John Quantum
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Chris heezy
Steam ID: 76561198125345918
Ban ID (just the numbers): 12690
Ban Reason: c2.3 combat logging in RP
Why do you think you were banned: i was banned because i was sitting and watching people drive around and then i get told out of the blue to get into the boot it was a sort of gang and they thought i was a member of an other gang to they told me to get in witch i did and that they where going to drop me somewhere nobody can find me which means i would have to wait ages to respawn and at that point i didn't see the rp at all i understand i should have not done it if you would let me back in
Why should we unban you: i think i should be unbanned as i have changed a lot this year and i understand when you brake the rules it affects other peoples fun to and i do apologise for that ive been really looking forward to playing an rp server again and hop you all can give me an other chance i have read the rules and wont make that kind of mistake again i dont play alot so ill only be on now and then but i would love to come back to rp after work or what ever to have a bit of fun and interact with other people i know this is not much as this was a long time ago but again i do apologies for my a actions in the past and hop you can look past this from the past as i know it was stopped thank you for your time
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes