Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Chirs Jones
Steam ID: 76561198363744046
Ban ID (just the numbers): 19321
Ban Reason: G4.5
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for breaking (G4.5) When you have been revived do not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed. This was a while ago during a gunfight with another gang but to recap, I (a passenger in the helicopter) got chopped up by the helicopter's rotors and died. After dying I was then taken to the pillbox and then I returned to the same scene. I can honestly say that now that I look back it was a very stupid mistake on my part. I should of contacted staff member to clarify if it was ok for me to return to the scene or not.
Why should we unban you: After having some time off the server to rethink my actions, I can honestly say it was a very stupid mistake, for some who has been in the city for a while now. I wasn't aware that it was considered a rule break because I didn't die to an actual player and was more of a bug so from my point of view because I didn't die during a gunfight, I thought it would of been fine to come back as it had been more than 15 min since I was pill boxed. It wasn't my intention to break the rule at all during my time away, I have gone through the rules again to ensure I fully understand them. I now understand the reason it is considered a rule break. I now know that if I die either from player, natural cause or bugs while in a fight, I must not return to the scene unless an aggressor forces me into it. Having fun with other players on this server and providing good RP is something I am looking forward to again if I am unbanned.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes