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Unban Appeal - InfernusYoshi - GTA RP


Well-known member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jeff Mcball
Steam ID: 76561198258104266
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18695
Ban Reason: I was banned for C2.2 which is exploiting
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned because I used the push mechanic instead of the flip mechanic I did this after losing the police in a chase we ended up flipping over due to a bump/hill and instead of flipping the vehicle with that mechanic I flipped it using the push mechanic because I didn't want to be caught by the police so I ended up pushing the vehicle to speed up the process instead of giving the police a chance/time to find us/catch us I also didn't want to spend time in prison so I exploited to make it so there was a huge chance to escape which also ruined any chance of RP or being chased which is not right I have done this in the past once before because no matter how many times I tried flipping the vehicle it wouldn't flip even when it said that I did flip it but that is no excuse and I don't want to make excuses up it was a stupid mistake that I should not of done it at all and I should of thought about it and not done it instead of thinking that it was fine I used a mechanic which when the vehicle is flipped falls under exploiting
Why should we unban you: First of all I would like to thank the staff in advanced for taking the time to read this appeal. I did not want to see myself here again and it comes with great remorse that I am having to spend my time writing this instead of being on the server providing the quality of RP that I have been on multiple characters from G6 to crim. I understand this is a serious RP server and I think this has been reflected throughout my time a RPUK with my record in the server being almost clean only receiving one appealable ban back in 2021 for transferring money that I truly regret but I put this down to being naïve and fresh to the RP setting.

I this case I have been banned for exploiting when I have been in a situation and pushed a car to flip instead of doing it the conventional way through my tap menu. This action has taken place in the heat of the moment and I honestly did not think when performing, I wish I took a step back and did it the correct way and I will be doing this moving forward. This has been a big learning curve for me and will always do things in the correct manor even if it means taking the extra time to do so.

I believe I should be unbanned as I have recently ventured into the faction Group 6 where I have taken a different route of roleplay that I am use to with my crim character. I believe I am constantly developing and learning throughout all my roleplay experiences and I have a lot more to explore if you give me the chance. If and when I am allowed back on the server I plan to spend the majority of my time working and playing on my Group 6 character and delving into my role more. I'm really interested in learning more about working private events, money transfers, key cutting, prison transports and security of contracted buildings i.e. pillbox.

Throughout my time in RPUK It has been a learning curve and I tired my best to not break any rule and this has just been a complete lapse of judgement. I would like to apologise again to both staff for reading this and anyone's roleplay I may have effected as a result of my actions.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @InfernusYoshi ,

I'm a bit confused, you said after loosing the police your car flipped over and decided to use the push mechanic instead of the flip mechanic so that the police wouldn't catch you,

if you lost the police, why use the push mechanic?
hello hope you are having a good day thank you for your response

I thought I lost the police sorry I miss wrote it basically after we thought we lost them we flipped over then a police officer ended up coming up the hill and I ended up pushing the car to flip it instead of using the flip mechanic which was a huge mistake and I do apologise for that
Is this something you do often, for you to do something like that in a heated situation, would be a bit strange to come up with on the spot?
thank you for your response

I have done it once before when my car was flipped and no matter how much I tried flipping it it would not flip even when it said I did flip it so I ended up pushing the car nothing came from doing it and to be honest with you I actually didn't know it came under exploiting that is truly my dumbass thinking that it was ok to do it which ofc turned out that it was not and I made a stupid choice that day and should of thought about my actions instead of just doing it thinking that it was ok to do it
I take full responsibility for my actions and I accept any punishment that comes my way as I did this and I do apologise to staff and anyone's RP I might of ruined in the process of me doing what I did I do regret what I did and regret my actions that day I made a huge mistake and It will never happen again I will read the rules a few times as some have changed and I want to make sure I got knowledge of the new and old rules again to make sure I do not make any mistakes again and I will make sure to give people the chance to engage in better and fun RP that may come