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Unban Appeal - Deanomajino - GTA RP

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manchester uk
Unban Appeal for Deanomajino 

In-game Name: Deano Majino

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561199221080925

Ban ID: !!rpuk11616!!

Reason given for your ban: c2.3 g3.1 g1.6 c1.10

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Hi, i have a rough understanding, i sometimes struggle with the script. i just read the last rule it says combat logging? i genuinely am a good sport, lost alot of shit and never once combat logged to keep it. not saying u guys are wrong just i would like to see if possible when that happened. the g1.6 made me wonder also? i only know 1 guy in the server and hes never really around, but yesterday he was so perhaps it may of looked a certain way? idk but we have 0 issues between each other and if we did we wouldnt fight about it on gta lol we train together. for a summary, i understand i was being reckless yesterday, so i understand i may of fucked up im only human and all i can do is promise it wont happen again.

Why should we unban you ?: Well i believe i bring a good rp experience, on my main guy, and plus the time i put into it would make me a fool to ever make theese mistakes again. i geunuinley love what use have done with this server and am asking for forgiveness and a summary of exactly what it was. am also willing to accept responsibility for my actions. thank you rpuk use r mint

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

Since you have two appeals open and the other one has more effort, I'll go ahead and move this one to the denied section to prevent having multiple appeals open. Also just a reminder you are able to edit the post should you need to amend them, Saves making multiple 🙂 

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