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Unban Appeal - Dezi - GTA RP

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United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Abe Ozo
Steam ID: 76561198223233220
Ban ID (just the numbers): 15572
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned due to logging out while dead. I should not have done this as it is breaking the rules and it is my fault.
Why should we unban you: Hi,

I think I should be unbanned as this would be my third time appealing this ban & showing interest that I do want to play the server. I just want to start off by saying sorry for my actions on the server and I can assure you this will not happen again if I were to be allowed back on the server. I'm sorry if it looked like I wasn't taking accountability for my actions in the most recent appeal but I know for sure that It was my fault and I shouldn't be breaking the rules.

I wasn't intentionally trying to "blame" others for why I was banned, I was just explaining myself so that you guys were aware of why this happened in the first place. However, I've realised this doesn't matter as It was all my fault why I received this ban. Throughout my time playing I did in fact enjoy myself and I really do like the feel of the server. One bad interaction just put me off and I shouldn't be letting that happen. If they were breaking the rules I should've just waited for the roleplay to finish and then once I was eligible to leave the server then I would proceed to make a report.

Hopefully from this, you guys can forgive me for my mistakes that I am taking responsibility for and we can move on from here, If I were to be given another chance I shall read the rules and make sure that none of this happens again in the future.

I hope you guys can accept my apology so I can return to this amazing server.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: (DID NOT ANSWER QUESTION)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
In your previous appeals, you've been quite hostile. Lets focus on your first.

Talk to me about your replies in this ticket. Where do you think I might take issue with your responses to us?
In your previous appeals, you've been quite hostile. Lets focus on your first.

Talk to me about your replies in this ticket. Where do you think I might take issue with your responses to us?

Hi mate I hope you're doing well, so I'm sorry about the hostility and I shall not do it again. It was very rude of me to respond like that and you wasn't "interrogating" me at all, you was just trying to simply help me, which I now understand and I'm sorry for my actions. I'll be honest I was just really impatient and it wasn't the right way for me to go about it. I admit it's not the attitude to have and I can assure you I wont have the same mindset or attitude if I was to be given the chance to get unbanned. Thanks for reading.
What has made you change your attitude?
What has made you change your attitude?
I've decided to take responsibility for my actions and take into account that this type of attitude isn't going to get me anywhere in life or this community. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused due to my behaviour and I will make sure this doesn't happen again.
Hello @Dezi ,

Would you mind telling us about the situation leading up to your ban?
What was your reason for leaving the server at the time?
What are your thoughts on the situation now looking back?
How do you think this may impact the server or other players negatively?
Hi @OneShot,
Would you mind telling us about the situation leading up to your ban?
I'll be completely honest here, it was a while back now so it's going to be hard to recall what exactly happened but I do remember that I was being mocked and followed by two individuals and once I had told them to leave me alone("fuck off") they killed me.
What was your reason for leaving the server at the time?
I never had a valid reason to leave the server, I was fuming because I was killed when I shouldn't have been killed. However, this does not justify me leaving the server and I shouldn't have left. I should've waited for EMS or respawned and then ask if I can leave the server.
What are your thoughts on the situation now looking back?
My thoughts are that it was a bad interaction and I shouldn't be letting that put me in a bad mood which resulted in me leaving the server and it got me banned, If I had followed the correct procedures I wouldn't be in this situation now to where I am trying to get unbanned.
How do you think this may impact the server or other players negatively?
This impacts the server because my actions reflects on the server and will make it look like a bad server if everyone is just breaking the rules, it also impacts other players as it would be ruining their roleplay immersion/experience.

Thanks for taking the time to read my response and I would like to apologise for ruining others experience on the server.
This isn't the first time you've been banned under the same rule; Why should we now take your word for it, again, that you're not going to act the same way once more?
Hi @Drex, so from my previous actions I have realised that it hasn't got me anywhere in rpuk. However, I am willing to change as a person and be a better person if I was to be allowed back on the server.
Hello @Dezi

I've looked through your replies and I'm glad to see you've owned up to your mistake, both in-game and on the forums.

However, I am willing to change as a person and be a better person if I was to be allowed back on the server.

I'm willing to give you a shot on this, however it will come with the condition that if you are banned for any reason within the next month (15/08/24), you'll be permanently banned again with no chance to appeal for a month. If you are banned for combat logging again, you'll not be able to appeal for three months.

Appeal Accepted - Unban Issued
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