Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Kenji Whitlock
Steam ID: 76561199192771312
Ban ID (just the numbers): 13206
Ban Reason: C1.9 | PEGI
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned when staff realised that I was 19 for 4 years in a row in my police application, upon further investigation multiple staff members questioned me about my age and asked multiple questions to determine if I was underage where the outcome was quite clear that I was.
Why should we unban you: The reason I should be unbanned is because this year I turned 18 and would wish to come back to RPUK, for the duration of my ban I realised the danger I put people at and how I compromised peoples safety. After a couple years I’ve decided to appeal my ban and ask if I can come back.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes