Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Fabian
Steam ID: 76561199267350984
Ban ID (just the numbers): 17062
Ban Reason: c2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned under c2.3. I was banned because I was trying to evade police during me kidnapping another player in the boot. These actions that i did are not permitted which lead to my ban
Why should we unban you: I should be unbanned because I understand that trying to hide my actions in a appeal 5 to 8 months ago wasn't the truth. I have learned from my mistakes and read all the rules again after taking a 5 to 8 month break. I fully understand and compile with these rules which I will be on my best behaviour if re-joined the Rp server and I could promise it will never happen again. Another reason why you should unban me it is because I have missing playing this server for a long time and I just want to hop back on it and go back to the them good times. I would like to apologies what happened a yew months ago with my other unban appeals when I wasn't telling the truth but I have told the truth and that's what matters.
Thank you for your time
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes