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Unban Appeal - JIMBOREED - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for JIMBOREED 

In-game Name: Jimbo Reed

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199013540784

Ban ID: !!rpuk7890!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: To be honest i know the exact reason why i was banned and the issues it may look for my ban reason combat logging i do understand why it may look like i combat logged from the officers point of view but at the time i was having storm issues with storm Eunice im not here to blame anyone but my self since i ruined rp for everyone but part of the reason i disconnected was storm Eunice my internet turned off disconnecting me from the server and at the time i couldnt log on untill later that day where i was still dead i couldn't find the arresting officer to apologise and tell him my issues i live close to london and there was 100+ mph winds my lite was flickering i was already having inter net problems then i had a couple people tell me "Houdini is teleporting" if the arresting officer does see this im sorry because i also know what its like for someone to combat log mid rp its just shit and u really cant do anything about unless u contact a admin

Why should we unban you ?: I think i should be unban since it wasn't entirely my fault i do know what it looked like and how it was done but i hope u can come to finding that i am telling the total truth it would be a shame since i really enjoy this server i have been on every single day since i found it and i have been trying to make a name for myself and i would of never thought it would come to a end over something i cant control if do get offered another chance i will most definitely think about my situation a lot more before doing something like that once again im sorry to the arresting officer and hope fully who ever reads this will give me one more chance -jimbo

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: No

I did click the Pleas confirm that you have the unban appeal process and rules but i says no 

Also i do know how bad this looks i really do but i cant say anything but the truth 

Unfortunately, as much as I appreciate the effort you have put into this, bans for combat logging automatically come with a cooldown of 1 month. 
Feel free to come back after the 21st of next month and try again.

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