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Unban Appeal - Josh Deontay - GTA RP

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Josh Deontay

Well-known member
Unban Appeal for Josh Deontay 

In-game Name: Josh Deontay

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199210803015

Ban ID: !!rpuk13656!!

Reason given for your ban: G4.3, G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe I was banned due to breaking the rules G4.3 and G3.1. Myself and my mate died during a situation and met up in paleto to drive back to the city and we didn't speak to eachother throughout the journey back to our houses which are right next to each other. As a result of this we both received the following bans.

Why should we unban you ?: First of all I would just like to say that this is my first time having to do this on the forums after nearly 2 years on this server. Firstly, I'd like to apologise for breaking NLR as I met up with my friend after dying and respawning up in paleto. I can totally understand from the staffs point of view how it looks us bumping into each other in paleto and going back to the city together without talking. For the NLR I apologise for as I never took into account that it was breaking a rule by meeting up in paleto after dying, after having a chat with a couple of staff members I now understand that I should've forgotten everything including that my mate had died and would be in paleto with me, However I didn't do this instead I drove around Paleto looking for him.

The next point I would like to address is the metagaming, I can 100% see from the staff's POV that it may look that way however any time that I find myself in a situation where I have to respawn I don't talk to anyone I just find a car and drive back to the city to get all my belongings back and get back in the zone for whatever I am doing. The second thing I'd like to bring up is that it wasn't just complete silence while driving back from Paleto I put the radio on in the car just for some background noise while we were driving back as it is over a 6 mile journey so we were simply just listening to music going back to our houses. Would also like to point out that our houses are right next to each others which contain everything that we need after respawning eg. clothes, items.

I understand how it looks from the staff's point of view of us not talking however I feel like after anyone respawns the first thing that 9/10 people do is go back to their house to get changed and get essential items that they need in game.

I get the fact that the NLR rule was broken reflecting on the situation however I didn't realise at the time the severity of the rule break as it was around 1:00 am on a Thursday night and I didn't think at the time that it was going to have any impact on roleplay or positively/negatively impact anyone on the server. Nevertheless, I understand that what I did was wrong and that actions come with consequences.

I don't feel as though I have gone out of my way to break this rule it was late at night and I simply wasn't thinking properly about what I was doing. As far am I am aware my RPUK record is pretty clean with only 1 ban I believe in almost 2 years.

One last thing I would like to say on this appeal is that I am aware that what I did was wrong in regards to the NLR and I understand that my actions have consequences and for that I am sorry.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Well I appreciate the effort put into this,

Now be honest here, were you both talking or even just sat in an external "call" with each other outside of the game?
Only way to have a chance of coming back is to be honest.

To my understanding I never knew that you couldn't be in a call with other people on the server as long as you deafen when engaging in RP. So to answer your question I was in a call with the person I was with however anytime we are on the server we deafen, this isn't an excuse but as it was late at night/early morning I wasn't concentrating and thinking about what I was doing as such. We weren't even talking I just put the radio on and drove us back to our houses, when we are on the server we have to stay deafened as  this also helps with if we need to report a player and need to provide a clip we can without there being any unnecessary noise/talking  in the background.  

I've been as honest as I can be, thank you. 

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What if you forget to deafen?

Say your friend gets taken hostage for example and you've seen this, it has influenced your roleplay and you can't take it back.

If you avoid the area - You've done this because you know something has happened there
If you go to the area - You know something has happened

Everything you do is subconsciously influenced by what you've seen externally.
Sadly it might not even be intentional or malicious but it HAS happened, you can't take it back.

This is why the rule is in place.

Tell me about what happened when Staff pulled you in game before you got banned.

In regards to being deafened whenever I am on the server I am deafened I only undeafened as I had been killed and had to wait 15 mins before respawning. I didn't undeafen after respawning and just drove back to the city was a silly mistake just wasn't thinking as it was late at night and I wasn't fully concentrating on what I was doing. 

I understand what you mean about avoiding or going to the area and how it looks but this is not a regular occurance I am always deafened up when I am in the server not just to prevent these events from happening but also for my own sake in case I need to clip something for a report, compensation request or other reasons. I understand that it has happened and that I cannot take it back. I also understand why the rule is in place and the importance of the rule that it has on the server. 

Staff pulled us in game to question and explain the situation before giving us bans as from their point of view it seemed suspicious from what they had watched which I totally understand. Would like to say that in the heat of the moment I said i wasn't on discord in a call which I now regret not telling the truth deeply as it is going to make it worse for myself. I should have been honest when I was pulled by staff but out of panic I said the answer to which I thought they wanted to hear and for lying to those two staff members I would like to apologise as it is not something I usually do or a personality trait of mine. Once again I can't express enough how stupid of a mistake this was to make I can only apologise for my actions. 

This might be your first permanent ban on our server but it isn't the first time, you and your friends have landed on our desk.

Tell me what your roleplay was about, prior to you going down please

Prior to going down  we were down at Otto's dealership having a look at some vehicles and talking to a few people as we were leaving one of my mates hit a fuel pump on the way out causing them to explode and incapacitated all of us, I think just before this I had also done a couple of fuel orders for the fuel station.  A while after this we went to pillbox where there was an altercation with the Lost MC or The Fallen Angels where a melee fight happened next to the hospital I'm not 100% sure about the context behind the fight however, I saw two of my boys being hit by sledgehammers so I tried helping them in any way I could. We were dumped as a result of this and the rest is history. For whatever reason within the server there wasn't that many people about in the common areas so we were looking for people to RP with and talk to hense why we ended up at Otto's as there was a large gathering of people present. 

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What is your Roleplay purpose in our community?

I ask because all of your bans, and most of your notes have been situated around you having the advantage in every single interaction

My roleplay used to be inside an F6 gang which required me to provide high quality RP. I was in Vagos and I would provide rp for controlling the drug clients rping with them selling substances to them as well as atomic mechanic rp. Ever since a lot of Vagos got banned around 6 months ago my roleplay has just been making money doing some fuel station RP and going around the server interacting with people that are around. A few months ago I was hanging around for Ballas however I didn't end up joining as a lot of the members in the gang had left so i didn't join. Right now my RP is just making money going to car auctions and seeing who's around on the server. I did have a court case in RP that I was preparing for however it was closed down before I was banned. When I' m on the server I'm always looking to have fun and enjoy myself as well as the people around me. I also have a lot of keybinds available that help me to enhance my RP to make it enjoyable for the parties envolved. While I am invloved in a gang or group I have high quality RP with all the people around me then when I'm not in a gang or group I focus on making money and trying to meet and interact with new people.  If I am unbanned I will be looking to join a group/organisation so that I can RP again and enjoy it like I used to as you can make a lot of memories and have a lot of enjoyment from it. 

I'm not exactly sure what my notes say but I know my ban history isn't very bad as it has only been around 2-3 bans if that in the last 2 years. I'm not sure what you mean by having an advantage in every interaction as since the new rules with Chamber Of Commerce and possibly being able to lose your fuel station/ business and not being too sure of how severe the crime has to be to face the punishment I've been staying clean in terms of rules and not providing poor RP in fear of losing a lot of money that I've worked hard for. Other than that I feel as though my RP as a whole is at a good standard other than a few mistakes now and then. 

Do you often sit in a Discord call with friends?

If so, how are you going to mitigate in the future if someone says something in VC but not in game?

I don't always sit in a discord call however when I do and I'm on the server I'm on deafen not just to stop myself from rulebreaking but also to allow myself to be able to clip things without there being any irrelevant sounds/speaking when needing to report a player or show someone my POV from a situation. 

If I was undeafened for whatever reason and I heard something in VC but not in game then I wouldn't do anything and I'd just go off of the information i've gained inside RP. Similarly to when someone says something in OOC I wouldn't use that in game as it is out of character the same as someone saying something in a discord call. 


Thanks for the effort into this appeal.

Any bans within a 6 month period will be a permanent one, don't let us see you back here.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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