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Unban Appeal - jfueplays69 - GTA RP



Server: Discord
Discord Username: DevonIsRedUTC
Discord ID: 1326292746067120159
Ban Reason: Defending myself.
Why do you think you were banned: A few hour time out i could've understood, it seems ive been permanently banned for my last message in the discord after 'being told to stop' which was anyone can privately message me instead of acting big on a forum' (something along that line).
I got timed out for 10 mins and within the whole 10 minutes i was being mocked, After complimenting the city for some of the great RP i have encountered i was mocked, and when staff are getting involved and encouraging it what else should i do other than try and defend myself, I'm not a child/teenager.

i have no doubt the ban will stick, i just wanted to have the opportunity to actually say goodbye to people in city (when im ready to do so) and that's now out the window because a few people don't like the words i wrote and its hurt there ego.

I said nothing racist, threatening or ever bad mouthed the city - i gave people the opportunity to instead of acting brave in a public thread come and chat privately, Like adults.
Why should we unban you: my sole intention for raising anything in the first place wasn't to be entirely negative it was to try encourage change or something because what were dealing with atm as civs is pathetic.

in the last few weeks I've come into contact with multiple new residents and go well out of my way to help them out so they stick around, rather than what these so called gangs do and g check taxis and RDM binmen (which still never got solved, getting offered to qe 5 days after the fact is laughable imo) but yeah that got let slide. GG

Im not hopeful of a positive outcome, as the guys in the discord said (absolute bs btw) talking about contents of tickets ive made and accused me of abusing that, ive made 4 tickets in just over 2 months and 1 of them is literally about people running around calling people the F slur and hard R. again okay, forgot to mention that 1 in there didnt he.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes