Flynn White
New member
Unban Appeal for Flynn White
In-game Name: Flynn White JR
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199000293261
Ban ID: !!rpuk10595!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because i was injured on the floor and disconnected as my game crashed I can show proof with a image
Why should we unban you ?: I feel like I should be unbanned because this reason was out of my control my game keeps crashing or lagging out 2-4 times a day you can see if you check your logs I can also show you guys a screenshot proof of my game crashing I would like to apologise for this and i will try my best to sort out my pc and WIFI from my end . If you could please dm on discord i can provide you the screenshot Winterz#5524
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In-game Name: Flynn White JR
Server: GTA RP
Steam ID: 76561199000293261
Ban ID: !!rpuk10595!!
Reason given for your ban: C2.3
In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because i was injured on the floor and disconnected as my game crashed I can show proof with a image
Why should we unban you ?: I feel like I should be unbanned because this reason was out of my control my game keeps crashing or lagging out 2-4 times a day you can see if you check your logs I can also show you guys a screenshot proof of my game crashing I would like to apologise for this and i will try my best to sort out my pc and WIFI from my end . If you could please dm on discord i can provide you the screenshot Winterz#5524
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes