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Unban Appeal - FlowerLady - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Joe/Rosie
Steam ID: 76561198079910062
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18686
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: Hello, I was banned because I was silly. And did not follow the rules. I was on one character and dumped some stuff outside of my house. And then went onto my other character that I had just made and went and picked some of the stuff up. I regret this so much. I’m so sorry that I broke this rule and I understand the importance of following the rules. I don’t even no why I would do something so stupid. I don’t even have a reason why I did this. As I understand. My 2nd character shouldn’t have even known where my 1st character lived. I can’t assure you that nothing like this will ever happen again.
Why should we unban you: the rules are in place for the benefit of the roleplaying community and server as a whole, to make the roleplay as authentic as possible, and obviously as I broke these rules I take nothing but full responsibility for all off my actions and want to apologise. I really do regret my past actions and just wish I had stuck to the rules and just enjoyed my time interacting with the amazing community the server offers. If I was given a second opportunity I can assure you that these mistakes will not happen again because I have learned my lesson and I will never take the server for granted anymore. I’ve also spent many hours reading over the server rules to strengthen my knowledge
I’m very sorry. RPUK is by far amazing and the best city that I have been in. I enjoy my time every time in in city. also may I add how amazing the staff are and would like to thank you all.. I would be so grateful if I could get a 2nd chance even if this means me having to start over..
As I understand it hasn't been a long time but I'm honestly missing the city so much i apologise again and hope you can consider allowing me to come back to the city.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good evening @FlowerLady

I hope all is well today?

Something isn't making sense here, your first appeal (https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/unban-appeal-flowerlady-gta-rp.426998/) you said it was because Joe and the person she lived with had an argument, that Joe then left a bunch of stuff outside and told him to pick it up, that you then made Rosie and went by to see if he had indeed taken from the box. Now you are telling this story? You see how this isn't making sense?

Now if the first story is true then I am concerned about a few things;
1 - Why would Rosie go to that box to see if joes partner/ house mate/ whatever has taken from the box? Seems a bit ... weird, does it not?
2 - As you have said here Rosie wouldn't know where Joe would live so it wouldn't make any sense for Rosie to be there
3 - The story you have given here would then be a lie and would make me wonder if I should trust what you tell me in future
4 - What would stop this from happening again?

If the second story is true then It would be the same sort of thing;
1 - As you have said here Rosie wouldn't know where Joe would live so it wouldn't make any sense for Rosie to be there
2 - The story you have given on your last appeal would then be a lie and would make me wonder if I should trust what you tell me in future
3 - What would stop this from happening again?

By lying and logging out when the admin had pulled you, you are already off to a bad start. Granted to you did come back to have the chat with the admin.

It seems you may need some time away from the server, you can appeal again 09/09/2024

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