Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jacob Doherty
Steam ID: 76561199050852555
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17082
Ban Reason: C1.14 C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: Before i describe why i was banned i am aware that the rules have been updated and changed so my ban reason might look different to what i got banned for 6 months ago. ive tried to find the equivalent within the rules system
C2.3/G2.3 - I must remain in character at all times, unless a uniformed admin authorises you to speak out of character.
C1.14 - Combat logging the game whilst mid roleplay (I couldnt find the rule to this as it has changed but i had combat logged when an admin pulled me for a chat after the first rule was broke)
I was banned for these two rules at the time as is very understandable.
Why should we unban you: Sorry for this reply but i noticed just that you denied me without a single chance going back to appeals from 6 months ago. Ive been reading other appeals and ive seen loads of people have more than a second chance but ive had a six month cooldown on an appeal to be thrown back into my face that im denied. Im just trying to find a reason why it was a 6 month cool down and not just perma if ii get denied instantly without properly defending myself. And then you mention that i bring nothing to this server when ive been on this server for quite a long time with also have done a lot inside the roleplay. I genuinley just wanted another chance not to fuck up within this server as i truly wont do anything like that anymore but i just wanted to know why i would be given a cooldown to then wait that and not be given a slight chance.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes