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Unban Appeal - Hanfosha - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Hanfosha 

In-game Name: Johnathan Ryder

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198088460720

Ban ID: rpuk#3591

Reason given for your ban: 1.6

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I don't know. was randomly banned while trying to figure out how to do truck driving. haven't even bought a single weapon yet.

Why should we unban you ?: because I didn't do anything. was randomly banned while driving when I saw that I needed 5k to rent a truck as I didn't have it. Bear in mind that there were 19 people on the server and it had just restarted and no one was around me in the warehouse area. so how did I cause issues to the community to the admin that banned me seriously?. I would like to be unbanned was just driving to get local delivery to get 5k so I get truck-like how am I breaking rules there.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Weeeell, how is it going @Hanfoshaaka Caligio 🙂

I do think you know why you are banned, remember to use the right steam id as i know you got quite a few.

Sure.. FIveM server yes.

But you have visited our community a few time before have you not ? 🙂

i played arma 3 roleplay uk like 3 years ago and as i can see was banned for hacking which was actually false i never hacked on arma before and dont even havea  single vac ban on steam.

so this is actually the second time you have banned me for no reason. 

Is it really?

ye man like fr i havnt even spoken to you before this is our first time but yes was banned like 3 years ago perm but didnt actually do it. and I was just rping. just wanna have fun could you please unban.

But it does seem like you haven't changed at all and have no problem lying.
This community welcomes roleplayers new and old all the time, but cheaters that have caused countless issues on our game servers are simply not welcome.

You might have honest intentions now, but you have ruined this chance by yourself and alongside your friend  years ago.

You are not welcome here.


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