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Unban Appeal - Jxwza - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Jxwza 

In-game Name: Jxwza

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198855492115

Ban ID: rpuk#5210

Reason given for your ban: C1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned for saying the n word in game

Why should we unban you ?: I said the n word in game and regret saying it as it was bang out of order from me and not acceptable, I was trying to insult someone stealing my car and my characters backstory is that he is from grove street and he's a son of a well known gangster. This doesn't justify me saying this however I wasn't meaning to discriminate towards any member of the community it was more of my character saying it in roleplay, however as soon I said I realised I probably shouldn't have said this. I haven't been in any trouble on the Five M server before and I feel everyone should be given a second chance. I'm not normally the sort to use this vocabulary on the daily I was just roleplaying and it slipped out. I do realise the severity of the ban and If I get unbanned I promise to never do it again, I understand that your community is aiming for a stream friendly server. I just want to play with a few friends that main the server and have fun it was really stupid what I have done and I again apologise. 

I hope you take my ban into consideration 
Kind Regards 

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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I understand that your community is aiming for a stream friendly server.
You think us not allowing derogatory language to be used here is so we can be a stream friendly server? It is not, this community has never been somewhere that this type of lang age is to be used and quite frankly good riddance to anyone using this language here. I do not believe that anyone just "slips" this language out unless it is something you are quite comfortable saying on a day to day basis but you may have dropped it in game by accident.

I dont believe the character backstory part and im struggling to understand how this could have been a 'go to word' for you to use if you never usually do?

 I do not believe that anyone just "slips" this language out unless it is something you are quite comfortable saying on a day to day basis but you may have dropped it in game by accident.
In regards to the comment that the "n word" is a go to saying for me, that is incorrect. Of Course I know of the word though it isn't a frequently used word, I have only used a few times and has not been taken in a offensive way it would be me quoting a statement from an article. I can only apologise for what I have done and vow to never do it again. I cant change what I have said in the past, I'm not proud of what I have said and apologise to anyone in the community that may have been offended from me saying the n word. 

@Jxwzaplease quote me the rule you broke, explain in your own words why it is in place and what concequences you think could result from using such language towards someone.

@Jxwzaplease quote me the rule you broke, explain in your own words why it is in place and what concequences you think could result from using such language towards someone.
"(C1.2) Discrimination - Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination."

This Rule is in place because no one should be discriminated while playing the server or in general, RPUK should be a safe friendly place where people can hang out without needing to worry about being discriminated against because of there looks, skin colour or sex. The consequences from using any of this language on the server is a Permanent Ban, this however could also cause someone to get upset and not want to play the server anymore. This could then lead to the person involved in the discrimination being given a worse ban. 

The consequences from using any of this language on the server is a Permanent Ban, this however could also cause someone to get upset and not want to play the server anymore. This could then lead to the person involved in the discrimination being given a worse ban.
You know what concerns me about this part of your answer? That it is very apparent that you did not waste a thought on what it might do to the people you say this to. However, you do seem concerned with the punishment on the server... 

Furthermore, this is basically one of the worst bans you can recieve on our servers and we don´t ban people because someone else gets upset, we do it because we do not, under any circumstances, allow language like that in our community.

I do not believe that you understand the consequences your actions can have just yet.

Denied. You can appeal again in 4 weeks. (19th of september)

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