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Unban Appeal - glenda - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for glenda 

In-game Name: Matthew Jenkins

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 1242342356456456456

Ban ID: !!rpuk11553!!

Reason given for your ban: g2.6 and c2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: first i wanna say thank you for your time on helping me resolve this ban appeal 🙂 i was playing RPUK at around 3 or 4am and i decided to go down to tire nutz and see whats going on and stuff and there was also a raffle going on at the time so i entered and ended up winning so i stayed for longer to wait for another one and while waiting i seen some guys talking and i thought it would be funny to go over there take a picture of him and post it on tweedle so i did he seen it and laughed he found out it was me and we just laughed it off but i did it again and this time he was kind of upset with me about it and told me to *f*ck off* which i didnt so they ended up beating me to death and putting me into an alleyway.. so since it was around 3 or 4am it was pretty late so there wasnt many people in the city i was shouting for help and stuff but noone was even around me but then i seen some guy in chat say NHS come help please or something along those lines so i said same, and then maybe 5-10 minutes later i said in OOC chat NHS please come help and nothing was working to get someone to help me so i decided to log off and roleplay it out in the morning as i was pretty tired.. so the next morning i wake up and i was banned. Thank You for your time reading my appeal 🙂

Why should we unban you ?: i think i should be unbanned because i know what mistakes i have done and i do regret them and over this month and a half its been since my ban i have went over the rules with myself and educated myself a good bit more on how to roleplay properly within the roleplay.co.uk community and i feel as if i will be allowed back into the community i will be able to roleplay properly and not commit to the same mistakes as i have before or any sort of rule breaking mistakes as i did educate myself on how to roleplay better and do things to avoid breaking rules. Thank You for reading my appeal have a wonderful day 🙂 ❤️

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

sorry for not replying to the other appeal ive been pretty busy irl but i also thought that all of my previous appeals got closed for some reason and i have read that it was 00:48 when  i got shot which i thought it was a lot later which is my mistake i apologize about that its been quite some time since the incident i guess i just remembered it wrong same as being shot not beaten i thought that i got beaten i apologize about that i remembered it a little diffrently but im just human i cant rememeber everything perfectly i hope that its not the biggest issue that i stated it wrong which is totally my mistake 🙂

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and also i know i disconnected after being shot it was a bad decision of me i dont know why i did it i just hoped it would maybe give me a better chance at surviving and not bleeding out but i have learned from my mistake and can assure you that i will not let it happen again and i do apologize about them.. :)

Locked for 3 days due to bumping the appeal.

Looking over your own appeal you claim this happened around 3-4am, Now this isn't true is it? 

You we're shot and downed at 00:48:05 and logged off the server after the ooc message you have mentioned to where you logged off at 01:03:51, Then returned and combat logged a second time at 01:55:43 all from the first death (You are still downed FYI) on that character. Now the OOC messages we're placed after you combat logged the first time and we we're seeing what happened however by this time you logged off again. 

Having a look over your own OOC messages you didn't ask for NHS, However was more complaining due to you being down and I'll quote here "why cant i walk or crawl when im downed legit all i can do is sit here and scream ffs" & "bro real shit how tf do i get up" < Two of the five ooc messages you sent during this time. 

You claim you have learned from this, How so? 

On top of all of this, Explain to me why we have the /me command in game and appropriate times it should and shouldn't be used.

as it has been some time im not sure of the reason why but i somehow thought it was at 3 or 4 am and that i got beaten and not shot... and i realize that i logged out twice which i logged out the first time to reset my timer on my bleed out time and i do regret it and now i know it was very wrong... and my 5 ooc messages were also not a smart idea at all i got pretty mad from the fact that i had been laying there for over an hour im pretty sure (not 100%) and i just thought i would burst out with my problems in ooc chat... but now as i look back at all this i realize that i have matured a lot not to lower myself to that kind of behaviour and i do know it was all wrong what i did and i really do regret it... i learned from this because at the time i didnt really see it as an issue or it didnt seem serious to me i just thought of it as a game where i could do whatever i want without consequences so what i learned was that you gotta roleplay appropriately and not just take it as some silly game where you run around and do whatever you would like and to be able to play on the roleplay.co.uk roleplay server you gotta follow the rules... the /me command is for roleplay use for example if you have been shot and a medic is picking you up and saying things like im gonna check his heartbeat then you can do /me heart not pumping but thats just an example and a time where it shouldnt be used for example lets say you got killed and you do /me im gonna hunt you dont and kill you thats no the appropriate way to use it the /me command is there to enhance and help roleplay. now im not too sure if i used the /me command in that scenario because it has been over a month ever since it happened but i think i did and if i did it was most likely inapropriately.. so my whole lesson from this whole situation is to take the roleplay a lot more seriously because if i wanna play and actually have fun on the server i cannot be breaking the rules and that the rules are the no.1 most important thing to read and follow when joining the roleplay.co.uk server and while playing it. Thank You for the time spent on this appeal. <3

We'll get back to the above in a minute.

