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Unban Appeal - Fet - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for Fet 

In-game Name: Fetran Emersyn

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198068992196

Ban ID: !!rpuk9474!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3 (C2.3) Combat logging

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was on a bike in a secluded area during a quiet time, in which I teleported into a wall and died. I was already bored and then annoyed at this so I just quit the game straight away.

Just to clarify the death, the bike and myself were teleported into the wall and then I was sent flying out of the wall and was dead. I did not know that I could talk to an admin to respawn me.

Why should we unban you ?: As I am relatively new to GTARP, it was my understanding that I can just log back in and call for a medic later on given that I didn't influence any plays during that time. I was bored so I decided to explore, I think it's natural to want to take a break if I die to a bug which sends me flying to my death. Honestly none of this was done maliciously.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Why didn't you simply wait for a member of the NHS to come to you or simply respawn after the 15 minutes over logging out? 

Have you spent time to read our rules both GTA and Community ones since the ban was placed? If so can you please quote the rule you have been banned for and in your own words explain why you believe we have such a rule in place?

I hadn't slept which is why I figured I may aswell just go to sleep. Honestly didn't realise that I called for a medic.

I have read both community and GTARP rules, initially when I got banned and twice more during this appeal.

The rule (C2.3) combat logging states that logging out at any point during RP is exploiting. Examples include whilst dead waiting for a medic.

I think that this rule is in place so that people aren't wasting other players time and so that roleplaying scenarios can be carried out, otherwise people will just leave at their convenience and the server wouldn't function.

Is this the only time you have combat logged on the server? 

Yes, although there was an instance where my game crashed (in scenario) but I believe I sorted it out later, I was told not to worry about it.

Lets say you get into the same situation down the line, How would you go about this? 

I am going to try getting Medal so I have proof of situations. I would type to an admin in the chat or open a support ticket if they're not around.

Just out of curiosity do you happen to have a video of what happened to you? 

Also where did you go down?

No I don't. I have recording disabled due to my PC not being able to handle it smoothly in most games. I'm not sure where I went down either, I think I remember seeing a weapon bench in the room but that could be literally anywhere.

No problem, I had a look where you was downed and it wasn't inside a wall bugged. I won't say exactly where you was however you wasn't in the middle of nowhere. 

So moving forth if we do give you another chance and you happen to go down, How can we be sure you wouldn't simply combat log again or something similar? 

When I did it, I didn't realise I was in a roleplaying scenario and thought I was just logging off.

As for not combat logging or something similar, I was just getting into GTARP (and managed to meet a group without my usual friends who invited me), I want to play it with my friends on my account so it is counterproductive to intentionally break the rules.

I believe now you are more than aware that even logging off whilst in a downed state for any reason can full under our combat logging rule as a whole. In this instance it does appear you was on your own however this doesn't mean you can simply log off the server. Should there be an issue where you have to leave you would need to reach out to a member of staff or inform other players if you are in an active situation. 

I would highly suggest you take some time to read over our server rules both GTA and Community rules so you are more aware of them as a whole. I am however willing to give you another chance to return to the community however if you do find yourself banned and come back here you won't find it so easy next time to get another chance. Don't let me down and I do hope not to see you return to the appeals section.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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