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Unban Appeal - Dr_Magnet - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Jazz Magnet
Steam ID: 76561198189501338
Ban ID (just the numbers): 16730
Ban Reason: UNK
Why do you think you were banned: In all honesty, I'm not entirely sure. I know that the group I was a part of was all banned and I think the reasons vary. For myself personally, I'm not sure of the reason.
Why should we unban you: I believe I should be unbanned as although I have made a few mistakes in this community I have tried to improve every time I've been told about a mistake. for example, when I first joined RPUK on FIVEM my roleplay standard was lower than what it should have been as it had been a year since I was part of a roleplay community of any sort I was informed that my roleplay was not what was expected and I believe following this my roleplay got a lot better whenever I found myself in a roleplay situation I tried to make it as fun as possible for both sides and trying to follow the roleplay through till the end where possible not to leave any member of a situation feeling as though I provided poor roleplay. of course, I'm not going to sit here and lie saying I did that every time there have been times when I was tired and wanted a situation to end quickly but I feel that as my time on the server progressed times when roleplay was not as good as it could have been became further and further apart.

I hope you take the fact that I try to improve on my mistake into consideration and I also hope that you allow me to improve on whatever I may have done as I'm unsure what rule I broke. please allow me to explain my actions and improve on my mistakes.

One thing I'm sure that you will ask is why it took me so long to appeal this ban. the main reason it took me 5 months to appeal is that I needed a break from the server as I was spending all my free time playing the server another part of why it took me so long to appeal was because I thought if I appealed straight away that my appeal would be lumped in with everyone else and would just get automatically denied without a proper opportunity to explain my actions.

I'm not sure what other information I can put here but I hope to hear from the staff team soon with any questions you may have.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello Jessie

I'm doing well thank you for asking. How have you been?

Yes, I am still connected with a few of the alliance members as I am in a discord with some of them because I was planning to play in a different community with them but decided against it and took a break from roleplay for the past few months. I chose to do this as I started noticing myself gain a "Win mentality" and that is not the type of RP I want to provide. so since then, I have only spoken to them a few times to see how they've been doing.

Thank you for the reply I hope this answers your question and I hope to hear from you soon.
Hello Jessie,

To avoid something like this happening again I would avoid investing as much time into the server as that is where it often comes from when I have spent the past 12 hours grinding for a gun and I lose it in 30 minutes it can be disheartening and therefore I would want to win every situation but if I spread the time out I would mind a lot less I believe on top of this I would like to potential apply for police, NHS or even to become a park ranger as I think this would make a difference in my roleplay as I won't exclusively play a crim character and would see both sides of it. I would also take into account what other members of the community think for example after a situation if I'm asked to join QE I would like to ask the other side what they would have liked to see of me from that situation as there are of course times when I won't be able to catch myself and if other members for the community help me improve me roleplay as that's what I'm here to do create good roleplay for all parties even if that means not winning the situation. I would also appreciate it if the staff team could also help me with that for example if they see my roleplay not being as good as it can be they can send a message into OOC or even pull me this will help me improve my roleplay and everyone's experience on the server. but I think the best thing for me to do is to start playing a non-crim character for example joining the NHS or the park rangers or even police a group where I can focus on providing roleplay and I could bring this into my crim character and I believe this would improve my roleplay and stop me from having a win mentality

I apologize for the late response I have been very busy over the past few days. I hope to hear from you soon and thank you for taking the time to read my appeal.
Good afternoon @Dr_Magnet

I hope all is well today?

Walk me through what happened leading up to this ban? How did you end up joining "Alliance" and other things
Hello Jessie,

Thank you for asking yes all is well, how have you been?

Shortly before this ban, I had joined Alliance this had happened because I had been away from the community for probably 6 months at that point as I was a part of the hustlers when they decided to play different games that I didn't want to play so I decided to take a break from my computer, in general, I eventually decided to come back to playing games and joined RPUK I went around the city asking around seeing what had changed I noticed a lot of the people I had known for a while ended joining alliance so I spent a few days talking to them catching up I eventually decided to leave the hustlers as I wanted to play again but I knew they were not even going to try to rebuild for a while so I thought the best thing for me to do was to try to join Alliance. A few days after leaving the hustlers I was called by Jack we met up and after he decided to invite me to the F6 I accepted and ended up joining the alliance.

Once I was in alliance I think two major events caused the ban. the first was the war with the Aztecas if I'm being honest I'm not entirely sure what happened here I only know what I had been told about and that is that when people from Alliance were out looking for cutlass they checked a red car with people blacked out they pulled guns on the alliance members and a shoot out happened were the alliance ended up winning shortly after the alliance leader received a phone call from the Aztecs we said they could come down and talk to us so we can sort it but they responded with if we come down there's going to be a shoot out the leader of the alliance said they could try and hung up the phone there was a fight that same night. unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure how true this is as I was told the next day and was not there for the situation as I was away I only found out the next day and that's what I was told happened. I also know that because of this situation the alliance was continually accused of poor roleplay with people saying we just went to Aztecs to shoot them. but when I asked members of both sides the story was pretty much the same the alliance didn't really initiate it but once again I'm not sure as I was away for this.

