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Unban Appeal - Jhames Chatcher - 04/26/20

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In-game Name
James Catcher / Jhames Chatcher

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.
14.1 Common sense

Where was you banned
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
So, Short and sweet i would say, i was stupid as hell. Did something i should'nt have and i regret it. I was playing with a bunch of people from a gang that I founded and i am sad i cant keep my gang alive. I killed a guy ingame ( cant remember how ) it was a legitimate kill, though the guy wanted my in ts. I came to TS and spoke to the guy though he was in some ways " pissing me off " and i was in a stupid mindset going into the channel, i was tired and i wanted to go to bed though i got into a gunfight at 2AM thats all i really remember, i was high as shit and out my mind. All of that is a excuse but there are really no excuses for what i did, i went to TS and i was toxic on a level that i cant excuse. I started making wining noises to the guy to piss him off and it was just out of order and i can see why now.

Why should we unban you ?
I have took a big break ( i think somewhere around 2-3 months ) and i have regreted doing what i did since, i have wanted to play on the server and just be with all the OG's since i have played this server for the first time in 2016. There was no malicious intent in the toxicity that i did towards the guy. I have since i got banned been playing on other servers ( not gonna name incase of advertisement rule ) and i havent even been report nor reported someone else. I would love to build up or join a gang of a decent quality since i have been grinding the game and wish to get back on my favourite Arma 3 server. I have since being banned understood the consequences of what i did, i wasnt thinking and i didnt realise what i was doing was gonna have the damage on the person that it did, i from the bottom of my heart. Apologize for what i did and just wish to get back to the server so that i can play with everyone and all the people that i remember and know. I could also benifit the server, as i have got quite the people that would follow me to RPUK from other servers and give the server population. Im again sorry from the bottom of my heart to the person i was toxic to and i wish to be forgiven.

Thanks for reading hope you have mercy.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

ahh, yes. That included aswell, forgot i even did that, trust me. I just really wanted to play the server with my friends and i know what i did was extremely stupid, but i only did it in good eyes. I see every point of view that could be, in a way i was a real dickhead, and yes i ban evaded, but you learn from experience is something i've been told my whole life and i truely believe am better as a person as at the time i was just desperate to play the server. I would love to get in a call with you @Wilco and speak to you about it as its alot easier for me to express myself there. the ban evading part i can see is probably the most stupid thing i did but i would really just like to speak me and some staff, cause im not that good at spelling and its easier to express myself in voice. Thanks.

I wouldn't like to be in a call not with someone who speaks like this:


Based on your history here and your attitude to other members who are here to roleplay and not listen to your abuse, I would say this isn't the right community for you and i recommend you head back to the mentioned, they setup for people like you.

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