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Unban Appeal - Dezi - GTA RP


United Kingdom

Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Abe Ozo
Steam ID: 76561198223233220
Ban ID (just the numbers): 15572
Ban Reason: C2.3
Why do you think you were banned: I was banned for logging out when dead.
Why should we unban you: I think I should be unbanned because I was random deathmatched twice within 10-15 minutes, I then respawn and two "baldies" decide to bait me and kill me, dying three times within a 30 minutes timespan just isn't fun and I just had enough for a day. This was a while ago now so I think I've served a hefty length of the ban for it to be lifted now. However being a new player and treated like this isn't fair at all, hence why I just upped and left. I'm pretty sure you guys would understand if you was in my situation, I literally came off a ban just to get banned due to two random people baiting me and killing me for no reason at all when I was simply trying to roleplay with them. Also they were just being fans and following me the whole time after telling them multiple times to just leave me alone if they can't stop being weird before killing me.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Good afternoon @Dezi , I hope all is well with you? :)

I think I've served a hefty length of the ban for it to be lifted now.
With all due respect, this is for us to decide. You still broke the rule regardless of how long it's been.

I think I should be unbanned because I was random deathmatched twice within 10-15 minutes
Would you say that because you believe a rule has been broken, this justifies you going ahead and breaking a rule yourself?
Good afternoon @Dezi , I hope all is well with you? :)

With all due respect, this is for us to decide. You still broke the rule regardless of how long it's been.

Would you say that because you believe a rule has been broken, this justifies you going ahead and breaking a rule yourself?

Hello mate, I’m alright thanks for asking, I hope you are doing good yourself.

Ok so of course it doesn’t justify me breaking a rule myself but I’ll be honest with you, being a new player and trying to get into the Server is stressful and certainly a struggle when you’re being consistently harassed by immature kids when you are trying to have some quality roleplay.

I understand two wrongs don’t make a right but it’s not like I revenged rdm or did anything malicious back to these certain individuals, I simply logged off because it was just getting to a point where I couldn’t even enjoy myself when I’m being followed around and baited into being random death matched, especially when it occurred more than once. Yes I shouldn’t have logged off but if you can understand from my point of view of being a new player to this server and these situations happen it just demotivates you to even wanna be around these people hence why I logged off. The ban has been in place for a while and it’s took me some time to even want to make an appeal because I genuinely had my experiences ruined by others. Sorry for breaking the rules, I shouldn’t have logged off but I also hope you can understand why this led to me just getting off the server and not coming back for a long time period.

Best Regards,
So what'll you do if this happens again?
You can make a report after the fact, yes. What’ll you do in the moment it’s happening?
You can make a report after the fact, yes. What’ll you do in the moment it’s happening?
How do you mean? You literally just asked me this and I answered. Why does it feel like you're interrogating me instead of actually assisting me?
So, as the rule break is happening, you're going to... just stop everything dead, and write up a report on the forums whilst everything is going on in the background? I asked you what you'd do in the moment, so if that's what you've chosen - okay.

I'm not going to argue with you on an appeal. Anyone should be able to fathom that these appeals are about making an assessment of your willingness to RP and your knowledge of the rules and how to conduct yourself. If you cannot convince me you know the rules or how to conduct yourself, you won't return.

Accusing me of "interrogating" you I think clearly shows your mindset currently. I cannot assess this appeal without asking you questions. I cannot ask you questions without "interrogating" you which you clearly do not want me to do - we are therefore at an impasse.
