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Unban Appeal - hedgez - GTA RP

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New member
Unban Account

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Gino Tagalitelli
Steam ID: 76561198098717834
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17255
Ban Reason: Meta gaming
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for communicating with my 2 mates through discord we lived in the same house at the time the one friend had joined from his house we was chilling on discord before we came onto the server and we was oblivious that we was actually breaking the rules we had a warning right when we first joined but never again until this permanent ban incident we had. the Admin who handled the ban was very helpful in explaining what I had done wrong and after a few months on other server's I've had no issues with meta gaming or disobeying rules. I finally managed to come too terms with actually playing as my character.
Why should we unban you: I have fully had time to learn from my mistakes as I said I've been on other servers with my mates and I've had no issues with meta gaming or any other issues. I want the chance to be able to enjoy this server the right way. i miss playing this server with my mates and it was great fun i didn't cause any other issues until this incident and it was a complete mistake I will apologise again for what I did and hope you see that I just want one more chance to become and hardworking citizen once again.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @hedgez

I hope all has been well?

Given that you were already given a warning for meta gaming not long before this ban why should I entertain this appeal now?
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