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Unban Appeal - JBreeZy - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for JBreeZy 

In-game Name: jimmy chezzer

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199146954358

Ban ID: !!rpuk8555!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.2, G2.3, G3.1

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: the reason why i was banned is because i was talking out of ooc when the police office put in ooc also i was talking over the police officer and also i was wasent following rp rules when the ambulance woman was trying to help me.

Why should we unban you ?: the reason why i should be unbanned is because i was trying to tell the police office i have got an important call for work and i was trying to tell him maybe i could of said im just going for a nap but i didnt i just started screaming and shouting at him ive got adhd im trying to get medication for it but its not the point i should of none better also the ambulance im sorry for being a cunt to you i was just pissed of im not normal like that im a sound lad and im sorry.
i got banned for like 1 day before and they said to me that im a good person in the city ye no i love this city ive bin here for like a year ye no im sorry for what i did and next time i will try and rolepay better.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good Morning @JBreeZy

Lets start with honesty. In the reason for the ban there are three rules quoted yet you only mention that you was banned for talking ooc. I'll give you another chance to be honest with us to why you have been banned that you can post in this appeal thread.

The reason the other appeal was denied is due to it being made after therefore meaning this was the main appeal and it saves having duplicate appeals open since you are able to edit the main appeal post.

Moving on from that, You only seem to believe it's about the roleplay as a whole i.e not providing any, There are three rules you was punished for. Can you quote the rules and explain in your own words what they mean please.

right so C2.2 means not to transfer money to your other character also exploiting glitches such as tho walls and so and and so fall and if you do get court doing theses things is a permanent ban.

so G2.3 is like carry on with your roll play but if something comes up in ooc you must never talk to another person about it unless if an god come and takes you somewhere you can then speak about it in ooc.

G3.1 means not to watch someone's stream when playing on rp also you cant metagame that means so if i die i then cant tell what happened if you get court its a ban.      

Upon looking over your warnings and prior bans it seems clear you keep getting into the same problems on the server that have needed staff intervention. Common theme is when arrested you only say 'I've got to go, I've got to go' and seem to get quite angry when arrested. So with this in mind how can we trust you won't break anymore rules when it suits yourself in RP situations, Mainly when you get arrested for your own actions? 

yes im sorry i wont break and more situations in rp no more im sorry for what i did it wont happen again.

Whilst it might be understandable you mention you won't break the rules again, Trying to gather the information throughout the appeal seems to be a difficult one. In relation to appeals honesty is key but it doesn't seem like you are understanding the reasoning behind the ban nor showing us that you won't break the rules or to help us re-build that trust in yourself.

Due to this the appeal will be denied and a cooldown will be placed of 1 month, You are welcome to re-appeal on or after June 7th 2022.

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