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Unban Appeal - DeanoMajinoALT - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Manchester, UK
Unban Appeal for DeanoMajinoALT 

In-game Name: Deano Majino

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199221080925

Ban ID: !!rpuk11616!!

Reason given for your ban: combat log, metagaming

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: the one he said that got me perma'd was the combat log

Why should we unban you ?: Hi, I just want to start this appeal with an apology. I understand that rules are rules, and they must have consequences, especially when streaming and advertising the city to people who may judge it by my actions.
I also just want to say that my actions that night are no way whatsoever a showcase of my character, my friend had joined that night and I was trying to show him that there's fun in RP, as its not for everyone.

With that being said I would like to start here with the combat log. This was, according to the rules you have, a combat log 100%. As I had a good year out of the city since I last read the rules, my understanding
of the combat log rule at the time was that it was only considered a combat log when you leave whilst an ongoing RP scenario was taking place. Like I said earlier I have had the chance to read through the rules again
and now know that when downed you must wait for aid or die no matter the situation. Now id like to just say whatever I had on me was not even worth 0.1% of my items and money, therefore I did not leave to save items.
Also like I said there was no RP scenario going on. That being said its still a rule and I broke it. I just want someone to try to understand being out of the city for so long kind of blurs the understanding of the exact
definition. I think the exact time you said I combat logged was 1:45AM. I would not of benefited in any way shape or form, from leaving. I have never cheated to gain anything and have easily put in 300+ hours into that server
I love it lol. I have lost way more when I had way less. The most I would of had on me would of been a knife. It would be silly of me to break a rule I have full understanding of in front of viewers who know the rules.
This was a genuine mistake and Im genuinely apologising.

Now for the metagaming, this was completely my fault I know that rule as its super simple. I said to my mate that we need to go in game chat, but we were having voice chat issues, and I recall that night there was a
point where voice chat was completely bugged. That being said it was no excuse to break the rule live on stream. If you can look into it at no point and I mean it when I say this, at no point at all was it used to
my advantage. I have many many friends on the server and I can confidently say they will all vouch for me, my RP can be very good and I, before this day, had been on point with my RP. Even getting new people to
join your city and teach them everything, script-wise.

Id like to finish by just asking for a second chance to be apart of the city once again.  as I will be coming back with a completely fresh attitude and
deeper understanding of the rules. The time I put into my character is insane, and it would absolutely wound me to lose it all to something so fixable. Again Im sorry I represented this quality server so terribly as
its the best roleplay server to play. This chance I will not mess it up, I look forward to your reply thank you for taking the time to read, Deano Majino.

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

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These appeals are always the most strange. From this appeal, you gave me the impression you made a mistake and you have taken the time and effort into your appeal to make it the best possible appeal.

Then, i look at your previous warning/bans.. and i just get the impression your a troll, who does not learn from the multiple warning you have had from staff for breaking NLR, going out of character and then i just get the impression your a troll with an audience which has led to your final ban.


Do you think i would take that seriously ^?

How can you convince me you are here to seriously roleplay given the multiple warnings you have already had?

Hiya mate, like i said ive had to face the consequences of this and at the time i had a feeling it wasnt going to go well. It didnt clearly. my apology was for the whole night it was out of order to be fair. the rest of my time was spent doing good roleplay or trying to make money. i understand it may be hard to take me serious now thats completely understandable. id say im pretty good at roleplaying, heres a lil clip. ive spent so many hours rping.


all i can do is apologize mate ive spent endless hours in this server,  the time i spent doing that is a spec compared to my time serious roleplaying. my appeals are well done because i really do love ur server man, its the only place u can roleplay seriously. if u ever grant me another chance i can garauntee u will never see me like the above. it was a mistake. i was unsure of the troll bans from the past, i also wouldnt consider myself a troll because theres a stereotype of that kinda person, but thinking about it now its completely understandable why i am perceived like so. because of this im gonna stick to my main character and just continue the good rp. cheers for ur reply pal.

edit : id just like to say no trolling was done, i think the reason it was classed as trolling was the nudity. at the time we thought it would just be a case of prison time. ive seen some characters in this city so i didnt think this would anger u guys. i now know the boundaries. and would be dumb to even mess around a little bit in the city ever again. watching streams and stuff whilst being away tho makes me realise i am way more serious than the majority of people. i think roleplaying as the above is stupid but at the time i obviously thought it was funny, im only human and can only learn from my mistakes.

i also work at as a car dealer, and doing that i spent soo much time roleplaying.

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How do you think creating these types of characters affects other people's experiences on the server?
What kind of interactions did you have whilst playing the characters displayed in Charles's image?

hi @L1L Thanks for replying, I think that all depends on the roleplay to be fair. I don't think we had to many interactions to be honest. 

At the time we just thought it would be funny, I've seen multiple characters of the same nature just I think the difference would be the nudity. If I were to encounter someone I would of used her name and roleplayed as her, but I really don't remember any scenarios that we had with her as its been a month and a half since that day now. Its not something I tend to roleplay as so I wont be doing it again. Been in the city for endless hours this really was a first.

I'm not entirely convinced unbanning you is going to be worthwhile and a benefit to the community, but I'm willing to give it a go with a few conditions. 

All characters but one will be deleted. 

The one remaining character will be wiped entirely and you will start fresh. 

You are not to create another character unless you have an actual storyline to go with it and it cannot be a temporary throw away character, it has to be a serious character that you actually try to roleplay on. 

Do you agree?

If so, what character out of the ones listed below do you want to keep?

Mike Nolam

Deano Majino

Lewis Maddocks

Lyshoh Harrop

The character "Lyshoh Harrop" will receive a forced name change.

yh but pal, i have sat there for 300+ hours roleplaying and earning money, accumilated about 7 8 mill from endless hours. i had one bad night been banned for a month and 3 weeks. apologized sincerely and im getting wiped? do u not feel me bro like this feels a bit unfair. i dont mind losing the three and keeping deano majino but id need my stuff, i never cheated for my money i put so much time in mate it would genuinely wound me bro, i cant even tell u enough. im sorry for the mistakes i made but dont you think thats a bit crazy? i put in genuine hours and helped so many players, the only mistake with the woman was the nudity i still roleplayed. look at my hours ive obviously been roleplaying mate is there no way u can ask people? like genuinely i roleplay a lot

deano majino is well known in game honestly im not a troll use just think i am cause i was being dumb for 1 night, do i not get a chance to prove myself like most people do? trust me i will, we all make mistakes as people, i dont beleive this is neccesarry let me have 1 chance to prove myself

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You have two options; 

Option 1) Accept the conditions above 

Option 2) Decline the conditions above and remain banned. 

We're not here to debate or negotiate. If you troll with characters, combat log numerous times, talk OOC ingame as if you're on discord and just simply trolling you'll face the consequences. 

If you're actually here to roleplay, now is your time to prove it. 

What'd you say? 

option 1, id like to keep deano majino

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Very well, this has been requested and will be done in due course. 

Please remain patient. You'll be informed here once the process has been done and you've been unbanned.

Unban Issued - Please remember your conditions. if you breach them in anyway chances of you getting another chance like this one are slim to none. 

Don't mess it up. 


Welcome Back!

Now that you’ve been unbanned don’t forget to give our rules a thorough read over again here.

Please note unbans on the server are instant and you will be able to connect straight away.

Additionally, to get more involved with the community join our Steam Group and Discord!

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