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Unban Appeal - DemonicDopie_TTV - GTA RP



Server: GTA RP
Character Name: Yuka Iwabuchi
Steam ID: 76561199258437841
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18716
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: Hello, so I won't lie I had no clue why I was banned due to I didn't understand how I did a G2.9 but after talking to admins in a ticket and a friend hearing my side of that night then seeing someone else appeal it became clear that a person who had given me money in 3 character saying they where leaving the city to a new city ended up coming back later along the road as a "new person to the city" and I tend to donate or buy new people cars for good An act of kindness to new players in the city. I have turned in 2 clips of me receiving money thay day for the same person on 3 characters [it was a funny yet odd situation so I tried to clip as much of it as i could] sadly I can't way for medal so I can't share the link of the video here but it is in a ticket that's still open. I will write everything I said in the ticket in here.

"so in the first clip you see the guy who jumped on me hes the one who sold me the car and then game me my money back {again sadly i did not get a full clip of that but ben wong was there and saw everything unfold} at first i was unsure if i should take it me and ben told him no no why not keep it just incase you fly back in from the new city {he was saying he was moving out of this city into a new one} after he flew out me and ben started chatting and goofing around i bonked him and he talked more then the other guy wearing mosley uniform came up asking for a repair and ben went to do it and he then asked ben for how much it was i said 1700 and ben said nah its free the guy keep saying no no i pay big tips let me pay you and after a bit of back and forth ben then said send it to yuka so i game him my ticket only think it would be like 20k he then sent me 200k so all together at this point i have gotten 400k and 200 of that was my own money given back to me. then in the youtube link you see that same guy comes back on a girl saying she needed a repair at this point i knew it was him and i was trying so hard to keep calm because i was not gonna lie i though it was funny how he came up as i was telling the guy on the bike how 2 brothers {their words not mine and you see in the clip he said he was leaving city with his brother on the second guy} and he came back as the girl she then said "oh no i dont have enough" i then was going to say it was on the house when she then send me 92k saying "im dyslexic is that enough" i then told her that was to much i wanted to give some back but she said no and that her and her brother are leaving city. so after she flew out me and ben stayed at ae for a while while chatting and catching up due to our characters had a rough patch and stop talking for awhile but now we are patching our friendship up and while chatting a guy comes puts a order in says hes new tells us about how he got a car due to a firm guy helping because he didnt have enough so they gave him a discount and he went to us {at ae} to see what he could do at this point in time he only had enough for a plate change to black and yellow then he told us he had a job interview with cops to be a cop so i though let me be nice and donate 200k to help him with his car because thats just how i am with new players who seem nice because i see so many new players struggle due to getting killed left and right for being a Baldie and i think its sad when most baldies are kinda nice
so im assuming the new guy was the same guy but i didn't even notice till now and im so sorry if i had known i would have never sent money to him at all i just do this to help new players because it tends to make them wanna stick around and thats my goal is to show now the city is nice if you give good energy"

As Yuka I am known to help out new baldies who are nice before this night I had bought a car from Clair for a new guy name Eric for 150k then took him to AE and gave him 250k to upgrade the car to help him with his life in the city since he was nice and also came to me through txt asking for answer on how things work or if I can help him. This is just the small things I do to try to help everyone have a good time in this city.
Why should we unban you: Now that I know he was the same person I understand where the confusion is coming from and I do realize that this is not a good thing to do moving forward I will probably stop Donating to new players maybe I'll just stick to driving them to city hall to get their work stuff and buy them a new car and just not send money every again to avoid this mistake from happening again. If I'm let back into RPUK I will take every action to avoid this from ever happening again. Thank you so much for your time and again I'm so sorry for all thos confusion.
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Having spoken to you, it seems your were innocent of any wrong doing here. You just got caught in the middle of someone else's issues. Apologies for the delay while we ran checks!
