my fellow mates and exploring different avenues of roleplay, It was an escape as I could get on the server and socialise with people and purely have a good time, having good banter and making new connections. Unfortunately due to my actions I now cant log on to the server anymore or even be a part of the community to which I'm disappointed in myself for as I genuinely had fun playing on the server and over these months that I have been banned miss that feeling of hopping on and finding new things to do. I have only myself to blame for all of this and I regret causing this uproar as It has stripped me from the community I spent so much time on and that I enjoyed being a member of.
Indeed as mentioned you do only have yourself to blame for this and not being able to hop on and have fun and enjoy the community.

I wholeheartedly agree with you that no one should be judged for their personal beliefs. Each person's beliefs are shaped by their unique experiences and upbringing to which they are entitled to. This community is an escape for many and I deeply regret making people feel as if they are unwanted in this community. Its not my place to say at all and I should have kept my mouth shut.
Agreed! We all have different backrounds and life experiences however the one thing we all have in common is the enjoyment for roleplay and having that escapism available to us. We shouldn't have to deal with anything like this when we are trying to let our real lives at the door before connecting into the server.

So tell me, Should we give you a chance what are your plans? What I mean by this is what do you plan to do on the server?
I'm all for having a laugh and a joke however there is a limit to where we would all stop. With the issue you have found that you did see the line and jumped right over it. Why we're you looking for a reaction of the person? What fuelled this?
I fully agree with you that there's a limit when I look back at this now, at the time that limit so to say did not cross my thought process to which I'm ashamed for, the reason as to why I was looking for a reaction is primarily because I jumped on the bandwagon in the middle of the argument and tried to troll. It was nothing to do with the person because of who they are or anything like that but It was more so because some of the people I knew were doing it so I thought to myself I should too. I was very, very wrong. I'm ashamed to say that my old immature side fuelled this conflict that happened, its not something I'm proud of whatsoever.
So lets say we did give you another chance, How can we be sure that this wouldn't happen again? As you've mentioned here it didn't cross your mind to stop. What's saying there wouldn't be a next time?
If given the opportunity to be allowed back into RPUK again I will prove to you that this will not happen by simply staying out of arguments or any conflict that could arise. Like I previously mentioned in another reply I have changed over these last few months and I'm not the same person looking for a reaction like I did before. There's only so much I can do to convince you in my appeal but If unbanned I will stay true to my word and I will not disappoint. I can assure you there wont be a next time as I will stay out of it and not involve myself with heated arguments so to say.
Indeed the first few bans we're when you we're playing Jason not long after you did join us in 2021.
I remember them times like it was last week, time flies man.
Indeed as mentioned you do only have yourself to blame for this and not being able to hop on and have fun and enjoy the community.
Yeah I only have myself to blame, my immature and inconsiderate actions have caused me to be removed from this community.
Agreed! We all have different backrounds and life experiences however the one thing we all have in common is the enjoyment for roleplay and having that escapism available to us. We shouldn't have to deal with anything like this when we are trying to let our real lives at the door before connecting into the server.
I totally agree with you Stuart, you couldn't have said it any better. This community is place for us to unwind and explore different avenues of roleplay. Not to be judged for our personal beliefs.
So tell me, Should we give you a chance what are your plans? What I mean by this is what do you plan to do on the server?
Should I be given another chance my plans would be to log on and see how the server has changed whilst I have been banned, I will try and explore all parts of the server again. I could also consider looking into legal sides of RP too. Mainly I would love to reconnect with the people I was close with at the time and catch up with everything that I have missed. Quite frankly I couldn't tell you everything that I would do if I'm unbanned as stuff just unwinds for me as I play, but I know for a fact I need to catch up on things, there was a lot of loose ends that needed sorting out at the time of my ban so I'll need to tie them off if allowed back in.

Once again thank you Stuart for reading through my appeal and as always I'm open to discuss things at any time!
Good evening/morning @kebabunban

I hope all is well today?

It is disappointing to see you here, I remember meeting you not long after I first joined this server, you were lovely and helped my group of friends, what happened to that person?

How can we be sure you won't go back in to the same mind set that led to you receiving this ban?

I would like to touch back a bit on your plan for if you were to be unbanned, what do you have planned in terms of roleplay? Gang/group life? Civ life maybe? You have mentioned about a possible legal side? Is there Any more flesh you can give to this.
Good evening @Jessie Bennett ,

Having a pretty chilled out day today, how about you?
It is disappointing to see you here, I remember meeting you not long after I first joined this server, you were lovely and helped my group of friends, what happened to that person?
I completely agree that its disappointing to see me here appealing, to be fully honest I don't know what happened to my character being friendly and a chilled person. That persona changed as I joined Hustlers. To try and fit in with the group I became a part of I shifted the way I treated other people. As the gang/group were notorious for being ruthless in terms of criminal activity on the server. I never meant any harm by this, I tried to put on a character.
How can we be sure you won't go back in to the same mind set that led to you receiving this ban?
There's only so much I can write here to convince the way you guys perceive me as an individual and a member of this community. I hope that I can change that through my actions if I were to be welcomed back into RPUK. Like I said before I'm most definitely not the same person that I was back then and I'm willing to prove this to the community as a whole by any means necessary.
I would like to touch back a bit on your plan for if you were to be unbanned, what do you planned in terms of roleplay? Gang/group life? Civ life maybe? You have mentioned about a possible legal side? Is there Any more flesh you can give to this.
Group/gang life is something I used to enjoy on this server, I was originally a Police officer before any gang and it led to me making a new character to experience the criminal side of the server years ago. Its safe to say that I transitioned over from the legal side to the illegal side of the server and stayed that way for quite a while. I wouldn't oppose to being in a group/gang again if it fit into roleplay sense and they were people I got along with. Same goes with Police as well, I aim to balance legal/illegal avenues of roleplay. I used to enjoy being Police as its how I first began on RPUK, if not police than even NHS or G6 as specifically for NHS I have never been able to experience that side of RP. This is what I want to do if I'm allowed back on the server, I want to branch out to many different avenues of roleplay as it keeps things feeling fresh and more interesting.
Good evening @kebabunban

I am well thank you, enjoying the bank holiday weekend.

Now you do not have the best record here and it makes me wonder how many more chances do you expect to be given? The reason for this ban should not have happened in the first place and it will never be tolerated. After a small discussion with Stuart and you taking full accountability for this I am willing to give you a last chance on the server, I hope you do not waste this chance.

Going forward I would expect to see you be a welcoming member of this community and not fall back into the toxic attitude you once had.

As for the RP you wish to go into, that is going to be entirely up to you. Playing legal and crim is a good way to experience both sides of RP and will allow you to see a bigger picture.

I hope you do not throw this chance back in my face, I do believe people can change, grow and mature.

Any bans you receive within the 6 months will bring you back here and I highly doubt any appeal will be entertained

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