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Unban Appeal - incel - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Ronan Duffy
Steam ID: 76561198261536319
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18042
Ban Reason: C1.7 Chat Ban
Why do you think you were banned: I typed a restricted word into a Groupie chat.
Why should we unban you: I'm aware there is no good excuse for why I was banned, I genuinely know how stupid it looks from your point of view. While I look at this with deep regret I would at least like you to know that I did not direct hate towards anyone in particular with my comment.

To reiterate what I said in my previous appeal I typed an offensive term into a Groupie chat that I was in with two of my friends in which I meant zero offense - to my knowledge neither of who was online at the time to see this message. I embarrassingly admit I was curious as to whether or not it was "allowed", either by your own server filter or Rockstar's. I thought it may appear censored, that it would not send, or at most I'd get an in-game warning message telling me that the word is restricted. It is very clear to me that this is not the case, which yeah, should have been extremely obvious to me at that moment.

I miss being in the city and keeping up with the drama and funny stories with the friends I've made since I've started playing on RPUK. I would really hate for my time to come to an end due to my own foolishness. This is pretty much the only server I've been willing to put some time into since I first entered the world of FiveM. I do appreciate how much the staff play a huge role in keeping things cohesive and in check which has led to this city having such a high standard even without the requirement of a player being whitelisted.

I know it might seem contradictory considering I was banned for it but I do fully understand the severity of rule C1.7 and why it is in place. I know you can't toy around when it comes to certain terms and the people playing along blurred lines need to be stamped out - play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I hope you understand that I didn't direct it towards anyone, nor would you ever find me breaking such a rule ever again. Moving on, I ask that I can be given a second chance to be a supportive member of RPUK.

Again, I apologise for the inconvenience that this has caused and if I have made any staff uncomfortable with my actions.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Afternoon @incel
I hope you are well?

Let's get into this, shall we?
Firstly, we appreciate the effort you've put into your appeal this time.

From reading through your appeal, you have grasped the severity of your actions, and hopefully, understand how it can affect others. Regardless if it was aimed at your friends, or someone overhears it.
Now, I'd like to ask - is this something you usually say/ call your friends? Is it a word you use often?

If you now fully understand the severity of rule C1.7 - What is this rule, and why do we have it in place?
I also want to bring up rule C1.2 - can you tell me what rule this is, and in your own words, same as above, why we have this in place?
Afternoon @incel
I hope you are well?

Let's get into this, shall we?
Firstly, we appreciate the effort you've put into your appeal this time.

From reading through your appeal, you have grasped the severity of your actions, and hopefully, understand how it can affect others. Regardless if it was aimed at your friends, or someone overhears it.
Now, I'd like to ask - is this something you usually say/ call your friends? Is it a word you use often?

If you now fully understand the severity of rule C1.7 - What is this rule, and why do we have it in place?
I also want to bring up rule C1.2 - can you tell me what rule this is, and in your own words, same as above, why we have this in place?
Hey Violet, appreciate the early response. I'm not too bad, you?

From reading through your appeal, you have grasped the severity of your actions, and hopefully, understand how it can affect others. Regardless if it was aimed at your friends, or someone overhears it.
Now, I'd like to ask - is this something you usually say/ call your friends? Is it a word you use often?

That is a fair question given the circumstance. Of course it's not something I use often, it isn't part of my vocabulary in the slightest, nor any other variant of the word.

If you now fully understand the severity of rule C1.7 - What is this rule, and why do we have it in place?
I also want to bring up rule C1.2 - can you tell me what rule this is, and in your own words, same as above, why we have this in place?

As for C1.7, yeah common sense, the term explains itself. But to give a more direct answer it's there for me and other players to not perform obvious stupid actions that will cause staff members and others in the community hassle. Another way of saying it is to say "real life" rules also apply to roleplay.

Now for C1.2, I suppose this could be classed as the actual reason I was banned. To ensure nobody feels singled out for any characteristic associated with themselves and protect them. Its aim is to promote equality first and foremost and ensure an enjoyable roleplay experience for us all. I understand the term I used was capable of jeopordising that.
Afternoon @incel - I'm not too bad, thanks!
Another day in paradise!

Thanks for your reply, now let's get into a few more questions :D

it's not something I use often, it isn't part of my vocabulary in the slightest, nor any other variant of the word.
Then why use language as such? What was your thought process upon saying / typing these things?

To further C1.7 - can you give me an example of what you think may be 'common sense' as you play on the server ?

What do you think the more appropriate course of action to take, would have been? Or if someone around you was also using foul language that we don't accept in this community?
Hi again, Violet.

Then why use language as such? What was your thought process upon saying / typing these things?
As I mentioned in my original post, and I still feel a bit stupid even trying to explain my reasoning for it but it was a lame attempt at testing whether or not it was possible to type.

To further C1.7 - can you give me an example of what you think may be 'common sense' as you play on the server ?
The first thing I would say is to obviously not copy my past actions. But apart from that I would say one of the most likely scenarios in which common sense is to be considered would be when coming across other players. Like I said in my last post, "real life" rules also apply to general interactions, i.e maintaining realism and being civil with another player as I would a stranger on the street. Some other examples would include using the correct channels for communication, not cluttering /ooc with arguing, hiding when hearing gunshots, or driving the speed limit on the correct side of the road.
What do you think the more appropriate course of action to take, would have been? Or if someone around you was also using foul language that we don't accept in this community?
While I have not come across this sort of issue with other players in my time in the city, if I was to my first reaction would be to get the players ID. I would then capture it and report the player on the forum using the correct channels.
As I mentioned in my original post, and I still feel a bit stupid even trying to explain my reasoning for it but it was a lame attempt at testing whether or not it was possible to type.
So, why would you want to test something as such? How can I be sure you won't attempt to tip-toe your way around the rules we have here in hopes of finding a loop hole?

Another example for Common sense would be jumping off a bridge, just because the game mechanic may see you survive - doesn't mean you should get up and run for the hills without acting your injuries.
So, why would you want to test something as such? How can I be sure you won't attempt to tip-toe your way around the rules we have here in hopes of finding a loop hole?

I wish I had a better excuse for it but genuinely I don't have any good reason that doesn't make me seem moronic. I was curious whether or not what I typed would send or be filtered out/censored, which I understand is very shortsighted. My train of thought didn't go much further than this and before I even realised it might be a stupid decision I was already disconnected from the server and could see the ban screen. I wasn't trying to find a loophole nor do I have any desire to push boundaries or circumvent the rules without consequence.

If given a second chance in the city I would not squander it. I know if I was to violate another rule that I would have my appeal thrown out the window. I understand that you don't know me personally so all you can take me for is my word but I ask that you believe me on this and that you can look past my previous actions.

Another example for Common sense would be jumping off a bridge, just because the game mechanic may see you survive - doesn't mean you should get up and run for the hills without acting your injuries

Valid point, I agree - which would've been a better answer on my end. Yeah the common sense rule applies to all aspects of gameplay and should be kept mindful of while playing to keep unrealistic game mechanics separate from gameplay and atmosphere on RP. I've always been committed to keeping roleplay as immersive as possible to the best of my ability. There is a high standard of consistency and realism on RPUK which is what I enjoy the most compared to other communities.
Good morning @incel
I hope you are well!

After reading through your appeal, I'm going to give you a second chance here - please do not make me regret that decision.
You are fully aware of the consequences, both from the game and how it can negatively impact others.

If you are found to be banned for the same reasons, it will be much harder to come back from, I can assure you that.
I suggest taking some time to read over both our GTA RP Rules, and Community Rules before you play again.
