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Unban Appeal - gareth kelly - GTA RP

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North East

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: jack dale
Steam ID: 76561198335651642
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18037
Ban Reason: C1.2
Why do you think you were banned: Hi Staff, I was banned due to me using a derogatory slur against some members of Cutlass. I broke the C1.2 rule of discrimination : Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination. I was downed by Cutlass and taken to the basement of the arcade where they basically just slandered me, which was basically just alot of poor RP on their behalf (It still doesnt make what i said right) and i lost my cool and called them the F word. Since my time ive been in the city for over a year and I have never said anything like this before, and i can assure you it would never happen again. he words i used are not a true reflection of my character, and since it occured ive felt incredibly shameful and embarrased.
Why should we unban you: I just want to start this by apologising to Ant Toe, the other cutlass members and everybody who viewed the clip of me saying the word i said, as i and everybody who knows me, knows that was not a true reflection of my character at all. Nobody should ever have to hear words like that, especially not whilst trying to take time out of their day to relax and have fun on a video game. I understand how damaging discrimination is, not only to the people that are offended, but to the community as a whole. Nobody should have to put up with that.

I believe everybody should be given a second chance to redeem themselves in life when things happen. As it was just in the complete heat of the moment, i lost my cool (which hasnt happened before) and immediately after i said it i said i was sorry. I knew what i said in that instance was disgusting and vile and i can only assure you with my words that it would never happen again. Since ive had time away from the server, i havent really gamed much at all, it made me realised i probably needed a bit of time away and if it was possible, id like to be granted a second chance to redeem myself and prove that is not the person who i am.

I want to also apologise to staff for my last appeal. I rushed through it because i missed the community and my friends and after i posted it, i knew i should have put more effort in to it. Again, im sorry to everybody that heard me, and i can only assure you it would NEVER happen again. A man is only as good as his word, and i think the only way to prove it would be to allow me back in to the community.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @gareth kelly

I hope all is well today?

You said this was said in the heat of the moment? At of times we say things out of anger and the heat of the moment that reflect how we think, feel, act so this is a concern. Now since you admit you said this in the "heat of the moment" how can you be sure this won't happen again?

Things like this aren't to be rushed and won't be.
Hello Jessie, thanks for the reply. I am well and I hope that you are having a great day.I can be sure that this won't happen again as I have taken some time away from the server now, and strongly believe that I have learned my lesson. I have understood that actions have consequences and despite my state of mind during that situation, the word that I used, should not have been said whatsoever.I have also told myself that if I were to be unbanned, I would think twice before saying anything stupid like that.
Hello @gareth kelly

I am wondering as to why you picked that word to shout out and call the other group you were fighting at the time? There are many words you could have shouted out in anger so why that one?

Looking back at the last two appeals, the first one was written as if it was almost a joke to you with you saying "You can tell I didn't mean it what so ever, I don't have a homophobic bone in my body. i love gay people more gay men means more women for me but nah on a serious note". You said that "you could tell I didn't mean it" How could anyone tell that and even still you would be well aware what calling people certain words mean and how it can affect them.

The second one was lacking effort so my next question is, why should I waste anymore of my time on someone who has treated this with no respect and no effort until called out for it?
Hello Jessie, I hope all is well.
Ive had a bit of time away and had time to reflect on my actions, I have completely removed that word from my vocabulary. im fully aware of how much hurt and disrespect this can cause a person, and i take full responsibility for what I said and would like to apologise to ant "the person i said it to." in qe or anything like that The word is used was completely unacceptable, and I take full responsibility for that. The only 'excuse' I can say is that the word is not used to abuse someone who is gay where I am from, it is said to someone as ''weak''. I can only try my best to say that it is not something I would ever repeat again, and since ive been banned because of the word I used, I have felt horrible.

to answer your question, "Why should I waste any more of my time on someone who has treated this with no respect and no effort until called out for it?" i apologize if it came out this way, I was simply trying to bring light to a situation that I made dark and I realize now it seems I didn't care or respect the severeness of the situation at hand.

On my second appeal, I did try my best to portray that I was sorry. Im sorry if it came across as lacking effort but I struggle with putting the words together with things like this, and I only hope that this appeal comes across as a better one. If I was given another chance in the server, I can only promise you that nothing of this nature would ever happen again. As I said in my other appeal, I know this is a safe place for people to come and get away from their everyday struggles, and I ruined it for the people involved, and the people who heard the clip. Im sorry for this, and I can only hope that this appeal comes across as better.

regards and sincere apologies daley
Good afternoon @gareth kelly

I am melting in the heat but well other than that, I hope all is well with you
How do you remove a word from your vocabulary? Just wondering on that one.

Can you put the rule that was broken here for me and explain in your own words why you believe this rule is in place?
Hello Jessie,Im also melting, its too hot! Other than that im completely fine, thank you for asking.
Too be honest with you, It should never have even been said and I can only try my best to assure you I would never use it again. The whole time ive been on the server nothing like this has happened ever before, and since ive been banned I realise how pathetic it was to even say it in the first place. The rule I broke was the C1.2 Rule. (Do not express discriminatory or otherwise offensive views. This is no place for racism, religious hatred, ageism, sexism, homophobia, gender or disability discrimination.) The reason why the rule is in place is to ensure the community is a safe place for people of all races, genders, sexualities etc to come together and feel safe from any hate. I don't mean to repeat myself on this but im incredibly sorry to everyone involved in the situation and everyone who heard the clip. It isn't the person I am, and I can assure you its not a path I would go down again. Since ive had time away from the server, ive realised how much I miss everything and everybody in it, and stupid it is to let your emotions get the better of you over a game.Thank you for taking the time to reply again Jessie, its really appreciated. If I was ever allowed to join the community back, I can only use my word and say you will never speak to me in this setting again. A man is only as good as his word, and unfortunately this is all I can offer, until I can one day prove it by my actions.Thank you.

HI Jessie,
I hope youre well!

If I was in the same or a similar situation again, I wouldn't even bother going down that route again. Id go down the avenue of begging for my life etc, as that would have been much more enjoyable for both parties, as its a roleplay server, so I would actually roleplay and not just lose my head. Ive learnt my lesson and I feel terrible for what occurred. It was a stupid and childish thing to say and I hope I can assure you nothing like that will happen again. There's no room for that behavior in the community, and I hope I will be allowed to return again.
Good evening @gareth kelly

I thank you for your responses and how detailed they have been, it has not gone unnoticed.

I hoped that you have learned from this and do not repeat it, I am happy to give you a second chance on the server so do not waste it.

Any bans within the next 6 months will bring you back here

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