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Unban Appeal - jalkiee - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: John Kearns
Steam ID: 76561198066963031
Ban ID (just the numbers): 14883
Ban Reason: C2.3 Combat logging
Why do you think you were banned: I believe I was banned because of combat logging. If memory serves me correctly - I was killed and dumped in the ocean by a gang (Ballas or Triads potenitally?) I logged out of the game before the 15 minute bleed out timer was completed. Which breaks community rule 2.3 - combat logging.
Why should we unban you: I really miss RP.co.uk, I regret not waiting out the death timer. My ban was nearly 6 months ago, since then I've had time to reflect. I tried a few other servers and nothing compares to the community and efforts put in to moderate and maintain RP.co.uk. It's from being away that I can truly appreciate this. I am sorry for my previous actions and should've known better.

I'm not trying to justify my actions, I broke a rule and take full ownership and responsibility for it. But to give context around why I combat logged is sort of relevant as to why I should be unbanned.

My reason for combat logging was due to it being close to/past midnight and I had to go to bed because I had work early the next day. I had the full intentions of waiting the 15 minute timer and bleeding out on my next session on the server. Obviously theres no way to prove this and you have to take my word - given the fact I've previously been banned for this I understand doubts you may have and a lack of trust in my word. In hindsight, I should not engage with other players or any RP if I'm planning on disconnecting for the night.

Since my last ban, I made significant progression on the server with my character and RP. I had achieved small term goals of co-owning an apartment and a cool import car. I had made some connections with long term characters and learned so many new ways to progress in the city. My favourite part was learning how to be involved in player to player businesses rather than relying on AI jobs like taxi'ing.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @jalkiee , I hope all is well with you? :)

given the fact I've previously been banned for this I understand doubts you may have and a lack of trust in my word.
Surely if you have been banned for rule C2.3, you'd have had a very good understanding of this rule and not log out whilst downed?
All good thanks Danoo, you?

The first case of me being banned I combat logged during an active RP situation, with people standing infront of me trying to speak to me.

This time around, I was robbed of my cell phone and radio, locked in the boot of a car that was driven way off the end of Los Santos pier, deep in the water. I deemed the RP situation well over at that stage as I didn't see any feasible way I could be rescued. I understand now that I should've waited the entire bleed out sequence to finish, respawn in Paleto and log off then.
I'm good thank you for asking!

I understand that they were 2 different scenarios entirely, however, what I'm trying to get at is you were banned for this rule previously.
Surely if banned, you'd have read over that rule numerous times before receiving your unban, right? You would know not to log out whilst downed... At least if I were banned for a certain rule I'd ensure I have a much larger understanding of it.
Hi, thanks for the response again.

Following my previous unban I did re-read the rules and follow them to the best of my ability.

Where I believe the misunderstanding came was in the combat logging rule where it states you must not log off while "dead awaiting a medic". I mistakenly understood being dumped as not quite awaiting a medic given how unlikely it was for anyone from the NHS to find me - I had no phone or radio. It was close to or after midnight midweek and there weren't many players online either.

This was my thought process when thinking it was ok to log off. I do understand now how this can affect roleplay situations where people may want to come back during the time that I was bleeding out. Hopefully you can see where I am coming from and can forgive my misinterpretation of the rule.

To quote the rule directly;
Logging out at any point during RP is exploiting.
Some examples of this include: logging out during a firefight, being chased by the police, arrested by the police, while dead awaiting a medic, logging out in order to save gear, rage-quitting, logging out whilst restrained/detained.

At ANY point within roleplay, you were left for dead with critical wounds with the added impact of being in the ocean so additionally actively drowning.
You decided to log out.

Your history indicates you lack common sense consistently over 1/2 years
There is a clear pattern, you get caught, behave but then impulsively make a split second decision that brings you back here time and time again.

I don't see how you've learned after your 2 permanent bans and 3 one day bans.

How can we trust in a couple months time you won't be back here again?
Hey there, thanks for the reply.

When I quoted the rule that I broke I was not trying to undermine it or imply that they are not inclusive of the actions I took that led to my ban, I just wanted to provide some context as to how I had misunderstood it. In hindsight it was very stupid of me to not realise that logging out while dying was breaking those rules and I am sorry for that. I can now appreciate that rules are purposely written open ended - you can't create a rule that covers every situation with every variable that can happen in RP.

I also understand that my track record is extremely poor however I think there is a distinction to be made between the permanent bans, my first ban was a clear cut case of rule breaking during a time where I put very little effort into my character and the city as a whole. I regret ever acting like that but I feel that this ban is different. I put far more effort into my character by making friends, business relationships, building an organisation and buying different cars and properties. My ban this time was not due to a conscious decision that I made to ruin someones experience but rather a case of not understanding the rules properly.
So what are your plans should we decide to give you yet another chance? How will you make sure to avoid landing yourself here again in the future?
Hey Sammy,

My first few days would be probably be taxi driving to try build up some cash to buy a car to get around the city.

I was involved in a small group of people working for the Solicitor Hugo Sinclair building an organisation. If I were to return I plan on reconnecting with Hugo to see if I can return to my duties with him in the city.

I have fully read and understand the GTA RP and Community rules. If I were to find myself in a similar position again I would reach out to staff or other players in OOC or on discord.

If unbanned, I would plan my sessions on RP UK better around my schedule to not get involved in potentially long RP scenarios knowing I would be logging off shortly after.
Very well.

It has been 6 months since your ban and I will give you another chance today. Should you get yourself banned again within 6 months time, you will be falling straight back onto a permanent ban and getting back from that will be much more difficult. Any combat logging ban in the future will immediately land you on a 6 month cooldown and appeals from you will simply not be entertained until the cooldown is over.

Do not make me regret letting you come back.