The next event that I think caused the ban was that several of the alliance members decided to create second characters to join Vagos. They were let in with very limited roleplay as it had only been a few days of them playing those characters. I think this was a huge part of the ban as during this time vagos had been in a war making it look like those members were just chasing gunfights which put a bad look on all of the alliance.

I believe these are the main events leading up to the ban. I do know of other things that had happened but I think that was mainly from an individual member and was dealt with, by that person, as the alliance had no involvement in that situation it was the actions of an individual member.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear from you soon.
Good evening @Dr_Magnet

I am well thank you

You have a good memory of this, I am impressed.

several of the alliance members decided to create second characters to join Vagos.
Did you also have a second character that joined Vargos/ another group?

You have said about what you would like to do if you were unbanned, can you go in to a little more detail for me? Will you be playing a mix of both legal and crim characters, what will your story be for these characters, ect.
Hello Jessie

I'm glad to hear you are well.

I did not have a second character for vagos the only group any of my characters had been a part of was the police excluding my Jazz Magnet character which was my main and I joined several groups on it from park rangers to alliance. But I did think about making a character for Marabunta at one point this was mainly for nostalgia I had been a part of that group several times I more or less enjoyed it every time and I would have loved having a dedicated character for it but in the end, I choose against it for 2 main reasons firstly because I knew it would look bad on me if I was in 2 gangs especially as mara has a habit of being attacked I thought it would look like I'm there to fight so I choose against it the second reason I choose not to do this was because of my conversations with isak in the past I knew he was not a fan of second characters as they are forgotten about quickly and not played and I couldn't join on my main crim because of the RP I had with mara in the past when I left it wouldn't make any sense for me to join them.

My plan for if I come back is to create a character for police but I would more than likely play a mix of my crim and police characters this is because, for my entire time on rpuk, I had always played crim all the way back to when I played arma and was part of posidon. yes, I do want to switch it up and play more police but I don't want to say that I'll exclusively play police as I've never done that before and I have no idea if I'll enjoy it and the last thing I want to do here is lie saying ill main police but then realize it's not for me and end playing crim as this will look like i lied here just to be let back into the community. so in all honesty I don't know what I'm going to do if I'm allowed back i hope that I enjoy police as much as I have enjoyed my crim character over the past few years but I don't know for now.

Thank you for the quick reply and I hope to hear from you soon.
Hello @Dr_Magnet

I like the idea you have of playing both, I think it is good to have at least played as both side of the coin (so to speak) so you can appreciate what goes on and better your roleplay. Now of course whatever you do with that RP is up to you.

Now with any of the characters you make/ play, what are you fully looking to do? Are you looking to get in to gun fights, ect?
Hello Jessie,

For my police character I wanted to join RPU as this seems like the branch I would have the most fun I have always enjoyed police chases and what comes after I would love to experience the other side of that and be able to roleplay that out but at the same time not be unfair on the crimes as Im well aware how much time is put into gaining anything as a crim as to have enough for a car it could take you days of selling and then several attempts on different import days to actually be able to get a car for the police to come along and scrap it in a few days and I would like to be more fair when it comes to that as its happened to me and just participate in chases as I see them as the most fun part and doesn't cause a disturbance to other players.

whereas for my crim character, I'm not sure my plan for that I will likely spend my first few weeks back just talking to everyone seeing what has changed, and then make my decision and maybe this might be the time for me to join a group like cyprus or another group that focuses on the business side but I'm unsure as of now. one thing I do want to make clear is that my purpose on this server has never been to be apart of gunfights I do not actively go looking for them if I wanted that I would join a 100k or die server my purpose here has always been to roleplay even if during wars I do get hyped up and I'm not going to lie a say I don't enjoy gunfight I find them fun but they should always come from roleplay I believe they do fit into roleplay but they must be done correctly to make it enjoyable not the "you scratched my car ill be on your turf at 8" that has happened in the past I don't find that enjoyable as there's no point to it.

Thanks for the quick response once again, I hope to hear from you soon.
Good evening @Dr_Magnet

I thank you for your responses, the effort and detail has not gone unnoticed.

I like the ideas that you have and I am interested in seeing you put it in practice, wherever the RP takes you, police, NHS, Park rangers, G6, Solicitors, Mechanics, Groups, Gangs, ect I am happy to read that you will RP it, making it fun and fair for all involved. This does not mean it will be an easy road so do not waste this chance.

Please read the rules over again before joining back
Any bans you receive within the next 6 months will bring you back here
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