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Unban Appeal - Derrick Erikson - GTA RP

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Derrick Erikson

New member
Unban Appeal for Derrick Erikson 

In-game Name: Derrick Erikson

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198121195847

Ban ID: @@rpuk10692@@

Reason given for your ban: C2.3

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I can't remember the situation perfectly but I will try to explain why I think I was banned. Around the time of the ban my character had become a thief and was looking to steal from vehicles and try to sell what I found. On this particular occasion I remember lockpicking someone's vehicle and them catching me in the act. I cannot remember exactly how but in one way or another he knocked me unconscious/killed me. I think we briefly exchanged words before he ran away somewhere and while he was gone rather than waiting out my time dead I decided to leave the server.

Why should we unban you ?: I hope to be unbanned because while this was a big mistake to make throughout my time being banned I have been gaining more knowledge on RP rules and how to conduct myself in a more appropriate manner. On reflection I can see how the situation could have been avoided and if given another chance I would have a much different approach to RP as a whole. It is completely pointless to combat log as it can only have negative effects on all the parties involved and I am unsure why I thought it was acceptable to do at the time.

If given another chance I would ensure that I would conduct myself in every RP situation appropriately and with the intent of only improving the situation for everyone if possible. It is clear to me that what I did was wrong and after reflecting on the situation I see the stupidity in leaving to avoid having to engage in an RP situation which has resulted in me having an indefinite ban. I don't know my thought process at the time but I had clearly used the wrong judgement and chose to make the wrong decision, something I can assure would never happen again.

During my time being banned I have also explored other FiveM/RedM servers due to my interest in RP and have personally noticed a large improvement in interactions with other players. If I was allowed back on the server I would use some of the experiences I have had elsewhere to help direct my character down a different path and follow the rules as they should be.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Good afternoon @Derrick Erikson

Why instead of waiting out the bleedout timer did you decide to log off in that moment?

Can you quote me the rule you have broken, explain it in your own words and why you think the rule is in place.

I believe the reason I left was out of anger of being downed and for some reason I did not want to wait the 15 minutes. I don't know why I thought this was a good idea because when I look back at the situation I can see numerous ways it affected RP and numerous ways it could have been avoided. I simply cannot understand why I thought it would be acceptable to leave what would have been a very-short interaction and instead receive a permanent ban whilst also completely ruining the other players experience.

'(C2.3 Combat logging)' was the rule I broke. Combat logging is the act of leaving an RP situation that is ongoing by disconnecting. In my situation I was downed by another player on the server and rather than waiting for medic's/police/other citizens or for myself to bleedout I decided to leave the server causing multiple players RP to be impacted. The rule is in place to enhance RP situations and create a much more healthy environment to RP in. If players could leave when something didn't go their way then there would essentially be no chance of having an interesting/fun interaction as it would always be ruined. I understand that this is exactly what I did in this situation and can only apologise and hope you trust that I have learnt from my mistakes and completely understand the negative effects it has on all players involved. 

Not often no but in this instance I reacted poorly which is why I find it hard to understand my thought process. I apologise for the way I acted here and can assure you that this won't happen again, if given another chance I would make sure to behave in a proper manner rather than the way I showed in this specific situation.

What I would personally consider a proper manner would involve me roleplaying my characters injuries whilst unconscious. If the player who downed me decided to dump my body I would wait to respawn and then upon respawning I would lose all knowledge of the situation leading up to my death and this specific scenario would be over. On the other hand if it went a different way and I was revived by a medic, I would correctly roleplay my injuries for a suitable amount of time and engage in RP with the Medic. After this I would wait and think over the situation from my character's POV (criminal mindset) as I would remember the situation leading up to me being put unconscious. I would not use any of the information gained in the time I was unconscious as that is breaking NLR ('Your character retains all knowledge of the time before they are downed.')

@Derrick Erikson

Do you understand why logging out at any time whilst downed is considered combat logging, even if you are left alone or for example or get yourseld downed but are not in active roleplay at the time? If so, explain why you think this is the case.

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Thanks for the reply.

I understand why it is considered combat logging as there is always a chance of RP still taking place in the time I am downed. If I was to down myself and no one was around I still shouldn't leave as at the end of the day it was myself who caused it to happen and I would still have to RP my characters injuries whilst hoping another player finds me. NHS on the server need players that are injured for them to conduct their RP so it is only fair if we wait out the timer as I believe it is in place in hopes of creating further situations that lead on from the initial scenario of going unconcious, which is a good thing in my eyes.

@Derrick Erikson

It is also in place to ensure people don't log out to reset their bleedout timer in an attempt to save their inventory items.

This isnt the first time you have been banned or warned on the server is it?

You were warned on the 27/10/22 for exploiting the drug selling animation also. You also have previous bans and warnings from 2021 aswell. As a long time player of the server I'd expect you to know all of the rules...

How do I know that if I let you back that you wont continue to break rules and end up back here in the unban appeals section?

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I understand that I have made bad mistakes in the past on the server, but can only hope you trust me when I say that I have learnt from my past mistakes and will use the knowledge I have gained during the time of my ban to make sure this never happens again. I'm sorry for the rules I have broken in the past but if given another chance I will show that I have learnt from them. Since my first time joining the server I always had fun, during the time of this ban I joined some other RP communities and realised that I took RPUK for granted as in my opinion it is miles ahead. I believe this is because of your demand for high quality RP and always making sure members of the community follow the rules so that all players can enjoy the server to the best of their ability. This is why if I was given another chance I would not ruin it.

Okay @Derrick Erikson

I am willing to give you another chance today. 

Any rule breaks within 6 months of today will lead you right back here to the appeals section, and it won't be as easy to be unbanned next time.

Don't take it for granted.


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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