Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Hunter Justin
Steam ID: 76561198831323617
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19543
Ban Reason: C1.7
Why do you think you were banned: i was texting the police to help me and i was panicking as i have been chased for 15mins and i got rammed of the motorway like of a bridge next to g6 HQ and i was trying to run and hide and text for help at same time , and i texted the police couple times to help me , as the ppl who are chasing me were getting too close ,i sent my last text which i meant to say ' fast yo forggot me ' and i hit send because i had a car pullup on me , but i misspelled it , and then i got banned.
Edited part
( after the incident i spoke with a friend and he figured out i might have wrote the word 'faggot' which i didn't know what it means till he explained it to me , and i respect LGBTQ community and also have homosexual friends whom im really close with and i just don't know how to procced with all of this because i have always being doing good rp , and if im not correct then please correct me )
(take in Considration English is not my first langauge )
Why should we unban you: because i didn't mean anything bad , and i been here for about 6 months , i never broke any rule and i tried my best to always stay clean .
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Character Name: Hunter Justin
Steam ID: 76561198831323617
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19543
Ban Reason: C1.7
Why do you think you were banned: i was texting the police to help me and i was panicking as i have been chased for 15mins and i got rammed of the motorway like of a bridge next to g6 HQ and i was trying to run and hide and text for help at same time , and i texted the police couple times to help me , as the ppl who are chasing me were getting too close ,i sent my last text which i meant to say ' fast yo forggot me ' and i hit send because i had a car pullup on me , but i misspelled it , and then i got banned.
Edited part
( after the incident i spoke with a friend and he figured out i might have wrote the word 'faggot' which i didn't know what it means till he explained it to me , and i respect LGBTQ community and also have homosexual friends whom im really close with and i just don't know how to procced with all of this because i have always being doing good rp , and if im not correct then please correct me )
(take in Considration English is not my first langauge )
Why should we unban you: because i didn't mean anything bad , and i been here for about 6 months , i never broke any rule and i tried my best to always stay clean .
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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