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Unban Appeal - Jesse Moore - GTA RP

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Jesse Moore

New member
Unban Appeal for Jesse Moore 

In-game Name: Jesse Moore

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199194688973

Ban ID: !!rpuk13876!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I tried to transfer money from one character to another by accident thinking that was allowed, sorry for this inconvenience, this was not meant with any attentions of breaking rules as that I did not know that was a rule because this was my first time playing FiveM Gta, RP.

Why should we unban you ?: This was a genuine mistake and misunderstanding on my part since this was my first time. I will make sure this will not happen again and follow the guidelines and rules as followed by the server. Apologies.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good afternoon @Jesse Moore, I hope all is well 🙂

For someone wanting to return to the server, the effort in this appeal is absolutely minimal and does not fill me with much confidence whatsoever. 
You have already had one appeal denied for lack of effort and still continue to come back with exactly the same. 
Upon making your character you are prompted to read and confirm that you've looked over the rules which you would have done so,
I have 3 questions for you to answer here:

- Why has it taken for you to receive a permanent ban to then go ahead and read the rules?
- Why did you do what you did? Even if you haven't read the rules there's no real excuse and it would be extremely clear this is not an intended feature.
- Why should I entertain this appeal even though there's next to no effort in it from your side?

I look forward to your response! 

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I'm really sorry that you think that I've not really put much effort into this appeal. It's just that I've never had to make an appeal before and the first one I sent I didn't even realize that I had. I'm not great at putting down what I really want to say BUT this is way too important to me and therefore I will try my best to persuade you not to ban me  - 'permanently' at least.

Your correct in that I hadn't read the rules  - and this is was a huge mistake on my part. I'm sorry!  Being a daft teenager I'm sometimes pretty bad at this. I genuinely didn't realise that this was a prohibited activity and would get me banned from the game. I'm new to the game and was really beginning to enjoy it. This  game has been a great escape for me from the mental traumas that have been part of my daily life in these last few years, and is a link to my online friends.

I know that this is not something you will be able to check on as you don't know me,  but the virtual world and this game in particularly - (recently) - has been my my anchor since the loss of my twin brother at 14 a few short years ago. Being online and gaming has been my virtual safety net these past few years and finding a game such as this has been a blessing. I have no intentions of cheating or not playing by the rules and I promise that if you could overlook this stupid error of mine that not only will it never happen again but that the first thing I will do will be to download and read the rules to ensure that if future I don't transgress and make a similar error of judgement.

PLEASE.....I am hugely sorry and regretful for making the choice I did but believe a 'permanent' ban punishes me disproportionately to the crime committed. So please can you find it in your heart to forgive this mistake of mine and give me another chance, and if you do I will not let you down.


Are you able to download "Teamspeak 3 Client", and connect to "ts.roleplay.co.uk" and join the channel "Join for Support - Staff Team will help".

Once there, link your appeal and they'll know what to do.

Hello @Jesse Moore

You only joined this community this month, and you've broke one of the worst rules.

This ban comes with a complete wipe of a character that you choose whilst the others are deleted. If we decide to go this route, do you agree to these terms?

Good afternoon @Jesse Moore,

Please tell me which character you would like to keep which would be wiped of all assets.
The other characters as stated above will be deleted.

Good afternoon @Jesse Moore,

I am willing to give you a second chance on this server. As per the unban conditions, Jesse Moore has received a full character wipe and Toji Boggi has been deleted.

Please do not make us regret giving you a second chance here & any ban you receive within the next 6 months will land you straight back here. 
Lets hope to see you back with some strong roleplay 🙂


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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