Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jake Clee
Steam ID: 76561199800955975
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19413
Ban Reason: Underage / Not of age / ?
Why do you think you were banned: a few days ago (been with uni mates in Manchester) I received a text from my brother saying he has gone on my game and been banned for 'Peggi rules' I kicked off massively as I've told him this is the only server he CANT go on ,, as this is my favourite and the one I play the most
Why should we unban you: I can show 2 forms of ID showing I'm 20 years of age (would be more than happy to jump on a video call also), I can talk to whitelisted players/gang in game that can also vouch for my name being overage - I have already read where it says the 'brother excuse' wont get you anywhere - however due the nature of the ban and me being able to show the ID etc I urge u too reconsider.
As mentioned this was the one server i told him not to go on as this is the favourite server i play on - and would be more than happy to prove ANYTHING to be able to jump back on.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes