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Unban Appeal - Gekz - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Grove St
Unban Appeal for Gekz 

In-game Name: Josh Gekka

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199230598770

Ban ID: !!rpuk12785!!

Reason given for your ban: C1.7 Chat Ban

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for saying a certain word over text to someone and was instantly banned from the server.

Why should we unban you ?: First things first, I should make it clear, I would NEVER use this word with malicious intent to try and hurt someone emotionally or mentally.
That being said , I completely disagree with this ban. I was saying something over text to a friend about another friend, which entailed a word that I assume the server picks up on and instantly bans you. Like I stated in the ticket I made there was no malicious intent behind it whatsoever and we say it to each other as a joke.

Moving on from that, I'm not the only person that has said this before and you hear it all the time jokingly between friends on the server (INCLUDING Staff members & Developers) which I think is fair as long as there is no malicious intent behind it. Touching on that a friend of ours decided to reach out to staff lead Stuart to confirm it was okay to say this word, Stuart's reply stated "its context that is important with that rule. If you aren't doing it with malice no issue tbh".

The reason I decided to open a ticket up first was cause obviously I understand that the server cannot take context into account, so I thought I'd open it to clear that side of things up. Anyways I was told to take it to the forums where I am now having to clear things up. Again, there was NO MALICE behind what I said and I believe this could have been sorted in a ticket where the other party could have commented on the fact we in fact joke around like that as part of our RP with each other but they cannot comment on here so you'll just have to take my word for it.

In RP we do stuff to each other which is why we will call each other "closet-homosexuals" or the F - word. To add to this I will add it was said to a friend that I know is okay with it in RP and OOC as I have asked them. To give you enough context that was missing as this was an automatic ban, there was something said in RP from a friend of mine, as the character "Josh" he used that word that is automatically picked up, this situation was entirely RP and I would not say it OOC like stated. In my opinion, I have not caused offence to anyone, as I have not said this in front of others and remained private between me and the other person. Again, this word only got used because Stuart stated there was no malicious intent, I believe there is enough context to say it within RP. 

To make it clear, this will always only ever be in RP and is not something I say all the time.

If I do get unbanned, I would like to know whether this word actually is allowed to be said *within its certain limits and context* but also won't be saying it again over text as no context can be gathered from the messages.
Cheers for reading

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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Hello there @Gekz
How are we today? 

Is this the new thing 229 members are doing? 
First Matt Stones EX-229, now you? 

That being said , I completely disagree with this ban. I was saying something over text to a friend about another friend, which entailed a word that I assume the server picks up on and instantly bans you. Like I stated in the ticket I made there was no malicious intent behind it whatsoever and we say it to each other as a joke.
In RP we do stuff to each other which is why we will call each other "closet-homosexuals" or the F - word.
What is the joke about calling each other the f-word or "closet-homosexuals", am I missing the joke? 🤔

You've just recently returned from a permanent ban and here we are again...why?

Hello @Mike WolfieI am good and hope you are well also.

Is this the new thing 229 members are doing? 
First Matt Stones EX-229, now you?
To be honest with you, this RP is between me and another person which has nothing to do with Matt Stones' ban. I'd also like to point out this ban, in no way shape or form reflects anyone's views within 229. Like stated this is purely a reoccurring joke within RP between myself and someone else.

What is the joke about calling each other the f-word or "closet-homosexuals", am I missing the joke? 🤔
Different senses of humour I guess, I personally find it funny between me and the other person and I get the jokes are not for everyone, hence why the jokes are said in private between us so we do not offend anyone else. These jokes are all said within RP and within EVERY rule, which is why I stated I very much disagree with this ban. Yes, the context was missing considering it was an "auto-ban" but I tried to clear things up in a ticket and here. 

You've just recently returned from a permanent ban and here we are again...why?
I personally do not believe I should even be here, since returning from my last ban I have made sure I provided nothing but good RP for everyone which I promised to do and have been thanked a few times for providing good RP. 

I have been sticking to the rules since my last ban apart from a recent warning I received for something which I'm sure you can see, that was purely stupidity at the time but aside from that I do not believe I have broken any rules, including this unban appeal here today. 

Thank you for the reply. 

Hello there @Gekz
I understand that an auto-ban wouldn't understand the context behind something, but, using common sense you'd kind of figure it would be a naughty-naughty word. 

Different senses of humour I guess, I personally find it funny between me and the other person and I get the jokes are not for everyone, hence why the jokes are said in private between us so we do not offend anyone else. These jokes are all said within RP and within EVERY rule, which is why I stated I very much disagree with this ban. Yes, the context was missing considering it was an "auto-ban" but I tried to clear things up in a ticket and here. 
Oh trust me, my humour is very dark, shall we say, it would require context for anyone to have a "laugh" shall we say, but with what I can see, the "punchline" isn't there. 
Just the naughty word, which I hope you can understand how that makes you look (from my pov). 
Do you by any chance have any footage, leading up to your ban? - It would speed up my side of things, by a 8-mile! 

I would check the ticket, but turns out the bot is having a moment right now...I will try my best to look at it as soon as I can! 🙂

I understand that an auto-ban wouldn't understand the context behind something, but, using common sense you'd kind of figure it would be a naughty-naughty word. 
Yeah understandably, I shouldn't have texted it and I instantly realised how stupid that was, I can't deny that. 

Oh trust me, my humour is very dark, shall we say, it would require context for anyone to have a "laugh" shall we say, but with what I can see, the "punchline" isn't there. 
Just the naughty word, which I hope you can understand how that makes you look (from my pov). 
 I understand how I may look from your POV but I can assure you I do not have one bit of maliciousness to any sexual groups at all. I wasn't going to mention it but I have gay friends who I often joke around with and say sexual things to and they know I am not actually homophobic, those good friends of mine being Kina and Bas Kamara who are openly in a relationship together, they can indeed confirm that all I say is purely a joke. 

I would NEVER go out of my way to actually offend someone like that and hate when people do that.

Do you by any chance have any footage, leading up to your ban? - It would speed up my side of things, by a 8-mile! 
I do indeed, could I send you this via a ticket or discord DM? As I'd prefer not everyone sees it.

Thank you again for the quick reply. 

Hello there, 
How are we today?

I do indeed, could I send you this via a ticket or discord DM? As I'd prefer not everyone sees it.
If you'd be so kind to send it to me in a DM,  here or on discord, either works. 

I'll be looking a bit more into this later today as well, hopefully we will hit you with good news/bad news. 🙂
Thank you for your patience. 

After having a quick read of your ticket that you made, and even asking said people that were involved, or the once you quoted. 
I came back with a update for ya, Bas and Kina are in a relationship together both RP and OOC (I believe), they were asking if it's okay for them to call each other the f-word within RP, which is what was replied to "depending on context and between each other I'd not see an issue" - You were NOT told you can. 

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After having a quick read of your ticket that you made, and even asking said people that were involved, or the once you quoted. 
I came back with a update for ya, Bas and Kina are in a relationship together both RP and OOC (I believe), they were asking if it's okay for them to call each other the f-word within RP, which is what was replied to "depending on context and between each other I'd not see an issue" - You were NOT told you can
I was not made aware that this was purely for between the two and like stated in my initial appeal, going around the server you hear plenty of people, like I said including staff and devs, saying it jokingly between each other with no real malice behind it. This is the same case here. I'm sure you might say to me common sense would tell me that I shouldn't say it however, common sense also tells me if these people in the community are allowed to say it then everyone should AS LONG AS there is no malice to it, which I'll re-iterate there was none as me and this other person are fine with it as we have spoken about it IC and OOC.

Just to touch on a point you had made in a previous reply, I also had no clue the game had an auto-ban feature for typing certain words. Had I known I obviously would not have typed it. 

Thank you for the reply again.

Touching on that a friend of ours decided to reach out to staff lead Stuart to confirm it was okay to say this word, Stuart's reply stated "its context that is important with that rule.
I think you are taking what I said to someone else a bit far in all honesty. You and I haven't talked and what I told that person was in relation to a discussion had with them, Trying to use what I said is fine to others is out of context completely and in all honesty doesn't set a good look in trying to get an answer for a situation down the line. 

So question from me, Why are you trying to use what I said to fit your context? 

I think you are taking what I said to someone else a bit far in all honesty. You and I haven't talked and what I told that person was in relation to a discussion had with them, Trying to use what I said is fine to others is out of context completely and in all honesty doesn't set a good look in trying to get an answer for a situation down the line. 

So question from me, Why are you trying to use what I said to fit your context? 
I don't believe I am to be honest with you Stuart, I was told they had asked you and you had said it was fine as long as there was no malice, but like I said in my last reply it was not said to me once that this was specifically ONLY for between the two. 

That is why I am using what was said by you to fit "my" context because I believe it still applies, there was no malice at all in what I said and at the end of the day it's the context that matters and that is what I am trying to get across. It was something said about my best friend who I can assure you definitely does not take any offence the same way I wouldn't if he were to say it to me.

To put it into perspective - because right at the beginning Mike mentioned Matt Stones' ban in correlation to mine -  I wasn't calling a group of people these things in any negative way and especially not someone I don't know in front of others. That is where I believe the context comes in, very different situations with very different RP storylines behind it.

Just to add, in almost a year of me being on the server I had always believed it was fine to say as long as it was between friends who are okay with it IC and OOC just from going around and hearing the "role-models" of the server saying it and I believe it was asked to confirm that it was genuinely okay hence why I chose to say this word.

Thank you for the reply.

Indeed what I said to the two people involved was due to a situation that suited their needs and that's why my comments we're made directly to them and not everyone as a whole. It's always a good idea not to try and use other peoples context to fit your narrative moving forth. 

How can we be sure moving forth should we give you the opportunity that you won't try and use such things moving forth to benefit yourself? 

Also, Why not come to us directly to ask for clarification for yourself? 

Good morning @Stuart

Indeed what I said to the two people involved was due to a situation that suited their needs and that's why my comments we're made directly to them and not everyone as a whole. It's always a good idea not to try and use other peoples context to fit your narrative moving forth. 

How can we be sure moving forth should we give you the opportunity that you won't try and use such things moving forth to benefit yourself?
Like I said I genuinely had no clue that this only applied to the 2 from miscommunication I believed this was to everyone. That was the reason I used what you said to provide context as I had no idea until Mike told me it was only for the 2 of them.

Also, Why not come to us directly to ask for clarification for yourself? 
I didn't think I needed to like I said I thought what you said to those 2 was something that applied to everyone. Obviously now I'm in this position I now know that I should've messaged Staff directly before going ahead and using said word and moving forward I'll be sure to come to you guys directly for clarification. 

Thank you for the reply. 

Do you often take what one said, and try to fit it into your narrative?

What happens next time?

Do you often take what one said, and try to fit it into your narrative?

What happens next time?
Well no, but I believed what was said to someone else had applied to everyone in general, so this wasn't something I necessarily "knew" I was doing which I think I have explained in the replies. I wasn't trying to use anything to fit my narrative, purely just using what I believed applied everyone to add context to this ban.

Well next time, as I said in my last reply, I will be sure to open a ticket for confirmation before. 

Thank you.

Discrimination is not something that we allow on our server, You've been banned for it in the past, albeit the translation was a bit messed up as we came to find but nevertheless it still happened.

In future, if someone Staff and or Non Staff tells explains a rule to someone else. Don't take that as fact, and fit it into your own narrative as Context differs from situation. If in doubt, open a ticket and ask directly to Staff to cover your own ass if this happens again.

This is your fifth ban, three being permanent. If you are banned again within 6 months, you will be given a 6 month cooldown.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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