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Unban Appeal - Don Berna - GTA RP

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Active member
West Midlands, UK
Unban Appeal for Don Berna 

In-game Name: Rhys Rodriguez

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198837410876

Ban ID: !!RPUK12216!!

Reason given for your ban: C 2.2, G2.9

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: My account was banned as a result of a rule C2.2 and rule G2.9 infraction. These rules have been put in place to guarantee that RPUK maintains the highest level of RP. One of the most significant rules that the developers and team have implemented is Rule G2.9, in my opinion. It prohibits the exchange of goods, money, or property between characters. This wouldn't be an RP server if this restriction wasn't in place. It would merely be handled like a typical game, which it isn't. In order to uphold justice and provide every individual in the city equal opportunity, Rule C 2.2 was also put into place.

Why should we unban you ?: I want to start off by saying I did knowingly break the rules, for my own benefit. I have been absent in the city for a couple of months due to outside issues, and so Rhys' house was repossessed. I had a lot of things in the lost house which enabled me to engage in specific RP scenarios I couldn't be in if I didn't have them. As I lost the items when the house was lost, I came back to the city 10 days late to save the house. I was extremely frustrated as I knew I wouldn't be able to engage in the same old RP scenarios as before, without some of my old items.

Instead of working with Rhys to replace those items like I should have, I took a shortcut. I knew I had some old items, similar to the ones I lost, on a different character. I transferred those items across characters. This undermines everything RPUK stands for - RP. There was no RP. It was a shortcut, cheating and wrong. I have never been reported or even had to speak with staff before in the year I've been a member of the community. The only reason, and there is no excuse, is that I have been out of the city for a while and came back wanting to get straight back to where my character was and I couldn't. That's the only reason I can give, and its a pathetic one.

Since joining the RPUK community a year ago, I haven't ever received a report or run into any problems with the staff. I've got four characters. My initial character was Sergio Sanchez. Rhys is the next character -   Using this character, I have given enjoyable RP to several groups of individuals in the community. Miguel, my third character, is in the process of being hired as a police officer. He is anticipating an interview after passing the application stage. My most recent person, Sergio Rodriguez, is awaiting interview as a solicitor. The reason I'm giving these examples is because I do know what the rules are and why they're in place, but I did knowingly break them and I do apologise.

As for my previous appeal, it was a bunch of half - truths strung together to create a lie. As I have never done anything like this before, I was simply embarrassed. There is still no excuse as to why I lied, and I also apologise for wasting staff time, but also to thank staff member 'Liam' for allowing me to appeal again.

Going forward, whichever way you deem fit, I can say I will never do anything to break any rule ever again. I have been a good member of the community until 2 days ago, and I promise I will return to being that good community member if allowed. Also, I welcome the deletion of my character Sergio Sanchez, the character with the items that can be transferred. I want staff and the community to believe I am genuinely sorry and if the deletion of Sergio Sanchez helps me with that claim, then so be it.

I appreciate whoever has took time to read through my appeal, and thank you.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Better appeal this time around.

Please do the following:

Quote the exact rule(s) you broke

Explain them in your own words

Also, for the future. Honesty is the best policy in this community, keep the honesty going forth.

Thank you for the quick reply, and I completely agree. Honesty was always the best option and I apologise for not being honest to start with, It is just an embarrassing situation that's all.

(G2.9) Transferring money or items between your own characters is not allowed by any method.

This rule prohibits the exchange of money, items, property, etc. This is to ensure that each character has the exact same opportunities as every other character in the city, whilst also ensuring the RP sever stays an RP server. There is no RP involved when breaching this rule and so undermines the values of a serious RP server.

(C2.2) Exploiting - Using or attempting to use any exploits in any of our community game servers such as but not limited to duplication of items or money, transferring/processing items through walls and windows or bypassing intended animations. Punishment is a permanent ban without appeal. If you discover an exploit that nobody else knows about, please reveal it to a staff member privately in order to ensure that it does not get abused in the future.

This rule is in place to ensure no one is using bugs, or other ways to give your character an advantage over others. This could be transferring items, picking up people through walls, certain emotes in a gun fight. Breaching this rule also undermines RP values as it is blatantly cheating and only negatively impacts RP.

Are you aware that these types of bans come with a full character wipe of the character you wish to keep alongside the others being deleted?

No I was not aware, is there no room for negotiation and just having Sergio Sanchez deleted as that was the character used in the rule break? Miguel and Sergio Rodriguez have no progression as characters, only having solicitor and police applications accepted. With the character Rhys, I have spent close to a year with that character in order to engage in specific RP scenarios and it will probably take me just as long to get back into those scenarios with another. As this is my first ever and only rule break, is this a possible solution, just keeping the character Rhys?

At the end of the day, I did break the rules and if this is not possible, I do accept the terms you have offered and look forward to hopefully get back in the city. Thanks again

As already stated above, you get to keep one character with all their roleplay stories and phone records, however their materialistic possessions will be removed entirely. Which character would you like to keep? 

Hi, thanks for the  reply. Sorry I misunderstood. I'd like to keep Rhys Rodriguez please

Wipe completed

Thanks @Stuart

As stated @Don Bernathe wipe has been completed, we hope you take this as a valuable lesson and that we don’t see you back here in the future for trying to cut corners or any general rule breaks.

With that being said, any rule break within a 6 month period will land you back here with a permanent ban.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

Steam Group: RPUK Steam Group

Discord: RPUK Discord

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