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Unban Appeal - Grimp - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Grimp 

In-game Name: Morti Barret

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561197999787725

Ban ID: !!rpuk5934!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for combat logging

Why should we unban you ?: Considering my past infractions of your rules I am aware that its unlikely I will garner any sympathy here so I am not optimistic about being unbanned, however in respect to my own desire to return to your community theres no reason for me not to attempt to appeal the ban. I would like to express my gratitude for having been part of your community for this period of time as it has been a particularly special gameing experience for me, so even without a successful appeal I will look back on the experience with fondness.
The reason I was banned was, in my eyes a perfectly justifiable reason, albeit the speed in which i received the ban was very swift. I was not given much of an opportunity to reconnect after I combat logged (while bleeding out on the floor) and in fact I did try to reconnect within about 2-3 mins (hopefully thats in your logs), but I was banned by the time i got in. The reason I combat logged was basically a kind of ragequit, the boys were being hospital robbed by the triads (taken to hospital to res them and take their guns), I had gone in a drunken idiot thinking I can solo the whole triad gang by myself, get shotgunned in the face then I heard a female member of the triads talking about getting our magic numbers which I guess isnt exactly OOC but it was OOC enough to tilt me to ragequit combat log (F8 quit). Then IRL i stood up and said "fuck those guys" and walked to my sink and got a glass of water, then I thought "oh well might aswel go back as I might get banned". Then by the time I tried to log back on I was already banned.
In this situation I had already had a very punishing day and I had proceeded to get drunk IRL and me and some boys were going around robbing people and having a bit of fun so when shit went so horribly wrong I guess I was tilted.
I have hundreds, probably thousands of hours invested into my characters asets so with that in mind a permanent ban should not be considerdly lightly as its a very significant thing. But the flippancy with which I was permabanned does not represent a very considerational trial. So let me ask, why would the triad members want to aquire our "magic numbers" for any reason other than in case we combat logged and they could not aquire whatever loot we have on us? So their major concerns in that scenario was not cultivating decent roleplay but rather aquiring loot, or catching people out to get them banned.
This is a major problem with the community is that players spend a large portion of their thoughts on catching players out breaking the rules instead of thinking about roleplay.
Obviously the reason for this is because theres alot of players who are willing to break the rules in order to further their own interests, so players spend alot of time considering these type of rule breakers and exploiting them instead of cultivating roleplay.
I can think of 3 serperate times I have broken the combat logging rule (that i hypocritcally highly disagree with players doing) and considering the amount of time I've spent playing on the server, is a relatively small amount of times compared to someone who genuinly doesnt give shit.
The first time can be found in the explanation to the first time I received a permaban
The second time I was involved in a sort of vague persuit where we werent even sure we were being persued, so I combat logged, then I instantly logged back in 2 mins later as I felt ashamed of myself
The third time is the time I'm describing right now where I logged in 2 minuites later after I ragequited (then got permabanned)
It was a week ago exactly that I was permabanned, and I deliberatly left it a week before I made this appeal because I had alot of real life stuff to deal with this week, including I now have a full time job, so no more being unemployed and playing on your server all day every day, however, in my evenings and weekends I would still like to be able to enjoy your server and the knowledge and assets I have aquired over the time being there.
Finding a new city or game to play is going to be another rocky road as rocky as the road learning the ins and outs of your city.
I'm sure you willl see the history of my past infractions, however please consider that, although the list seems long, you must understand that I was probably spending a very large amount of time in the city on average compared to other people and with that in mind, you might actually consider my behaviour quite impecable.
After all, this is Grand Theft Auto, not The Sims 2.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

As this is a combat log and you also have a previous ban for the same rulebreak and have also admitted to another time. You will need to wait atleast 6 months before appealing again. 


Reappeal 28/04/2021

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