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Unban Appeal - JasonDet_Unban2 - 06/13/20

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In-game Name
Jason Detiri

Steam ID

The date of your ban.

Member of the team that banned you.

Reason given for your ban.

Which server are you banned from?
Altis Life

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.
The reason for my ban was due to me being in a private discord server, where I took it upon myself to slate staff in an unprofessional and untrue manner. In this discord I said that the staff removed me from the staff team due to me being "An openly gay furry". This was said after a few jokes were made towards myself about being removed from staff. With what I thought was going to be perceived as a joke was not, and I'm extremely sorry about that.

It did not help that over the past two weeks since my removal I had been a cunty little prick towards management and should've acted upon mine and a member of managements PMs via TS where I said I should take a break and come back as and when my head is screwed on straight. I was informed that it was a removal from staff and not the server, so I thought I'd be able to cut it and stay professional while I continued to play. It turns out this was not the case.

Why should we unban you ?
Since my ban I've taken a minute to think about what I said, and it wasn't right for me to say such things. Jokes are supposed to be funny and this one wasn't, and I should have realised that before I said it. Since I've been on the server I know as a fact that the staff team has had a large diversity in its members of staff, and what I said would an insult to community and those who have worked hard to make this server a safe place for people to enjoy their time on. I apologise to Management, Staff leads, staff as whole and the community for what I said, I know now that saying such things can affect the community in a negative way and want to work on proving to you guys that I am not bad person for the community to have and will do what it takes to do so.

Please confirm this unban request is for you.

I have read and understand the unban appeal process

I confirm this is not a temporary ban as those are not appealable


Please confirm you understand there is no timeframe for your appeal.

Before you submit this form please confirm you have fully read our rules

The reason for my ban was due to me being in a private discord server, where I took it upon myself to slate staff in an unprofessional and untrue manner.
You have a lot to say about this community... care to share it here

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You have a lot to say about this community... care to share it here

After a conversation sparked in the discord I decided to get involved, saying that members of staff are too quick to ban when it comes to dealing with people.. that if it keeps going that way it'll ruin the server as sometimes it's just a mistake that happens. I made comments on when I was there for the three days in staff it seemed as if some of the things said would get other people banned...  On the forums I publicly stated that FiveM was doing better than altis life, attempting to get a reaction..

I was acting like a child throughout the whole ordeal, saying things that ain't true and ruining any chance of people forgetting what I said. All I can say from bottom of my heart is that I am truly sorry, I should have taken it on the chin and just ended the chapter there instead of being a petty cunt about it.. 

We both know you said a lot more in that discord

Also the staff team also trusted you to give you a position not only did you start sharing ban notes with people you start sending out screenshots of hidden thread's in your first hours what makes you think you have the right to be unbanned here ? ever ?

Unfortunately I'm not apart of said discord anymore, but I realise that some of the things I said was a selfish attempt at throwing my own opinions into others minds while in a shitty state of mind. and I'm sorry.. I should have just kept my trap shut.

The screenshot of the thread was made after I had been made aware of it earlier in the day, I was told by other members of staff that there is a certain thread out there and was sent the link to it. I wasn't aware of it till then, and when speaking to the people in TS I didn't realise that it fell under sharing of private information as it was a thread on this forum for two years.. Not like that condones my actions.. I made sure to not share any of the content in there, just the name of the thread.. And for that, I apologise.

I never meant to cause any of this, I made a mistake and due to that it upset me greatly when I got the reprocussions of it.. and I should have acted like a man about it instead of a twat.. I just want to be given a chance to prove that I'm worth something to the server, work hard and do whatever it takes to gain back any of the respect that I lost while I acted like a child.. Because I completely regret my actions, this place was a home to me and I treated it like garbage.. 

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I think the majority of this community remembers the wank bank... We put a end to it before expanding and moving to Roleplay UK

There are no issues with anything in that thread, the issue was you sharing it to other people outside the staff team via a screenshot that combined with your ban note reading to friends makes you not fit to be in any position of trust inside and outside this community

In terms of going searching for snakes etc, you are that type of player that isn't welcomed in this community, Its a toxic attitude .. whats next threatening to charge back a donation you made because you got banned... oh wait!

Where does it stop ?

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Wilco, I donated that money on my own merit. Because I enjoy the server and felt it was time to contribute too it! When I received the ban I was in a mindset of pure rage, anger, and a childish thing was set off in me! I don't plan on ever charge backing any money I donated to the sever and to the individuals who make content through streams etc as it makes them happy and the server run for another day. I'm not that type of guy who's gonna cry about the loss of money, I said something in the heat of the moment moments after I received the warning's/messages about my accounts being banned! It's all gonna stop, the toxic attitude towards individual's, the shitty remarks towards the staff team that where not true, the lies.. I was angry and upset which should have never condoned anything I did and said..  Please, Wilco.. Just give me one last chance to prove myself... I'll do whatever it takes to prove that I'm truly sorry for everything that's happened... 

Regardless of all else, you knew very well that what you did was wrong, you betrayed the trust of the staff leads and went on to make yourself look a right wally. As sorry as you may claim to be, unfortunately actions speak louder than words and given the level of trust that we now can't afford to give you, it's not an opportunity I'm prepared to provide.

Appeal denied.

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