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Unban Appeal - dan497 - GTA RP

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Unban Appeal for dan497 

In-game Name: Dan morrs

Server: GTA RP

Steam ID: 76561198105731830

Ban ID: !!rpuk13359!!

Reason given for your ban: G2.9 C2.2 G3.5

In your own words, please type why you think you were banned.: Sending start of character money to one character

Why should we unban you ?: I’m trying to play a as part as a motorcycle club that I am starting from the ground up I’ve been playing and putting many hours into your server. I understand I’ve broke the rules and the actions and consequences should be given but not a band. I’ve been working hard in the community on your server. I’m getting myself out there are. I am trying to get a base down for an MC. I’ve been running around doing business transactions with many players and making many little deals here and there. I’ve also been helping out most players that I see and try and get people on their feet. I really enjoy playing the server and I have made a lot of friends within the server. I’m generally just looking for the opportunity to continue playing and play that within the rules and go back to role-playing within the community, and sticking to what I was doing in the first place, not breaking any rules and living life on the edge as a biker/criminal. I would be really grateful if I could get a second opportunity to play and be a part of your community. Thanks

Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes

So you decided to transfer money between characters for this said MC...? 
How would an X character know where Z character put down a box of money, when those characters never met each other, and let's be honest, never would meet each other. 
Do you usually want to min-max your way through the "easy" "victory"?

You didn't know this would get you banned? Have you read our rules at any point at all? 
Even now have you read them?

That comment alone, makes me want to deny this appeal. 

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yes i have gone over the rules now an i see i have done wrong i understand that i should never of done it. i am sorry and was very silly for doing it. i worked hard to get the money i have and been working on my mc as well. i really do like this server and look to be apart of it again if i am allowed to join back and be apart of the server. i will willing to take any punishment that you see fit. i will never break the rules again 

I’ve broke the rules and the actions and consequences should be given but not a ban
This is the only sentence in your appeal that has any weight to it. A counter weight, but nonetheless. Quite frankly - you cheated. And this sentence shows exactly what your mindset is about it... "it´s bad, but not that bad". Well, we see it differently. You showed no regard for our rules so I don´t see why I should show regard for your wishes and what you have done prior to blatantly cheating our system. 

You can take a time out and try again after 17/09/2023.

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