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Unban Appeal - KearnW - GTA RP

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Well-known member
The Barrio

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Kearn Welsh
Steam ID: 76561199102542137
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17344
Ban Reason: G3.1 and C2.2
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned as part of the 3rd person shooting exploit wave and also for metagaming, having conversation ooc about things that were still going on within rp.
Why should we unban you: Hello again to all reading and thank you to staff for taking time out their day to read this unban request,

I understand fully why i was banned, messages had been sent in discord not long after a fight had taken place with cutlass, where the screenshots had been sent into RPUK groups discord and then when i got home i was banned.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that it wasn't meant or that it wasn't this or that, it's not in my interest to lie to you all, however those messages had been sent after police had taken over the scene and turned up and escorted us into the hanger.
I am not saying this as an excuse i just want you to know fully what happened as far as i can remember. I knew fine rightly i should not have been using discord whilst i was still mid RP with police, and that should have been the thing i focused on rather than how many of Vagos members had went down.

I fully hold my hands up to the fact i shouldn't have been doing it and why exactly it was metagaming, I've been here long enough to know better than to be doing that sort of stuff.

Moving onto the other reason to why i was banned, i was hit with the 3rd person shooting exploit ban, again there was a few times where i had used this exploit when messing around with mates, early hours of the morning and stuff like that, not that is any excuse.
I would also like to bolt onto the back of that the fact that the day before the ban i probably flagged up as 3rd person exploiting, this was in a fight with cutlass where i pulled a machine pistol out whilst in a car and started trying to shoot, i would like to say as soon as i realised i put the gun away and pulled it out again to sort this issue, although it caused me to die, but i just want to be transparent about this also.

Now, moving forward there are a few things that did lead to certain things being said and the way some things panned out the way they did in regards to Metagaming, and i am more than happy to explain why in a call or in a ticket, i don't feel comfortable discussing some of the things here on the forums as they aren't things everyone should be aware of, again its not an excuse to why i metagamed, just a slight insight into why, as i know it comes across as a "win mentality" situation, however i can assure you i have no care for winning, as long as the RP is high.

I have been gone now for the period of 6 months, i could sit here and lie to you telling you i haven't played anything, ive not been doing this and that and have took a step back from my computer, that would be a lie.
I have however played on some other servers including whitelisted ones, and honestly i just felt my RP was shut out at every oppurtinity, so i have been actively trying to RP in other servers, but most just aren't serious.
I have been a long standing member in the community now, and genuinely feel i have alot to offer the server as both a crim and as another character that i'd like to explore, i won't go into it too much unless you ask, i don't want to ruin some things on the forums.

RP i have provided in the past has had praise, and a lot of it has came from gang activity, as i had my character working at legit buisness' in the past, it was more about messing around and having a laugh than actually RPing.
This being said i would like to obviously have a character on the "right" side of the law as i feel me having only mained as a crim character mostly, i feel like maybe i could offer a lot of good RP in another aspect.

There is also the fact i miss being able to log on and have fun and RP with mates i have made over the years along with the fact that both my Dad and brother are now playing RPUK it makes me more determined to actually play the server as intended instead of treating it like a game, this is the only real way the 3 of us can communicate simultaneously while having a laugh and joke as we all live in different countries and it will be something that I'm sure the 3 of us will enjoy.

Again, thank you for taking the time for reading.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @KearnW ,

Can you explain in your own words why metagaming is a serious issue in a roleplay server? How does it impact the experience for others?

What steps have you taken to better understand the server rules, mainly (C2.2) Exploiting and (G3.1) OOC Information, since your ban?

You mentioned using third-person shooting "when messing around with mates." Have you done this against other gangs or players?
Hello mate,

Yeah of course I can.

By me metagaming it takes away other peoples experience massively, I’ve gained an unfair advantage then by using ooc methods, and in a sense cheated, and those people would feel cheated, I know first hand as I’ve experienced it before, it isn’t fun and realistically there is/was no excuse for it at all, I know better than that, it doesn’t just impact the role play in that exact moment, it impacts it further and makes people less likely want to have an organic interaction with you as you’ve basically cheated before.

As far as I can remember with 3rd person shooting, there was 3 times I had used it while fighting but they has been by accident honestly and as soon as I was in 3rd person I put my gun away and back out to sort the issue, nonetheless I had used it multiple times while messing with friends like I had said, which doesn’t make it any better.

But I can’t remember actually having an unfair advantage while actively shooting gangs or other players, those times were only mistakes that led to me being killed anyways.

Thanks for your reply.

You’ve stated you only recall using third-person shooting three times. However, we have evidence that it was used at least seven times, particularly during combat situations. Can you help us understand why your recollection differs?
Honestly I don’t really remember to be honest with you, I was just gauging with, it could have been more or it could have been less, after a while of realising how buggy things were around the 3rd person stuff at the time, I had to put my weapon in my had to 100% make sure it wasn’t popping me into 3rd person whilst in a car.
With it being around 6 months ago I couldn’t tell you straight up yes or no to an exact amount of times it had happened.

all I do know is that it was super buggy after staff and devs had been made aware of the glitch and I didn’t purposely use this in fights to gain an advantage over people, and other times I had completely avoided being in a car to stop this happening as it was doing my head.

