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Unban Appeal - Eddan - Altis Life

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Unban Appeal for Eddan 

In-game Name: yeezys_

Server: Altis Life

Steam ID: 76561198340557584

Ban ID: James Travers

Reason given for your ban: A1.2

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned because i ban evaded a 1 week ban i got on my main account.

Why should we unban you ?: It was some months ago i got banned and i feel ive learnd my lesson. It was a really dumb decision to ban evade. I really enjoy playing on this server and i really want to comeback to prove ive changed and im not going to break any rules again. I had some other smal bans in my history and ive learnd from that aswell. I dont know what more i can write about it, i just want to say im sorry for doing the rulebreak and i would love to comeback and show a different side of myself.

I know i broke alot of rules in a very short period of time but as i said before i didnt take the server so serios. I wont break any more rules, if im getting unbanned i will take care of the time on the server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Please confirm for me your SteamID, the one you provided appears to be incorrect. 

You got banned for 1 Week for a clear and blatant rule break and you decide to ban evade which lead to this being a permanent ban.

Given your history on our server with regard to this not being your first ban, why should I now believe you've "turned a new leaf" and will adhere to our server rules going forward? 

You got banned for 1 Week for a clear and blatant rule break and you decide to ban evade which lead to this being a permanent ban.

Given your history on our server with regard to this not being your first ban, why should I now believe you've "turned a new leaf" and will adhere to our server rules going forward? 
Because i didnt take this server serious back there, i dont know why. I just really want to comeback and show that i can follow the rules.

Back then? It was a few months ago. I fail to see how you could have matured, and gained a new appreciation of our rules in a couple of months. You ban evaded, something that everyone should know is not allowed.

Explain to me why I could be wrong about you, and tell me what you can bring to this community.

@EddanPlease respond soon or this appeal will time-out

The appeal has been Timed out, We are unable to keep ban appeals open indefinitely, You may reopen a new appeal but don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

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