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Unban Appeal - DylanKH - GTA RP


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Unban Appeal for DylanKH 

In-game Name: Dylan Hammy

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199501529894

Ban ID: &&RPuk11791&&

Reason given for your ban: G1.2 (RDM) C1.15 (BAN EVASION)

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for rdm (random death match G1.2) and Ban evasion (avoiding a penatly C1.15)

Why should we unban you ?: Dear Roleplay.co.uk Adminstration team, (Mike wolfie) I would just like to apologise I did not mean to plargise at all, I suffer from extreme dislexia and I will admit I used a template but I tried my best to turn it into my own words, so I will just try my best to write this from scratch to show how sincere I am

I am writing this ban appeal to show my sincere regret for this things that I have done on this server I undestand that my actions and behaviour are not tolerable on this server (RDM and Ban-evasion) it was unacceptable and ruined the gameplay for the players that had an ecounter with me . I would like to start off by apologsing for my actions

I do understand that my actions, werent tolerable at all. And I take responsibility and in no shape or form will I ever try to justify my actions on this server I undestand that they violated the server rules and my actions showed a disrepect to the server, staff team and the players of the server. I would like to assure the adminstrators of this server That I have learned from my mistakes and have grown has a person and If I do get a chance to redeem my self I will, and fully comply with the server rules going forward with this appeal.

I do believe the adminstrators should know Why I did what I did at the time of the incident for the ban evasion incident I orginally got banned for combat logging, and The reason why I combat logged was because my dog was having a siezure and I had to take her to the vets, and I understand this isn't a justifyable reason consdiering I could of contacted, the staff team after the situation happened. And at the time I didn't contact anyone or knew I could of contacted anyone and that is no ones fault but my own I should of taken the inituative and went ahead after it happened to ask or at least bring it up. This server Has brought me a lot of joy I have made a lot of friends and just generally its a great enviorment for me and for everyone else who plays, at the time I was experincing with serve mental health issues, and I saw this server as a getaway for me. So I thought ban evaded would of been smart so I could be with my friends and great enviorment once more but that Is clearly not the right answer I also would like to say I acknowldege that my mental health isssues do not justify anything for breaking the server rules, I would just like to explain from my pov I would also like to mention I have had help and have been much better mentally, and I have had the time to heal collectivley and in a healthy manner. I realise that its imporant to take responsibility for your actions and thats what I want to do I would really appreciate If I could have the chance to make amends for my actions in the pass I realise what I have done is idiotic and stupid but I can assure moving forward I wont make anymore mistakes and I have taken on a much more mature and rash thinking mindset. Now since this ban also has G1.2 RDM I should mention it from my pov, I was on my block with my gang members and I saw people sneaking up on us with guns, So my instict was just to shoot them as it was on my property and now I understand this disregards the server rules, we did take them to the NHS to pick them back up and they did end up staying alive, but Still If I thought more rash it could of ended up being a great RP scene, and I would like to apologise for that. I did take it in my own hands to apologise to the indivual after I got banned because I can agree i should of apporached things differently, I have made a lot of mistakes and I will in no way shape or form, try to justify my actions cause I understand they are wrong but I would like to assure the staff team I am Aware of my actions, and Would really like a chance to reedem my self and bring good RP to the server

I am hoping you will consider my appeal I am happy to answer any questions or go in further details if that would help, I am fully owning to my actions and regret them deeply.
Thank you for your time

Yours sincerly (Dylan Hammy)

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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just wanting to check if this Is fine, I write it all in my own words etc

Hello there @DylanKH
Let's start this off with a simple question, are you sure this is in your own words? 
Or did you just add mistakes here n there, to make it look human? 

I am not convinced that this is your HONEST appeal, and I believe you still used a templated, be it ChatGPT, or any other form of plagiarized work. 
Firstly, we do not need you to make the appeal look very nice to the eye, but we care about honesty more than anything, and I fail to see you being honest in regards to your claim of "I write it all in my own words etc", looking at the way you type, it doesn't look identical at all. 

In your next appeal I also want you to explain a few things for me, such as why do you have so many forum accounts? 

Looking at the other accounts appeals, you can see how differently you type as well, and the replies you give, are you still sure this is your honest work? 
I feel like the once I linked above were more honest than this one, or your previous one. 

Considering you ban evaded, the accounts that were banned for ban evading will **NOT** be unbanned, but the original account may be, if a successful appeal. 
Considering how willing you are to pull our noses, I will be giving you a 3 month cooldown. Today is the 07/05/23, you will be able to appeal said ban on the 07/08/23. 


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