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Unban Appeal - GNOZTIC - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: John Gnoztic
Steam ID: 76561199224905802
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17060
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: I moved items from one character to another. I believe it was Christmas food/drink items & somewhere between 50K-100K cash.
Why should we unban you: I was recently banned mid May, I made an unban appeal on the 10th of this month and was more than rightfully declined with the shit attitude I gave in my appeal, so not only did I break a rule I gave a half ass apology in the first ticket and wasted even more of the staffs valuable time that could've been spent on more meaningful tasks. I've been apart of RPUK for over 3 years now, even though it wasn't my main home for the vast majority of those few years, the bits of time I spent there were good fun, I truly enjoyed the community, RP scenarios I took part in & love how clean the servers scripts run. Staff members have been nothing but polite and helpful which is hard to come by. If you could give me this last chance and privilege to continue playing here I promise to truly learn from my mistakes and provide thoughtful and fun RP scenarios for others. I've given the rules multiple read throughs since my time away & I pledge to live by those from now on. I am truly sorry for my actions and am grateful for the time you've spent on the previous ticket I've made as well as this one. If you lot tell me to fuck off I'd completely understand with how I've been acting. I've made an absolutely horrible decision with this and will now have to live with the shame from it. I will never succumb to diving that low again, it was a true lack of judgement and I am genuinely ashamed of myself. Thank you again for your time!
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello there @GNOZTIC , I hope you are well.

Please run me through your thought process of why you did what you did. What was the reason to do it in the first place? Why go through with it when you knew it was a rulebreak and you would be banned for it?
This is going to sound entitled because in the moment it absolutely was. I want to be completely honest in what my thinking at the time entailed and give the full honest truth. I own a shop and got tired of my tills being robbed, my thinking was out of these hundreds of times my shop has been robbed I've received no money back from the PD/Government on the potential robbers that were caught. It just made no sense to me & I got a bit upset about it. My thinking was in real life if a shop is robbed and the goods were later retrieved by police they would be brought back to the shop or the shop owner would be able to go somewhere to retrieve the items back. In the spur of the moment I had the other character I've never played on but the few times I logged in on it to receive the Christmas advent calendar items. I felt as if I was owed some money back one way or another. So I switched over and dropped everything the character had then swapped back to then grab the cash and a few of the items. I know my thinking and actions were completely entitled and un pure. For that I am truly sorry. Like stated above I've given the rules multiple read throughs since my time away & I pledge to live by those from now on. I've genuinely taken time to think on my actions and now know I need to re think any un pure potential actions and do the right thing. Again I am truly sorry for what I've done and promise to learn from these mistakes. Thank you again for your time, you lot taking the time to give others a second chance is truly appreciated.
Is it not common sense to not move money between characters? I don't really understand how you could believe in the moment that you would get away with moving stuff between your characters.
It absolutely is common sense. I genuinely have no idea what was going threw my mind. I truly regret my actions and vow to live by the rules from this point forward.
Good morning @GNOZTIC , I hope all is well! :)

What is your overall purpose on RPUK? Are you actually here for roleplaying purposes or to gain an advantage?
You're saying here that you feel as if you were owed money back one way or another because your shop was robbed within roleplay..? Surely you'd create a roleplay story in regards to getting this money back, not log onto another character and exploit it back?

The fact you've attempted to gain this advantage tells me you're here assets more-so?

Please respond soon else this appeal may be timed out.
My overall purpose on RPUK is to provide roleplay scenarios for others as well as my self. If you check my main characters garage I'm very simplistic on what I purchase. I have minimal vehicles/weapons etc. I spent days decorating my house to make it feel like an actual home for my character. Leading up towards the end I became a shop owner with plans to sponsor events and actually man the till of the shop I own. I most definitely should of created a roleplay scenario to get the funds back, but took the shit rout instead. Assets are the last thing on my characters mind. All of my earnings went straight back into stock for the shop. At the end of the day I'm here for RP and sincerely apologize my actions show the opposite.
Thanks for the response @GNOZTIC ,

IF you were to be unbanned, it would come with the following conditions;

You may pick one character to keep, this character will receive a full player wipe (Bank, Cash, Inventory, Houses, Vehicles, Licences, Shops etc).
The other character(s) will be permanently deleted.

Do you agree to these terms, if so, which character would you like to keep with a full wipe?
Yes, I agree to these terms. I would like to keep John Gnoztic. Would it be possible to have a name change for him? As the last name is a bit unrealistic & with the full wipe he'll be starting fresh with nothing anyways?
Good morning @GNOZTIC ,

We will not be able to change this name on our behalf, it would need doing within roleplay.

I can either;
Wipe your character and you keep to keep them and their memories / contacts


We can delete all of your characters for you to start fresh?
Ahh no worries, I'll keep John Gnoztic & get a name change within roleplay. Thank you for your time!
Good evening @GNOZTIC ,

This is your first ban since 2022 - I hope it does remain this way too.
We're wanting roleplayers on this server, not players who are attempting to gain an advantage over others.

Essentially now due to your own actions you've going to be starting fresh with the only thing remaining being your memories & contacts.
I will give you another chance here to prove yourself.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS, please do not waste the chance.
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