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Unban Appeal - frank shmezy - GTA RP

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frank shmezy

Unban Appeal for frank shmezy 

In-game Name: frank shmezy

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198170005623

Ban ID: !!rpuk13612!!

Reason given for your ban: G4.4

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I got banned for G4.4

I would like to explain what happened that night. I got a phone call from one of my friends and she sounded panicked, she told me she was in the FBI building with 2 of our other friends and they were exploring. One of them fell down the elevator shaft when trying to find a way out. I went there to help and thought it would be a good idea to call a friend and tell him the situation just incase I wasn’t able to save anyone. My friends in the FBI building were not receiving calls on their phones, I soon found they had all fallen and got incapacitated when I was looking around and found the elevator shaft, I had a look over the edge and fell to the bottom. From that moment I didn’t act out my injuries.

Why should we unban you ?: I would first like to say that I take full responsibility for my actions. I don’t have any excuse for my rule break other than being lazy and really tired.
I stupidly thought it would have no negative impact in the roleplay scenario I was in as I was with some of my close friends so I got careless.
I acknowledge now that I shouldn’t have been on the game at all that night because I knew how tired I was and wasn’t able to roleplay to the best of my abilities. I also realize that this rule is very important in our community as its the best realistic roleplay server I’ve played on and if everyone broke the G4.4 rule then the server would severely suffer.

I know I have a bad record with rule breaks on the server but I promise I will never make any of those same stupid mistakes again. I have never purposefully tried to ruin the server or players roleplay experiences because I love playing here and miss it very much. I really miss the fun times and laughs I’ve had with the many friends I’ve made here in RPUK.

Over the last 4 months I’ve had a lot of time to think about my mistakes and how i could have avoided being in this position.
I assure you it will never happen again and I please ask for one last chance to prove that I can be a good member of this community.

If I am lucky enough to have one last chance to play in this server I promise to abide by all rules. I won’t play at all when I am tired or when not feeling up to giving 100% roleplay in all scenarios.

I am determined to regain the trust that was lost and show that I have changed for the better. I hope to show my dedication in making a good impact and show others that I can be trusted.
Please give me one last chance to prove that I can be a valuable member of this community once again.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good evening @frank shmezy, I hope all is well! 🙂
It's nice to see that you've taken a decent amount of time away since your previous appeal which has hopefully been enough for you to properly think about the server as a whole.

04/02/2023 - 1 Day Ban for RDM
05/03/2023 - Warning for Common Sense (Low quality RP when robbing)
20/04/2023 - Warning for Exploiting
30/05/2023 - Warning for Non RP of Injuries
11/06/2023 - Kicked for Loitering 
13/06/2023 - Perm Ban for Combat Logging
01/08/2023 - Perm Ban for Non RP of Injuries 

Looking back over your record once again, it is absolutely dreadful at the moment. There are players that have been here far longer than you without a single note on the record, myself included and this is my first ever roleplay server.

Will this mass rulebreaking stop now, as if it continues in this way you're not going to last very long on the server.
Over the last 4 months, have you taken a break from roleplay as a whole or have you been improving elsewhere? 

Hello @Danoo, Thank you for reading and replying to my appeal.

I am very ashamed of my record; I did mess up a lot of times. Having spent 4 months away has made me truly value this community and server. I really miss playing here with my friends.

I did try to play a few different servers but never stuck to them because none compare to RPUK. In all honesty, I’ve just been playing other different games.

I sincerely promise that all rule-breaking will stop. I know it's hard to believe me because I’ve had chance after chance, and it's a risk to let me back because I’m not trusted yet, but I ask you to please give me one last chance to prove my worth.

Hello @frank shmezy, thanks for the response! 

If you are lucky enough to be unbanned, we will definitely be setting some conditions. 
This will be that if you receive any ban within the next 6 months, it will be a permanent and also come with an automatic 6 month cooldown before you're even able to appeal again.

Do you think those conditions are fair? 

The only reason this ban is so frustrating for us is because you were warned for not roleplaying your injuries yet decided to ignore it and go ahead with it again anyway resulting in this ban.
You had let your guard down around a certain group of friends, are we going to stumble across this again? 

Hello @Danoo

I completely understand and respect the fact that I would have conditions if I were lucky enough to have one last chance. I accept all the conditions. I do think those conditions are fair, yes. I will not break another rule. I will not let my guard down again, whether I am with my friends or with strangers. I will remain in character at all times and act out any injuries I may have. I am determined to keep a clean record from this point forward, if I am lucky enough to be allowed back on RPUK.

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Good evening @frank shmezy,

May I ask what your overall plan is if you've given a chance to RPUK?
What will you be doing?
What character(s) are you planning to play?
Is gang RP for you, or should you try something different?
What quality RP can you bring back to RPUK?

good evening @Danoo

My overall plan is to just chill for a little bit with my friends and earn some money, like a taxi or mining, to buy some cars and guns. I'm planning to play Frank Shemzy as my main character which would be doing some petty criminal activities and then maybe in a few months I might think about creating a new character becoming a policeman just for some fun and good RP situations. I feel like I wouldn't be playing as a gang as much, as I don't really like getting told to go farm for other people and having to run around with a group of people. I just like chilling with my group of friends and messing about a little, and just doing my own thing.

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Good evening @frank shmezy, thank you for the response 🙂

Your previous appeal, was signed by a lot of "Love Frank Shmezy 😘"
Was this taking the micky a little? 

Hello Danoo,

I wasn’t taking the mickey no, but i did realize it looked a bit insincere and I apologise for that.

Good morning @frank shmezy! I hope all is well 🙂

Very well, you've been banned now for 4 months which is a long period of time.
I hope you've managed to learn a lesson and taken a long read over the server rules to ensure we don't end up back here again for something so easily avoidable.

As mentioned, your punishment record is absolutely ridiculous so far.
Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent, this will come with an automatic 7 month cooldown before you may appeal.
Please do not waste your chance.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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