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Unban Appeal - Glazed - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Glazed 

In-game Name: Frankie Jones

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199046981324

Ban ID: Not sure

Reason given for your ban: (C1.7) (C6.2)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I believe i was rightfully banned as i did break these rules. Last night i was fishing and ended up losing 45 turles due to the local car despawning upon entering my house. Instead of trying to find proof of my claims and issuing a compensation claim i chose to come into discord and call the server dogshit and then got into a bit of a heated discussion a few hours later with a few staff members about wasting my time, i felt like we drew a line under it and the conversation turned to a more jokey nature, none the less what i said was not necessary at all as many things are best left unsaid. Other than that there have been more occasions where i have come into discord and moaned about things when they dont go my way however not to this extent. Upon reflection iv realised that i use the discord as a verbal punching bag, when something pisses me off or doesnt go my way i tend to come into the discord to vent. Totally not acceptable and very childish from myself.

Why should we unban you ?: Despite the moaning and salt from myself from time to time i do believe this server is one of the best out there when it comes to GTA RP. You can even check yourself how many hours i have poured into the city in the short time iv been here. I crossed the line but believe in second chances. Allow me to learn from my mistakes and button my lip from now on. However i totally appreciate if this is something i cannot come back from. I appreciate i have offended the staff team during my moan when disregarding that they work for free. That was really distasteful on my behalf as i cant imagine how much effort it has taken to make the server what it is today.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

You realise all of these things now you are banned. Why did you consistently act like such a entitled child?

I would say that i am not someone who pays much attention to discord yet i recognise your name for all the wrong reasons. Tell me why we should let someone back on the server when all you have done in your time here is slate devs/staff/server. Why would i give you another opportunity? 

I didnt realise just how much of a moaning little twat i was being until i searched my name in the Discord and realised that most of the shit that comes out of my mouth is just negative energy. I often have a moan and then forget all about it not thinking about how my words effect the people that give up their free time to make sure everyone has an enjoyable experience. And while what i said to me was just empty words and rants they do carry weight and i've realised that no one is gonna want me here if all i do is bitch and complain. If im given a second chance ill keep my mouth closed on Discord unless its going to be something postive. @Charles Vane

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Do you always throw your toys out the pram when something does not go your way? in game and out of game by the looks of your record.

Not always, but i definitely have a bad habbit of bitching when certain things dont go my way. Iv realised that it isnt just me that these things happen to, however most people just get on with it and accept that it is part of the city instead of crying on Discord and to staff members. Im not perfect but im always trying to improve. I dont want to be known as that guy that complains all the time so in future i will conduct myself more appropriately @Charles Vane

After reading through your discord conversations i think its best you take some time away. 

The abuse you have given the people that "Give their time for free" (sorry, i know you dont like us making a sob story about our free time being dealt dealing with people like you) will not be tolerated. You can take 3 months away.

Feel free to re-appeal anytime after : 26/7/21


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