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Unban Appeal - Derek Gordon - GTA RP

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Derek Gordon

New member
Unban Appeal for Derek Gordon 

In-game Name: Derek Gordon

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199170881335

Ban ID: C2.3

Reason given for your ban: Combat Log

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: I was parked outside the mechanic driving towards casino and was having texture problems, the only thing I could see was my friend in a helicopter so I told him to pick me up, then I started getting rammed by some police car so I then go onto the motorway end just follow the heli from where I could see it going, I was screaming I cannot see anything please give me a moment, all I could see was the heli landing so I jumped out and then my guy went flying to the floor, I continued shouting I cannot see anything, I then jumped out the car to try get in the heli, as I was approaching the heli my My eyes was just seeing the car falling underground and my character laying and was under the ground, only 10 min before I saw someone driving around in a portable loo so I seemed there was some modding rubbish going on and I proceeded to just restart the FiveM and joined back within 2 minutes as I had to wait as it said my player was still in the server, restarted my pc as I presumed I had so much running it was messing up my textures, when I went back on, I called my friend on the phone, he couldn’t hear me talking so I tried to a few things even went to the police station to find an officer to ask if it was a legit encounter but nobody was there
I have no reports nor do I break any rules intentionally on the server, this is my first ever report and any negative or unfair encounter I may of had with anyone has always been dealt with staff correctly which was only ever once and I spoke with Drex and explained a situation, I’ve put so much hard work into this server it’s the only one I play I wouldn’t do anything intentionally to make that time a waste, It is obviously all a miss understanding and I honestly have just woken up and seen this
Apologise for the absolutely long message but I just wanted to explain what happened on my side and honestly would like you to understand my side and allow me to be un banned, if I have to do 1000 months in prison i will for the inconvenience

Why should we unban you ?: I am a loyal player to the server, it was all a miss understanding, this is the only thing i play literally

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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