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Unban Appeal - Dwayne Spike - GTA RP

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Dwayne Spike

Active member
Forum Drive
Unban Appeal for Dwayne Spike 

In-game Name: Dwayne Spike

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198079612698

Ban ID: !!rpuk14864!!

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was banned for C2.3 - Combat logging. During a RP situation things got a bit frustrating and I took that to OOC chat. I was then kicked for misuse of OOC , I had taken too long to come back and was further banned for combat logging.

Why should we unban you ?: The situation began as Ballas were setting up for a fight against grove as they are currently at war. A couple of members took a chopper and landed on top of a building to scout out the opposing turf , while this was happening a lot of police cars started circling the area and Blackhawk took to the skies. The Ballas members then relocated to another building to be away from the police that have now decided to show up. A call was made that the police were attempting to stop the Ballas members , an ambush was setup around forum drive so that when they arrived and if anything kicked off we were able to help at a moments notice. Police pursued the members inside the apartment complex at forum drive with AR's in hand and ready , shooting began and it became a police vs Ballas situation. While all this was going on grove decided to push and attack at the same time making it a complete warzone. While this was going on I took to OOC chat with my frustration to let the police know how much of a joke I thought it was , which led to me getting kicked for OOC abuse. Yes we were warned and I did not take those warnings into consideration when writing what I did.

After I got kicked from the server , I was very frustrated and took some time for myself for a smoke (Dirty habit I know) as it always helps me after a stressful or frustrating situation , once I had come back I had seen that Sean and Tyson had wrote in the discord telling us to stop writing in OOC when it wasn't needed as it would only lead to further consequences. We then had a talk in VC about the situation and discussed what had happened and how to go forward , then main thing we was told was told to stop any further misuse of the OOC. After the conversation had ended I loaded up the server to be greeted with a permanent ban.

I understand that I took too long to log back in and made a poor judgement in not doing so sooner. If I hadn't of been kicked , I would never have even thought about combat logging. I have spent far too long trying to get back into this community after the mistakes I had made in the past , trying everything I possibly could to show I'm here to provide fun entertaining scenarios for everyone. I apologise for the fact you are seeing me in the appeals again , but this was never something I would do intentionally.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good morning @Dwayne Spike, I hope all is well with you other than this! 🙂

It's a shame to see you here again to say the least, especially after your last ban being a 1.6, I had given you a chance to return and prove yourself.
Following that, I'd have thought simple things like misusing OOC chat would be something you heavily avoid knowing you were already lucky enough to be let back in.

Why were you frustrated, and posting unhelpful messages in OOC knowing full well that it's not what the chat is intended for?

Did you not think about the active situation you were downed in, and wanting to return to it?

Hey @Danoo, I'm doing well thank you and I hope you are too! 

Honestly the last place I wanted to be was in the appeal section again. I have honestly done everything I possibly can to keep my nose clean and keep my head down. Unfortunately all it took was this small bit of frustration to land myself back here. Believe me when I say I am thankful for the extra chance given to me so I can prove myself , I just hope this mishap has not made staff think they have made the wrong decision. 

The reason for my frustration was due to the RP given to us by police at that current time. Just to clear up this isn't me saying the police don't give good RP or anything like that , I have had so many good experiences with them. This scenario though could have been handled differently in my opinion , but the way I went about dealing with it was very wrong. 

I understand that OOC is not intended for me moaning , the heat of the moment just caught up with me. Better use of it would be to ask them to come to a VC if I was unhappy. The issue of me not logging on straight away was honestly not intentional , I took the time to have a smoke and calm down a little bit before returning. Returning to the situation was always the plan , I unfortunately made the poor judgment call of taking far too long. Just to clear up as well , I was still alive and not downed not that this changes anything. 

I appreciate you taking the time to read my appeal and apologise again for my poor judgement. 


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Good evening, @Dwayne Spike! 🙂

You say your actions (Misuse of OOC chat & not returning to the server right away) were caused by frustration during heat of the moment.
Given that you've kept a clean record since returning, I'm surprised to see you here as it was going very well!

Are we to often expect you breaking server rules due to frustration? Was this a one off?

Hey @Danooi really appreciate you getting back to me so quickly. 

Honestly it is not something I do often , during my time back I have made sure to keep a clean slate and intended to keep it that way. I understand that this has probably caused doubt in peoples minds but this honestly was not something I intentionally wanted. I'm not one to usually write in OOC chat at all to be honest and when I was kicked I believe it was the first time I have ever been kicked for misuse of OOC. 

There are times I have gotten frustrated on the server and if that was ever the case I would always go for a smoke and take a break. Unfortunately for me I chose to do that at the wrong time and caused me to be back here. I will make sure in future that should I ever have issues returning to a situation that I would let someone know. 

I never had any ill intentions by waiting a little while before coming back to the server after my kick , but I do apologise for my actions and to those whose RP I affected with me being gone. 

Thanks for reading.  

Good morning Mr Spike!

I've had a look through your OOC messages and for the most part you do not misuse it. 
I believe this was a genuine one off occasion, and it's just a shame it happened considering this was all completely avoidable if you'd have just stayed within the rules of OOC misuse.

I'm inclined to give you another chance here, as you had kept an extremely clean record since your last unban and I believe you're a good roleplayer. It would be shame to see you throw your chances away over something like this.
If you were to be unbanned, given the combat log from the active situation your current inventory will be wiped.
Do you agree to this?  

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Morning @Danoo

I really appreciate you giving me another chance and i promise to keep my record as clean as it was up until now. This was a one off thing and will make sure not to misuse OOC again. I fully agree to the wipe , thank you again. 

Good morning @Dwayne Spike!

As per the unban conditions, I have issued a full inventory wipe on your character.
I'd like to see you continue the clean record you had going, please do not come back to the unban appeals section again.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent and will be much harder to appeal. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

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