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Unban Appeal - courts - GTA RP

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Server: GTA RP
Character Name: sophie may
Steam ID: 76561199753198285
Ban ID (just the numbers): 18653
Ban Reason: G2.9
Why do you think you were banned: The reason i was banned because i was transferring item's/cash between different character's, trying to take advantage over other players.
Why should we unban you: since being banned i have made sure to read through all the rules and made sure i understand what i did was wrong, i promise this occurrence will not occur from me again.
i really don't know what i was thinking but it defiantly aint worth the ban that comes with it. if i knew i wouldn't have gotten away with it then i would have never of done it. it was me being silly thinking id be fine.
i acknowledge what i did was totally wrong and uncalled for.
im devastated not being able to join this amazing community, this server really is the best server out there and would love a second chance to come back.
im new to fivem and have only played for just over a month, i know that's not a excuse for what i done but i genuinely didn't know half the rules when i first started. but i have formularised myself with them now.
if your willing to give me another chance im happy to start off again with everything being wiped and starting fresh.
would love a second chance to come back:)
Please confirm that you have read the unban appeal process and rules: Yes
Hello @courts , I hope all is well! :)

Even if you hadn't read half of the server rules at the time of joining, did you not see that it's not an intentional feature of the game for players to be transferring items between characters?
Surely if this was allowed, we'd have a bunch of billionaires overnight? This rule break could potentially break our economy which is why it's in place.
Hello @courts , I hope all is well! :)

Even if you hadn't read half of the server rules at the time of joining, did you not see that it's not an intentional feature of the game for players to be transferring items between characters?
Surely if this was allowed, we'd have a bunch of billionaires overnight? This rule break could potentially break our economy which is why it's in place.
I’m good Thankyou I hope you’re okay.
Thankyou for taking the time to reply!

I do understand that if what I did was allowed it would cause a lot of trouble for every moderator of a server. As I was reading through the server rules I only had a quick glance so I didn't fully understand it all but looking at the rules again I have realised just how damaging it can be to a servers economy.
If I was allowed to join back I would insure that I don’t make the same mistake again.

Again thanks for taking the time to reply.
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

I'd like to know what your overall purpose on RPUK is?
Essentially, what you've displayed so far is a mentality of a player looking for a quick win and has attempted to gain an advantage over others by breaking rules during that process.

We're looking for players in this community who are here strictly for the roleplay, and to provide high quality roleplay... Not gain a quick bit of money / items.
Good morning, thanks for the response! :)

I'd like to know what your overall purpose on RPUK is?
Essentially, what you've displayed so far is a mentality of a player looking for a quick win and has attempted to gain an advantage over others by breaking rules during that process.

We're looking for players in this community who are here strictly for the roleplay, and to provide high quality roleplay... Not gain a quick bit of money / items.
Thankyou for taking the time to look at my appeal and respond, I very much appreciate it. Hope your doing good:)

I do believe i can bring good rp to the server and get a good storyline going, again as I've said before this is a good server with such a good community to be apart off.
the time i joined i was fresh and didn't have much experience at all, but now have been playing most days I've started getting the hang of things.
I understand how I've made myself look, but i genuinely didn't mean to come across that way.

If im lucky enough to get brought back into the city i would bring a fresh new character with a good backstory to provide the roleplay this server is looking for,

I really do hope one day i can gain the trust back to be able to join RPUK again.

Thankyou for responding.
Good morning @courts , thanks for the response.

if i knew i wouldn't have gotten away with it then i would have never of done it.
You say that you didn't know this was a rule yet in this sentence you're saying you wouldn't have done it if you knew you could get away with it.
It seems from this statement that you did indeed know these rules were in place, either way, how can you assure me that if I allow you back into this community it wouldn't be a waste of time?

Surely I'd be running the risk of you breaking further rules down the line because you believe you wouldn't get caught in the process.
Good morning @courts , thanks for the response.

You say that you didn't know this was a rule yet in this sentence you're saying you wouldn't have done it if you knew you could get away with it.
It seems from this statement that you did indeed know these rules were in place, either way, how can you assure me that if I allow you back into this community it wouldn't be a waste of time?

Surely I'd be running the risk of you breaking further rules down the line because you believe you wouldn't get caught in the process.
What i meant by that is I did hear from people that doing what I done would end in a permanent ban, but as I said I wasn’t thinking and was being completely ignorant and went on and done it. I’m not going to try and make myself look better when I know I’ve done wrong I admit what I’ve done is completely uncalled for and I don’t judge you at all for thinking it would be a waste of time letting me back to RPUK. But I can guarantee I would never do nothing like this ever again, I’ve learned from my mistakes and will bring nothing but good rp to your server.
All I’m asking for is just one last chance to let me prove to you that you can trust me. This server is one in a million, I won’t do anything to jeopardise my chance being in this amazing community.

Again I really do hope I can gain your trust, I will do anything to be able to get back to RPUK.

Thankyou for taking the time to read and respond to this appeal, I do appreciate it.
Thanks for the detailed response!

Given the rule that has been broken IF you are to be unbanned then it would come with the following conditions;

You have 2 characters (Sophie May & Court Jeanette), you may pick one of these to keep who will receive a full character wipe (Cash, Inventory, Vehicles, Houses, Shops etc) however they would keep their contacts and memories.
The other character will be permanently deleted, do you agree to these conditions and if so which character would you like to keep?

I’ve learned from my mistakes and will bring nothing but good rp to your server.
All I’m asking for is just one last chance to let me prove to you that you can trust me.
What you've displayed so far is a bit of a win/loss mentality, we are looking for serious roleplayers here who can provide high quality roleplay scenarios.
Players who are looking to gain advantage over others breaking rules in the process are not the kind we would like here.

You say you'd bring noting but good roleplay to this server, do you have any examples you could give? What kind of character(s) would you be looking to play here?
Thanks for the detailed response!

Given the rule that has been broken IF you are to be unbanned then it would come with the following conditions;

You have 2 characters (Sophie May & Court Jeanette), you may pick one of these to keep who will receive a full character wipe (Cash, Inventory, Vehicles, Houses, Shops etc) however they would keep their contacts and memories.
The other character will be permanently deleted, do you agree to these conditions and if so which character would you like to keep?

What you've displayed so far is a bit of a win/loss mentality, we are looking for serious roleplayers here who can provide high quality roleplay scenarios.
Players who are looking to gain advantage over others breaking rules in the process are not the kind we would like here.

You say you'd bring noting but good roleplay to this server, do you have any examples you could give? What kind of character(s) would you be looking to play here?
Yes that is absolutely fine, like I said I will do anything to be able to get back in the server.
I would like to keep Sophie may if possible. Or even if you was to completely wipe both characters I will be happy with making a fresh.

I totally understand and agree with everything you’ve said, my character would be mainly focusing on jobs etc, trying new jobs out making money to hopefully become a business owner at some point down the line, make contacts with people in the city to not only make friends but to potentially get into the business side of things within the community. My character would be doing nothing but legal work.

Thankyou for again responding and helping me with my appeal.
Hello @courts ,

I can either keep Sophie May for you or if you'd like to request a completely fresh start then I am happy to process this for you. Please do let me know.

I totally understand and agree with everything you’ve said, my character would be mainly focusing on jobs etc, trying new jobs out making money to hopefully become a business owner at some point down the line, make contacts with people in the city to not only make friends but to potentially get into the business side of things within the community. My character would be doing nothing but legal work.
Are you new to roleplay overall, or just new to RPUK?
Hello @courts ,

I can either keep Sophie May for you or if you'd like to request a completely fresh start then I am happy to process this for you. Please do let me know.

Are you new to roleplay overall, or just new to RPUK?
thankyou for responding! i hope your well. id be happy to completely start off fresh if that's okay, yes i am new to roleplay been playing roughly 5 weeks.
Good evening @courts ,

I've gone ahead and processed this for you. Your account has been completely wiped so upon joining you'll need to create a character again.
Given the above, I'm willing to give you another chance on the server however you need to prioritise the roleplay here rather than attempting to gain an advantage over others.

Any ban you receive within the next 6 months will be a permanent as per the FBS. Please don't waste the chance.

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