You failed to follow the unban appeal rules in regards to not bumping your own appeal, and now you're commenting on others appeals, once again, in direct contravention to the rules?

Why? When making an unban appeal, I'd have thought now is the time you most want to follow the rules and yet, all you're showing us is we can't trust you. How can we trust that you've read the rules if you return to the server if you can't follow a handful of unban appeal rules?

well, i didnt mean to bump my appeal, i was trying to reply to it as you can see i replied once and the 2nd time i accidently commented on it which bumped it, and as for the part where i commented on other appeals was to warn another guy about bumping because i was seeing him doing the same mistake and i know that some people arent 100% aware of what bumping is so i was just trying to educate him and help, i would really love to be welcomed back into this roleplay community it was my first and favourite and i do understand your point but from my point of view i made a simple mistake where i commented instead of replying to myself and i was trying to help the other guy, i hope you understand my point of view - thank you for reading my appeal <3

Would you be able to attend a conversation in teamspeak, please? Open a ticket, link your appeal, state you have been asked to come on teamspeak and staff will know what to do.

i accidently uninstalled team speak... would discord be alright with you? sorry for the 3 hour wait on the reply but i was at work :)

@glendakindly, either join the ''Join for support'' channel on team speak or open a ticket on discord referencing this appeal.

hi sorry for the late response, iam currently away on a little vacation until the 17th i will try my best and find some spare time to join a call and speak about this, could you tell me when next you would be willing to join a call with me? i will try suith myself to your scheduele. kind regards :)

Would be when you are free. If you just jump into Teamspeak and the Join for support channel a staff member will move you into a room for a chat. if it's not one of us who has responded to your appeal simply link them to this and they will be able to go into this a bit with you. 

@glendaAny update on this being done as we cannot keep the appeal open indefinitely. 

hey sorry for the late response:), iam still currently away and only available on my phone but iam back home on monday and i will be available on teamspeak from 7-9pm if any of those times suit you - appreciate your efforts:)

There are always staff members on Teamspeak so it's more when you have time to join and we can then move forward with the appeal. If you are free on Monday if you hop into Teamspeak then and jump into the Join for Support channel and if it's not any of us who have responded to your appeal, Just link it to the staff member and we can then go ahead and deal with this 🙂 If you can't join on Monday for example just update us when you can. 

thanks very much, i appreciate your kindness and patience you're having with me on this appeal:) i will try my best and join the teamspeak as soon as i have a second. appreciate the quick replies 🙂

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Okay @glenda

To summarise, you placed an unban appeal and was informed that you had a 1 month cooldown, then you placed another before the date stated in the first appeal (before the cooldown was done).

You bumped your appeal and commented on another wich is clearly outlined and stated in the unban rules and community rules.

on top of the original rule breaks i get the impresion that you’ve judged it not nesicary to read any rules what so ever. 

in what part of the unban rules does it tell you about bumping? Aswell as that id like you to quote the rules youre banned for and explain in your own words what they mean and why they’re important.

so with the bump, i was trying to add to my original comment but instead of editing and adding it on i accidently made a whole new comment, which i think was a simple mistake i wasnt trying to purposefully bump my appeal those were not my intentions, and i have read over the rules multiple times over the few months ive been banned for now ive read every rule multiple times, so i got banned for g2.6 and c2.3 with g2.6 in my own words it means that the ooc chat is not there to be asking NHS for help as i did, it is there to resolve problems that are out of character as that is what ooc stands for it could be things like asking an admin because your car is glitched etc. and c 2.3 is combat logging, which is also what i have done and in my own words rule c2.3 means when you are killed you cannot exit the game because youre killed you have to stay and roleplay out the scenario/ bleed out or be brought to the hospital. - thank you for taking your time out of your day to help me resolve my mistakes. :)

Okay @glenda

you’ve been patient and im going to go ahead and give you a second chance. Im trusting that you’ve read the rules properly and have a good understanding of why they’re in place.


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