All I can do is apologise and tell you that nothing like that would ever happen again.

You’ve mentioned repeatedly that the glitch was “super buggy” and difficult to control. If that was the case, why didn’t you report this to the staff team by opening a ticket or post a bug report?

While you apologized, you also stated that you “didn’t purposely use this in fights to gain an advantage.” Can you explain why the evidence observes you shooting while in third person?
Good evening mate.

I had previously opened a ticket to show staff that this was the case and was told that they were aware and that it was going to be looked into.

I don't know what to tell you to be honest, there was a bunch of old clips (before the change to 1st person) that i had uploaded to medal months after they had been actually clipped as i was going through my PC trying to clear space up, it could have been a case of that, because i genuinely don't ever remember using it unless it was an accident, there were probably times early on that i been put into 3rd person and carried on firing as i was already in 3rd person, but after i had opened a ticket i tried to stay out of cars as much as i could.

Thanks for your reply.

You mentioned that “there were probably times early on that I had been put into third person and carried on firing.”, do you understand why staff would consider this as exploiting, regardless of whether it was intentional or not?

If you were trying to avoid using cars to prevent the glitch,, why does the evidence suggest otherwise? Can you explain this contradiction?

Can you provide examples of steps you took to actively avoid triggering this bug?

Why would you continue engaging in third-person shooting after knowing its a bug, instead of immediately stopping and reporting it again if necessary?
Yeah i fully understand why that has and is considered exploiting, whether it was meant or not i was still somewhat gaining an upperhand, so i can understand why this has had to happen.

In some scenarios i was forced to be in a car and thats when i've shot or i've been shot at forcing me to respond in the same manner.

I had openly started decamping about 400m meters away and running into places where i could have been shot at instead of driving past in cars and being forced into another situation where i accidentally could have been placed into 3rd person.

the times i had been placed into 3rd person, i figured i was already in 3rd person and a few of those times before that i had stopped and had been killed as a result of trying to get out of 3rd person, its no excuse to continue using it however.

How frequently did you or your gang engage in external communications during RP situations, especially in active combat situations?

Why did you feel the need to use Discord to communicate during this situation instead of relying on in game communication methods?
We genuinely never hadn't spoken about anything in game until after we had logged off meaning that we couldn't have gotten into trouble for any type of meta.

At the time i had been downed and was in police custody at the side of the hanger in LSIA, i thought i would have been okay to ask what i did and see what was going on as i was going to find out later IC as i would have been going to jail and not dying, however that was at the time of the event.

Now looking at it, and to be fair even only a few days after it happened i knew i shouldn't have even bothered until i had logged off for the night, its something that annoyed me becasue i had never done it before.

It wasnt really a feeling of needing to know, i was just being nosey and seeing what the craic was with the rest of the lads as i had seen there was quite a few of us inside the hanger.

Can you explain, why you think you've been banned for metagaming?
I was talking about something that happened literally 5 minutes before, whilst still in RP, i should of been focused on giving more RP to the police who were treating injuries.

On top of this i think i said there was 1 in my car or something along those lines, clearly calling out another gang members posistion all via ~OOC methods, gives an unfair advantage to whoever reads it and calls out a location for them to check, it was dumb and out of character for me, and took away from other peoples RP.

Was this the only time where you or your gang used OOC during an active RP situation? If not, can you outline the other scenarios?

What steps will you take to be sure that neither you or your gang uses external communications again?

You mentioned taking away from the police’s RP experience. How do you think your actions impacted their roleplay, and how would you approach these scenarios differently if unbanned?
#i cant think of another scenario where we did to be honest. it was a long time ago but nothing sticks out at me, normally we all spoke ooc after we had logged out.

Honestly i'm 90% sure that the lads still in vagos dont even use the discord at all and its more just for chatting about random stuff, like the football etc.

I feel like i took away with giving them high quality RP which i am normally pretty good at especially when i am downed, and try give as much in depth RP for them to give back to me, its normall quite fun.

If i were to be unbanned i'd be trying my best to give the absolute best RP i can and what i know i am capable of.

Hello @KearnW ,

After carefully reviewing your responses and considering your actions that led to your ban, I have decided to give you one final opportunity to contribute positively to the server.

However, this decision comes with certain expectations. We expect you to roleplay to a high degree as everyone else should. If at any point your roleplay is not in line with how we expect or if you fail to contribute positively to the community, your ban could be reinstated without further appeal.

We're willing to welcome you back to RPUK under the following conditions:

  1. You must adhere strictly to all Community and Server Rules at all times.
  2. Any violation of server rules within the next 6 months will result in an immediate permanent ban.
  3. Additionally, if you are permanently banned within this 6 month period, you will be required to wait a 6-month cooldown before being able to submit another appeal.
We trust that you understand the seriousness of these conditions and are committed to upholding them.

Don't mess it up!

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