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Unban Appeal - FrOsTySCT - GTA RP


New member

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Dave White
Steam ID: 76561199107499392
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17754
Ban Reason: Pegi + Discord ban
Why do you think you were banned: The reason I was banned from the server was because at the time I was only 17 years of age but since then I turned 18. I also received a discord ban for trolling in a VC with one of my friends who was also banned.
Why should we unban you: Now that it has been a couple of months since my bans I feel like I am ready to return to RPUK,

On the FiveM ban I received that was a genuine mistake I joined the server without reading the rule's and I was unaware of the 18+ rule, from then I have looked over the rule's and I'm now aware that I was in the wrong for joining in the first place, I wasn't in the server trolling or doing anything stupid I was following all the rule's minus the 18+ rule to the appropriate standards and if I'm right in saying might be wrong but I'm positive this was my first and only offence within the server.

On the Topic of the discord ban I completely apologies for mine and my friends actions as what we done was bang out of order, I didn't mean for us to offend or harass anyone and during my time off I have thought over and over about my actions and I regret it, as of this day RPUK was probably the best and most enjoyable server's I've been on and I went and blew my chances with being a idiot. this appeal is where I want to prove that I can fit perfectly into the community and from this day on not show any sort of harassment to anyone.
Mine and my friends actions within that call was completely childish and I can now understand fully where the ban has came from, The call went something along the lines of one of my friends being in QE and I joined to talk to him, staff proceeded to join and that's when me and my friend started trolling, I personally don't think I was being horrible as all I did say was 'Before I leave, where is it you are from cause you sound quite Irish' before I did say that my friend who was originally in QE asked staff to kick us and my other friend started getting a bit cheeky I did sit quiet for most of it until I asked that question but he told me he wasn't irish and but this point I received a timeout, I was going to accept my timeout as my actions where wrong for being there in the first place but by the time I went to go look at how long it was I then was banned.

I'm sorry for my actions and I hope to return to RPUK, Thank you for taking the time out your day to go through my appeal and I hope you have a good rest of your day!
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes