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Unban Appeal - HunTeR10 - GTA RP


Active member
Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Hunter Justin
Steam ID: 76561198831323617
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19543
Ban Reason: C1.7
Why do you think you were banned: i was texting the police to help me and i was panicking as i have been chased for 15mins and i got rammed of the motorway like of a bridge next to g6 HQ and i was trying to run and hide and text for help at same time , and i texted the police couple times to help me , as the ppl who are chasing me were getting too close ,i sent my last text which i meant to say ' fast yo forggot me ' and i hit send because i had a car pullup on me , but i misspelled it , and then i got banned.
Edited part
( after the incident i spoke with a friend and he figured out i might have wrote the word 'faggot' which i didn't know what it means till he explained it to me , and i respect LGBTQ community and also have homosexual friends whom im really close with and i just don't know how to procced with all of this because i have always being doing good rp , and if im not correct then please correct me )
(take in Considration English is not my first langauge )
Why should we unban you: because i didn't mean anything bad , and i been here for about 6 months , i never broke any rule and i tried my best to always stay clean .
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
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Hi @HunTeR10

I am curious to know what your first language is? And how long have you used the English language for?

Whilst your explanation of what you meant to send seems close to what was actually sent, it looks more to me as though you are attempting to distort and play-off what you actually wrote in that message in hopes of being unbanned.

Coupled with the fact you've spent just shy of 6 months and are a part of a White Listed group - it begs belief here.

So tell me, what is the rule C1.7? And what is the rule C1.2 which may be associated with this ban?
Why do we have these rules in place?
Good evening to whoever is reading this

i only use English since few years and i learnt most of it by gaming and i didn't know for real what ''faggot'' means and i would never use such a word in general because it hurts other people it would hurt myself as well and it's a really bad word and i really miswrote it and i didn't mean to write it
C 1.2 Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination.to explain this rule in my own words, don't hurt anybody with racial slurs, slurs in general, do not question any religion, be respectful towards each other and don't do anything which could hurt the other person.

To the question why you guys have this rule in place. If it wasn't in place it would be causing chaos and every body could insult religions, say stuff like the n word, can be homophobic, or insult people on a personal level like the ones who play here to escape real life to AVOID exactly such things and this is not what I am here for I have never been like this and I plan never to be like this, saying or even writing faggot, is a huge mistake for anybody. I apologize for writing it in the first place but I can assure that I didn't mean it and that I really mispelled it

C1.7 Chat ban this rule applies to any rule which comes to harrasment and discrimination, and when anything is said which is out of place in the time nowadays this rule basically just applies to written text i think while the other rules apply to the said word why is it in place? anybody could write anything in private message, without it being punished and trolls and other racist, homophobic, discriminating persons would be doing it for much longer if there wasn't an automated system which bans the people for writing it. I was quite shocked and surprised when it happened to me because I didn't know that I even wrote it until I talked to a friend and got told what i really wrote i really mispelled it.
Good afternoon @HunTeR10

I hope you are well.

I'll start off by addressing the additional information that was passed and converges with this appeal - it will be taken into consideration as I reply below;

It's clear from your rapport of the rules outlined in your response, that you are now very well aware and hold a general understanding of why we have these rules in place.
However, I still fail to understand how you could not have known what the word was or meant - especially having learnt English through gaming and online platforms over the spread of a few years.
Out of the time spent here, why is your English language struggling now? And how can I be certain that it's not going to be repeated behavior?
Good afternoon @Violet_

Hope you are well.

My English is struggling at some points but not all the time i didn't know the meaning of the word 'faggot' because as i assure and said i was surprised myself when i got banned because of this mistake, i can talk in basic english, but slurs have never been a part of it in all of my time here i have always been respectful but also always tried not to hurt anyone and yes as you saw i am now very well aware of the rules, but i didn't break them on the purpose of like ''now i will write this and get banned'' it was more of a situation like ''i mispelled it'' i can only be sorry for this mistake and i take the full blame for what has hapened there i really miss this server, i miss the people with who i play here in general, i will try my best not to do this same mistake again because it does not matter if this mistake was on purpose or not, it still happened, i got told what the word meaning is and if i was in this position again i would reread what i write even it is out of panic or not so i avoid doing the same mistake which was in this case writing the police in a time of maybe 5-10 seconds and i did not look over what i have written, i will also be my best in the case you allow me to come back to the server is, i come also here to escape my real life so it was really hard for me to stay away but i managed to do it and i think about everything happening here again and the result was that if i did write it to someone who would feel ofended by this word or my close friend he would be hurt as well and if i was in this position i would again look over what i wrote and not do this again, i am sorry for the mistake which has happened there also what i forget to say the reason why i didnt know this word is because i really never hear it before except for now since i dont usually run around places where people insult each other like that
Good afternoon @HunTeR10

I am well thank you! I hope you are, too.

I'm going to offer you the olive branch here - Please do not make me regret this.
I am satisfied enough that you have learned a lesson here. However, done in a message or voice - we do not tolerate it in this community, nor should it be tolerated even outside of the gaming world.
If you are found to have broken the rule C1.2 again in the future, it will be much harder to come back from.

Now, I suggest you take some time to read through both our Community Rules, and GTA RP Rules to familiarize yourself with the standards we expect from players here.
