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Unban Appeal - glenda - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for glenda 

In-game Name: Matthew Jenkins

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199203943946

Ban ID: !!rpuk11553!!

Reason given for your ban: g2.6 and c2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: last night i was playing on roleplay.co.uk at 2am and i was at tirenutz some guys got mad at me killed me and put me into an alleyway, then somebody called out in chat i need NHS so i said same as i was in that alleyway for about 40 minutes or so justr screaming out for help, and im pretty sure noone said nothing so then i just logged off because it was very late and i got no help and i was gonna carry the rp scene on the next morning. iam sorry for making these mistakes if i get unbanned i will not let it happen again. Thank You.

Why should we unban you ?: because i realize i made a mistake that i shouldnt have and to be honest everybody makes mistakes and i will not let it happen again im not trying to justify it i know it was wrong but i think everyone deserves another chance and i just wont make the same mistakes again. ill use it as a lesson for next time :). your best regards

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Bans for combat logging come with an automatic cooldown of 1 month. Try again after 01/03/2023. 

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